Rough truth about the last call
Last call me cause tenderness. Indeed, it touches absurdity of the situation, when the hated school one day turns into a "second home", pretty Jam teacher - in the "wise mentors" and uebki classmates - in the "native people, which we will never forget" and blah bla- blah. White mare in the stall and golfikah inappropriate dresses a la dream pedophile weep bitterly, wiping fucking make the accompaniment mediocre rhymes and songs. Oh, "the girl mourning the bygone children (fach) GUSTs." Here are most of them left him that way in 14-15 years, in the entrance or in someone else's apartment after a few cans of jaguar. Last call - a holiday with tears in his eyes. With tears at the sight of another batch matured cattle in particular, and irrevocably squander generation as a whole.
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via m3d1v
