Laundry with its "chip"
Went today with a driving school courses (I live in gerlyandii, changing rYusskie rights in German) and decided to walk up to the house is not on the main street and turned quarter earlier. Went himself, looked at houses, birds, flowers, Madame Kozijavkin summer bustle, even sing like ... And then corner of my eye I notice a public laundry, and at first glance, nothing special.
6 photos will
You come - as usual. Machines, dryers ...
In the far corner someone washes, eye hooked not for that.
All of the people until his gaze does not refer to the ceiling
Yapovtsy, I just ofonarel - the forgotten and lost and chewed stiralka socks!
I must say - it smelled nice, they were all just laundered xD
The last photo with the wider review. All kick.
6 photos will
You come - as usual. Machines, dryers ...
In the far corner someone washes, eye hooked not for that.
All of the people until his gaze does not refer to the ceiling
Yapovtsy, I just ofonarel - the forgotten and lost and chewed stiralka socks!
I must say - it smelled nice, they were all just laundered xD
The last photo with the wider review. All kick.