Paramonovskie warehouses
Rostov-na-Donu I immediately told to go to Paramonovskie warehouses. Very atmospheric place, and there is a spring. I initially reacted with skepticism, and indeed zabroshkoy surprise me hard. But this place I passed a cord and broke a template :)
It is a complex of storage facilities of the XIX century in Rostov-on-Don. Located on the banks of the Don, between Sokolov and University Avenue alley. Federal heritage!
The oldest body Paramonovskih warehouses built in the mid XIX century, the last - in the late 1890s. They built warehouses engineers Yakunin and E. Shulman. During its existence the warehouses belonged to different owners and businesses, but the city is still a rumor attributes them to one owner, the famous zernopromyshlenniku Elpidifor Paramonov.
Now it's ruins, and bring in the divine form they are not going to.
From the high banks hit springs. At first I did not attach any importance to these windows, from which water flows.
17 pictures, via
A lot of water. A small waterfall, it follows from the ruins and flows into the Don.
Inside - the usual pre-revolutionary zabroshka.
Beautiful stonework, bare walls and empty.
But this!!! That's really nothing I did not expect that here is made with spring water pool!
All windows are laid. Where brick where boards.
And there are people bathing. That man swam in the spring.
Engineers Yakunin and E. Shulman wisely and gracefully took advantage of the unique natural characteristics of the place - springs, gushing all year from the slope of the shore of the Don. Engineers have collected spring water in the gutters and the gutters passed through the warehouses. The temperature of the spring water Paramonovskih warehouses constant in winter and summer - 9 ° C. This system of gutters supported warehouses lower temperature, favorable for grain storage.
Spring, of course, consecrated. Here even baptized.
Spring. Somewhere swing, washing away the sand from under the smallest slope.
Around alas, dirty.
Hydraulic works.
Another pledged window.
And so - ordinary zabroshka.
But the pool makes the brain. This I have not seen. No, flooded basements and bunkers Tuyev I've seen a bunch, but in such a format - the first time.
Will Rostov - be sure to visit this place!
It is a complex of storage facilities of the XIX century in Rostov-on-Don. Located on the banks of the Don, between Sokolov and University Avenue alley. Federal heritage!
The oldest body Paramonovskih warehouses built in the mid XIX century, the last - in the late 1890s. They built warehouses engineers Yakunin and E. Shulman. During its existence the warehouses belonged to different owners and businesses, but the city is still a rumor attributes them to one owner, the famous zernopromyshlenniku Elpidifor Paramonov.
Now it's ruins, and bring in the divine form they are not going to.
From the high banks hit springs. At first I did not attach any importance to these windows, from which water flows.
17 pictures, via

A lot of water. A small waterfall, it follows from the ruins and flows into the Don.

Inside - the usual pre-revolutionary zabroshka.

Beautiful stonework, bare walls and empty.

But this!!! That's really nothing I did not expect that here is made with spring water pool!

All windows are laid. Where brick where boards.

And there are people bathing. That man swam in the spring.

Engineers Yakunin and E. Shulman wisely and gracefully took advantage of the unique natural characteristics of the place - springs, gushing all year from the slope of the shore of the Don. Engineers have collected spring water in the gutters and the gutters passed through the warehouses. The temperature of the spring water Paramonovskih warehouses constant in winter and summer - 9 ° C. This system of gutters supported warehouses lower temperature, favorable for grain storage.

Spring, of course, consecrated. Here even baptized.

Spring. Somewhere swing, washing away the sand from under the smallest slope.


Around alas, dirty.

Hydraulic works.

Another pledged window.

And so - ordinary zabroshka.

But the pool makes the brain. This I have not seen. No, flooded basements and bunkers Tuyev I've seen a bunch, but in such a format - the first time.

Will Rostov - be sure to visit this place!
