Hardcore in the St. Petersburg. Factory "Red Triangle"
Once it was the first in Russia factory of rubber products, and today one of the oldest industrial enterprises of St. Petersburg.
At one time the plant was a real monster for the production of rubber galoshes, competition which broke even English company «Mackintosh», which has built its plant there and then sell it after eight years.
Today it is a gigantic fact abandoned factory with a lot of gloomy streets, dead ends ... and removing the premises of various companies here, signs of which are making a real dissonance in the surrounding reality.
Among these dark sooty walls and shattered windows you can see the signs of wholesale shops of Italian fashion clothing, buy animal feed or for all your bathroom and find veers between structural collapse Bentley ...
44 photos via aquatek-filips
2. The factory "Red Triangle", once to specialize in the production of rubber products, Located on the waterfront Bypass Canal in St. Petersburg.
The huge red brick building with broken windows stretched along the waterfront for many hundreds of meters. But once it was a real industrial monster.
Its history began in 1859, when arrived in St. Petersburg merchant Krauzkopf Ferdinand, decided to create in Russia a plant rubber, which was to bring high returns.
The plant was built quickly called it "Triangle" and then immediately went full speed. It produces various rubber products - pulleys and belts, pump sleeves and, of course, rubber overshoes. Soon, the factory started to export their products, and not only the whole of Russia, but also the whole of Europe went to the St. Petersburg company galoshes.
It is interesting to explain the choice of name. It corresponds to a trademark. As I explained Ferdinand Krauzkopf, in a sign of the company Triangle - most importantly, the conspicuous illiterate buyer. The basic principles of modern branding and worked in the 19th century.
Red "Triangle" was renamed after the revolution in honor of the fifth anniversary of the October Revolution.
3. In the Soviet period, the rapid growth of the plant continued. Leading experts were sent on missions to Europe and the United States for the development of overseas experience. Implement new technological processes of technical re-occurred. And inspired by the plan of rebuilding the country after the victory in the Great Patriotic War, people enthusiastically looking for internal reserves to fulfill ambitious goals. A huge army of inventors, innovators and innovators served thousands of rationalization proposals.
Apogee Soviet galoshes came in the 50-60s: Let men's, women's, boys ', girls' and children's boots and galoshes; with strap and without; type sandals and chuni. But soon the rubber boots are out of fashion and began to settle in stores and warehouses. "Triangle" surrendered its leading position and market reforms have resulted in 90 already weak enterprise to the inevitable bankruptcy.
Sales department nailed boards, workers returned to their homes, and the factory began to turn into a crumbling brick monster, in whose territory we can safely make films about the war - for this there are all conditions - the whole dilapidated quarters and workshops.
4. To begin a tour of the area. Landscapes are just marvelous.
5. Currently, part of the premises leased for various manufacturing, warehouses, wholesale stores and offices. According to people working here, on weekdays parking on site packed with cars.
6. Plastic windows in these walls seem strange to say the least ...
7. ... especially if you look around.
8. Windows comfortable offices ...
9. Terrace ...
10. Is not the scenery ready for a film about the Battle of Stalingrad, for example?
11. The system of air conditioning and ventilation in the backyard of one of the buildings ...
12. The three-headed snakes
13. Someone obviously liked to watch TV. And he could not survive the defeat of a favorite football team ...
14. Glamorous necklace
15. cozy patio
16. Where do you buy your furniture?)
17. Good Girl accompanies you with their eyes and silent
18. Pure white snow
19. Wellcome the Hell
20. Love does not live here anymore
21. Do not want to show room? Interestingly, in some boutiques of St. Petersburg deliver clothes here ...
22. Once broken English Russian Triangle Macintosh ... Coaches owners of both plants)
23. Severe locals
24. Flowers for the dog or the owner of a local cement center?
25. In the dining room does not want to?
26. Corner Taya in Peter
27. Stoves, fireplaces and chimneys. Ominously. Association once a crematorium
28. Yet there is a "Bountiful»
29. Security guards plant
30. goods for every taste.
31. Local Brand Wall
32. I would know where to paint your bike ...
33. Cry from the heart ...
34. Do you still buy the plumbing in specialized stores? Forget about them and go to us) If anything, there is fodder.
35. Take a quest through the corridors and fall into the Quick Line Logistics. Bureau descendants of Ivan Susanin)
36. Here Susanin staff ...
37. Go ahead, deep
38. Pitertsy so severe that new shoes will not wear
39. Another shoe boutique
40. Corner astonishing silence.
43. Those are the sellers of fodder?
44. cautionary label or logo of the cartoon series of the future for the children who will be here to shoot?
Who knows ...
At one time the plant was a real monster for the production of rubber galoshes, competition which broke even English company «Mackintosh», which has built its plant there and then sell it after eight years.
Today it is a gigantic fact abandoned factory with a lot of gloomy streets, dead ends ... and removing the premises of various companies here, signs of which are making a real dissonance in the surrounding reality.
Among these dark sooty walls and shattered windows you can see the signs of wholesale shops of Italian fashion clothing, buy animal feed or for all your bathroom and find veers between structural collapse Bentley ...
44 photos via aquatek-filips

