Permian went to serve in the army
Will 4 photos and text.
23-year-old Yulia Pankova for her boyfriend and put on a blue beret and parachute jumps
Cute little girl in a strict dress on her high heels, came to the assembly point of the Perm Region, to obtain military documents. And after a few hours the train took 23-year-old Julia Permian Pankov to Tula, where she will serve with a favorite in the Airborne.
Do not part with your beloved.
- We met through mutual friends - said Julia. - He immediately liked me, so serious. Sasha - paratrooper, is under contract to the Airborne.
Somehow Sasha came home on leave, in the Perm region, and in the park on a bench he made Julia "offer" "Come with me to Tula, and?»
And in part, it turned out, there is a vacancy - a nurse. Julia, who graduated from medical school and worked for two years in the hospital, the place seemed suitable.
In December 2012 it has already received a job offer from the part. She immediately turned to the military commissariat, began collecting documents to pass a medical examination, to collect references, recommendations.
02.Yulya passed a medical examination.
Sporting regulations are not afraid
- Fiznormativy were given easy for me, because I used to play volleyball, boxing, - Julia surprised. Stometrovku girl broke 14 seconds (the maximum allowed - 19, 5 seconds). At kilometer distance is also kept within the norm.
Captain Eugene Razbaev told us that very successfully passed the test subject and psychological testing.
- The test checks the level of education is not, and human cognitive abilities, intelligence, logic, - lists Captain Razbaev. - And most importantly - a test for the sincerity with "lie scale". The army needs only sincere people.
03.Voennaya service - it is not only these men, but real women!
23-year-old Yulia Pankova for her boyfriend and put on a blue beret and parachute jumps
Cute little girl in a strict dress on her high heels, came to the assembly point of the Perm Region, to obtain military documents. And after a few hours the train took 23-year-old Julia Permian Pankov to Tula, where she will serve with a favorite in the Airborne.
Do not part with your beloved.
- We met through mutual friends - said Julia. - He immediately liked me, so serious. Sasha - paratrooper, is under contract to the Airborne.
Somehow Sasha came home on leave, in the Perm region, and in the park on a bench he made Julia "offer" "Come with me to Tula, and?»
And in part, it turned out, there is a vacancy - a nurse. Julia, who graduated from medical school and worked for two years in the hospital, the place seemed suitable.
In December 2012 it has already received a job offer from the part. She immediately turned to the military commissariat, began collecting documents to pass a medical examination, to collect references, recommendations.
02.Yulya passed a medical examination.
Sporting regulations are not afraid
- Fiznormativy were given easy for me, because I used to play volleyball, boxing, - Julia surprised. Stometrovku girl broke 14 seconds (the maximum allowed - 19, 5 seconds). At kilometer distance is also kept within the norm.
Captain Eugene Razbaev told us that very successfully passed the test subject and psychological testing.
- The test checks the level of education is not, and human cognitive abilities, intelligence, logic, - lists Captain Razbaev. - And most importantly - a test for the sincerity with "lie scale". The army needs only sincere people.
03.Voennaya service - it is not only these men, but real women!