Hello, police ?! Police?!
Three unidentified men beat feet the car resident of Omsk, which did not let in a number of silver "Mercedes", ahead of him on the "oncoming" at a railway crossing. The incident took driver on your DVR.
The incident occurred on the street in Omsk 3rd Departure February 2. The man behind the wheel of a foreign car did not let in a number overtook his car, whose owner was offended and blocked his passage. On the other two sides backed two cars "Mercedes". Left out of these people in the form of obscene demanded from Omsk to leave the car, but he did not wait for the development of events and tried to leave. As a result, the three men began to put on the car body kicks.
The incident occurred on the street in Omsk 3rd Departure February 2. The man behind the wheel of a foreign car did not let in a number overtook his car, whose owner was offended and blocked his passage. On the other two sides backed two cars "Mercedes". Left out of these people in the form of obscene demanded from Omsk to leave the car, but he did not wait for the development of events and tried to leave. As a result, the three men began to put on the car body kicks.
