Russian cleaver

13 photos

Unable to pass up ...
This soldier's sword and pioneer sapper battalion arr. 1827 has been in service with the Russian army in the early 19th. obr.1797 cutlass instead of until it is not replaced by obr.1834 of


4. The weight has a great, okay. 1.5-1.8 kg, the main purpose was appropriate - not an enemy to beat, and chop and cut wood.

5. The teeth of the saw:




9. Accordingly, the massive brass (copper) to the hilt blade counterweight


11. And very broad sheath.

12. In general, a subject that I got, like how to participate in the Crimean War and held in captivity allies Turkey almost 150 years.
Thus, the return home, grandpa !!!

13. Time patted

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While all.
