Budget kompstol.

If you want to reshuffle, but no money.
Yes, and do not grow out of the hands of the F ...
Alteration of there.
Do not sfotal beginning, the table was something like this:

Will 11 ph

1 parses

2 The top shelf is already secured.

3 of these pieces and will collect.

4 And this is my Preelest, box with samorezikami.

5 bracket is not enough, and creativity stuhli.
I went bought a beer, and small things captured in the household goods.
2 pieces with third pictures are converted, to change into an ...

6 shelf column for

7 Remains perfectly dock and turn into a continuation of the middle shelf

8 gradually moves up the table

9 throws of stuff, a computer, printer, etc.

10 Pre-final appearance.

Posted in [mergetime] 1358773161 [/ mergetime]
Yeah cost 178 rubles for arms, everything else was home.
