T-72: military fate of the soldier steel
For the first "old" T-72, I met at the site "White puddle." Exactly military orders we are part of motorized infantry platoon advanced on educational opponent. To support the infantry we were given tank. The smell of diesel, gnashing of steel tracks, clouds of dust behind could not leave anyone indifferent. Queue wanting to be a couple of hours a tank commander and feel smooth running brainchild Ural masters and the wind whipping in the face with an open hatch in the headphones to hear the voice of the driver: "Short! .. Come on!" - Became longer. Next to this track fighting vehicle BMP-2 seemed a little one ...
Thousand tank battalions
Did you know that almost half a century ago, the T-72 is still the main fighting machine as part of armored troops in dozens of countries? In addition, many of them have developed their own modernization programs that allow "seventy-two" remain in the same ranks with modern machines.
The development of the T-72 began in 1967. Of Nizhny Tagil "Uralvagonzavod" has been entrusted with the task to create two versions of the T-64 with engine B-2 ("Object 173") and an automatic loading mechanism and fan cooling system ("Object 172"). As a result of years of tests in 1968-1969, it was found that both samples are able to perform combat missions in difficult conditions. However, preference was given to a promising second sample.
In November 1969, it was set up pilot modification of the "object 172M." These machines were installed in the engine-capacity of 46 573 kW (780 hp..) And chassis of the new design. As a result, August 7, 1973 a joint decree of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers №554-172 tank T-72 was adopted by the Soviet Army. In the period from 1974 to 1992 on the "Uralvagonzavod" was released about 30 thousand. Tanks. That should be enough for completing thousands (!) Of tank battalions. Agree, impressive!
Dolly Parton originally from the USSR ...
Now T-72 continues to be the most widespread production tank in the world. In total, according to some sources, armed with various countries today it is about 25 thousand. Tanks. Most of the Ural military vehicles in the country, in Russia, more than 2 thousand. Units is in service with the Russian army and nearly 8 thousand. Is stored. In Russia, "seventy-two" upgrade and modify - more than two dozen different fighting machines created on its base. Foreign Affairs weapon masters do not lag behind the Russians: in Ukraine, created the seven versions of the Ural tank, two modifications in Kazakhstan, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland, one - in Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Israel and India.
About a thousand T-72 of various modifications are serving in Ukraine. But in Sierra Leone, with a population of more than 5 million people and the number of the army about 13 thousand. Soldiers in service consists of only two tanks. And they delivered from Ukraine via Poland in 1995.
Interesting fact: more than 80 Russian tanks are located in the US, where they are studied and compared with a similar American-made appliances. By the way, even in the United States came up with the nickname of the legendary tank - Super Dolly Parton. The Americans have noticed the similarity of the round tower "seventy-two" curvaceous singer and actress Dolly Parton.
The first T-72 "smelled gunpowder" in the Lebanon War 1982 in the Bekaa Valley. After this fight in the US media published a series of photos and video of the desert, littered with padded Soviet tanks. Staffing, one more beautiful than the other, close-up showed holes in buildings "seventy-two". This single tank M60A1 American production, the armament of the Israeli army, has not been demonstrated.
In fact, reporters were filming just one Soviet tank that was hit just to the enemy could not take possession of them. Other steel fortress of Soviet-made quietly resting after the fight.
Why do this? The answer is simple: well-proven 40-ton Ural monster could be a serious threat to American goods in the Middle East arms market. That had the US "PR" own technique, so as not to lose a niche in this lucrative business!

Thousand tank battalions
Did you know that almost half a century ago, the T-72 is still the main fighting machine as part of armored troops in dozens of countries? In addition, many of them have developed their own modernization programs that allow "seventy-two" remain in the same ranks with modern machines.

The development of the T-72 began in 1967. Of Nizhny Tagil "Uralvagonzavod" has been entrusted with the task to create two versions of the T-64 with engine B-2 ("Object 173") and an automatic loading mechanism and fan cooling system ("Object 172"). As a result of years of tests in 1968-1969, it was found that both samples are able to perform combat missions in difficult conditions. However, preference was given to a promising second sample.

In November 1969, it was set up pilot modification of the "object 172M." These machines were installed in the engine-capacity of 46 573 kW (780 hp..) And chassis of the new design. As a result, August 7, 1973 a joint decree of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers №554-172 tank T-72 was adopted by the Soviet Army. In the period from 1974 to 1992 on the "Uralvagonzavod" was released about 30 thousand. Tanks. That should be enough for completing thousands (!) Of tank battalions. Agree, impressive!

Dolly Parton originally from the USSR ...
Now T-72 continues to be the most widespread production tank in the world. In total, according to some sources, armed with various countries today it is about 25 thousand. Tanks. Most of the Ural military vehicles in the country, in Russia, more than 2 thousand. Units is in service with the Russian army and nearly 8 thousand. Is stored. In Russia, "seventy-two" upgrade and modify - more than two dozen different fighting machines created on its base. Foreign Affairs weapon masters do not lag behind the Russians: in Ukraine, created the seven versions of the Ural tank, two modifications in Kazakhstan, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland, one - in Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Israel and India.
About a thousand T-72 of various modifications are serving in Ukraine. But in Sierra Leone, with a population of more than 5 million people and the number of the army about 13 thousand. Soldiers in service consists of only two tanks. And they delivered from Ukraine via Poland in 1995.

Interesting fact: more than 80 Russian tanks are located in the US, where they are studied and compared with a similar American-made appliances. By the way, even in the United States came up with the nickname of the legendary tank - Super Dolly Parton. The Americans have noticed the similarity of the round tower "seventy-two" curvaceous singer and actress Dolly Parton.

The first T-72 "smelled gunpowder" in the Lebanon War 1982 in the Bekaa Valley. After this fight in the US media published a series of photos and video of the desert, littered with padded Soviet tanks. Staffing, one more beautiful than the other, close-up showed holes in buildings "seventy-two". This single tank M60A1 American production, the armament of the Israeli army, has not been demonstrated.

In fact, reporters were filming just one Soviet tank that was hit just to the enemy could not take possession of them. Other steel fortress of Soviet-made quietly resting after the fight.

Why do this? The answer is simple: well-proven 40-ton Ural monster could be a serious threat to American goods in the Middle East arms market. That had the US "PR" own technique, so as not to lose a niche in this lucrative business!
