Azarov boasts a salary Ukrainians
Mykola Azarov does not understand why Ukrainians are dissatisfied with the level of his life, because all the figures are rising.
Prime Minister Mykola Azarov considers it a great achievement that the therapist with a decade of experience in Ukraine received 2 thousand 533 UAH.
He stated this on Tuesday during a meeting with reporters on the First National Channel.
Talking about improvements, which reached a government under his leadership, he said:
"A therapist with a decade of experience of Ivano-Frankivsk 1000 earned 55 hryvnia, and now her monthly salary for the same month in 2013 is 2000 533 hryvnia».
According to Azarov, the tariffs for housing services remained unchanged in recent years.
"How, for example, our people pay on average for gas, and how much to pay the people of neighboring countries? This does not mean the opposition and the media. Our average citizen pays for the gas to 750 hryvnia per 1,000 cubic meters, "- said Azarov.
In the words of the Prime Minister, and the Russians, and Belarusians are paying a lot more for gas.
In addition Azarov said that in Sweden pay for gas 20 times more than in Ukraine. However, Azarov said nothing about the fact that the average wage in Sweden is higher than in Ukraine.
PS from me: in the Ukraine and employees of nuclear power plants get about the same amount, and other businesses so I did not say anything ... so that the sad thing is that the prices of products as we have in Russia ...
Prime Minister Mykola Azarov considers it a great achievement that the therapist with a decade of experience in Ukraine received 2 thousand 533 UAH.
He stated this on Tuesday during a meeting with reporters on the First National Channel.
Talking about improvements, which reached a government under his leadership, he said:
"A therapist with a decade of experience of Ivano-Frankivsk 1000 earned 55 hryvnia, and now her monthly salary for the same month in 2013 is 2000 533 hryvnia».
According to Azarov, the tariffs for housing services remained unchanged in recent years.
"How, for example, our people pay on average for gas, and how much to pay the people of neighboring countries? This does not mean the opposition and the media. Our average citizen pays for the gas to 750 hryvnia per 1,000 cubic meters, "- said Azarov.
In the words of the Prime Minister, and the Russians, and Belarusians are paying a lot more for gas.
In addition Azarov said that in Sweden pay for gas 20 times more than in Ukraine. However, Azarov said nothing about the fact that the average wage in Sweden is higher than in Ukraine.
PS from me: in the Ukraine and employees of nuclear power plants get about the same amount, and other businesses so I did not say anything ... so that the sad thing is that the prices of products as we have in Russia ...
