Briefs for smartphone ...
Have you ever occur to you that your phone - naked? But the Japanese are thinking, apparently, so haunted, that they invented ... cowards smartphone. In fact, if the various cases considered outerwear, it is logical for them to have underwear! The Japanese manufacturer of toys and video games released a series of mini-pant for smartphones of different colors.
Among the models SmartPants there thongs and thongs and shorts, but they protected the most, I think, dear - the "House." Couple SmartPants will cost slightly more than $ 2. And, according to recent data, the Japanese have bought up the entire stock of intimate accessories ...
Among the models SmartPants there thongs and thongs and shorts, but they protected the most, I think, dear - the "House." Couple SmartPants will cost slightly more than $ 2. And, according to recent data, the Japanese have bought up the entire stock of intimate accessories ...