2. The factory "Red Triangle", once to specialize in the production of rubber products, Located on the waterfront Bypass Canal in St. Petersburg.
The huge red brick building with broken windows stretched along the waterfront for many hundreds of meters. But once it was a real industrial monster.
Its history began in 1859, when arrived in St. Petersburg merchant Krauzkopf Ferdinand, decided to create in Russia a plant rubber, which was to bring high returns.
The plant was built quickly called it "Triangle" and then immediately went full speed. It produces various rubber products - pulleys and belts, pump sleeves and, of course, rubber overshoes. Soon, the factory started to export their products, and not only the whole of Russia, but also the whole of Europe went to the St. Petersburg company galoshes.
It is interesting to explain the choice of name. It corresponds to a trademark. As I explained Ferdinand Krauzkopf, in a sign of the company Triangle - most importantly, the conspicuous illiterate buyer. The basic principles of modern branding and worked in the 19th century.
Red "Triangle" was renamed after the revolution in honor of the fifth anniversary of the October Revolution.

3. In the Soviet period, the rapid growth of the plant continued. Leading experts were sent on missions to Europe and the United States for the development of overseas experience. Implement new technological processes of technical re-occurred. And inspired by the plan of rebuilding the country after the victory in the Great Patriotic War, people enthusiastically looking for internal reserves to fulfill ambitious goals. A huge army of inventors, innovators and innovators served thousands of rationalization proposals.
Apogee Soviet galoshes came in the 50-60s: Let men's, women's, boys ', girls' and children's boots and galoshes; with strap and without; type sandals and chuni. But soon the rubber boots are out of fashion and began to settle in stores and warehouses. "Triangle" surrendered its leading position and market reforms have resulted in 90 already weak enterprise to the inevitable bankruptcy.
Sales department nailed boards, workers returned to their homes, and the factory began to turn into a crumbling brick monster, in whose territory we can safely make films about the war - for this there are all conditions - the whole dilapidated quarters and workshops.

4. To begin a tour of the area. Landscapes are just marvelous.

5. Currently, part of the premises leased for various manufacturing, warehouses, wholesale stores and offices. According to people working here, on weekdays parking on site packed with cars.

6. Plastic windows in these walls seem strange to say the least ...

7. ... especially if you look around.

8. Windows comfortable offices ...

9. Terrace ...

10. Is not the scenery ready for a film about the Battle of Stalingrad, for example?

11. The system of air conditioning and ventilation in the backyard of one of the buildings ...

12. The three-headed snakes

13. Someone obviously liked to watch TV. And he could not survive the defeat of a favorite football team ...

14. Glamorous necklace

15. cozy patio

16. Where do you buy your furniture?)

17. Good Girl accompanies you with their eyes and silent

18. Pure white snow

19. Wellcome the Hell

20. Love does not live here anymore

21. Do not want to show room? Interestingly, in some boutiques of St. Petersburg deliver clothes here ...

22. Once broken English Russian Triangle Macintosh ... Coaches owners of both plants)

23. Severe locals

24. Flowers for the dog or the owner of a local cement center?

25. In the dining room does not want to?

26. Corner Taya in Peter

27. Stoves, fireplaces and chimneys. Ominously. Association once a crematorium

28. Yet there is a "Bountiful»

29. Security guards plant

30. goods for every taste.

31. Local Brand Wall

32. I would know where to paint your bike ...

33. Cry from the heart ...

34. Do you still buy the plumbing in specialized stores? Forget about them and go to us) If anything, there is fodder.

35. Take a quest through the corridors and fall into the Quick Line Logistics. Bureau descendants of Ivan Susanin)

36. Here Susanin staff ...

37. Go ahead, deep

38. Pitertsy so severe that new shoes will not wear

39. Another shoe boutique

40. Corner astonishing silence.



43. Those are the sellers of fodder?

44. cautionary label or logo of the cartoon series of the future for the children who will be here to shoot?
Who knows ...
