Why not dance lezginka horsemen in Siberia
35 km south of Tomsk down Kolarovo path, there is a small village. The people there are hard-working, thorough (Siberians one word), and after the collapse of the USSR, though not particularly fatten nor misery. Was (and is) in the village sawmill, built in Soviet times. After the collapse of the Union in general, and of collective and state farms in particular, it is a time was abandoned until the village there was not a decent Chechen family (I say without irony, it was really decent, intelligent people), who by their labor and money ( I do not know what) but this sawmill restored, upgraded and launched into operation. Everyone was happy, because the money they pay for the village well and on time, and miss a lot of work.
But if the owner and his family lived on the orders of local and especially does not show itself negatively, then come to them somehow, or relatives, or fellow countrymen, behaved more than wrong. Four Caucasian dzhigits sidyuchi in his tinted cars, loudly discussing their problems, and then decided to "pryglasyt pokatatsya, huh?" Sixteen cute Selyanka that such a term was not happy. But horsemen insisted. But the cries of the girl came running several local men, and not being afraid to show them the knife, not in dzhigitski logs smashed head excessively insistent suitors. Break in the truest sense of the word, because dzhigits drove in Timiryazev CRH on craniotomy.
After 2-3 days, at the office of the head of the village council doorstep came three or four solid bearded middle-aged men in nice suits. The delegation of elders in the form of an ultimatum demanded the heads to give them those local who so rudely treated with their countrymen, accompanied requirement thesis "differently here all wash their blood» ...
Chapter, stout thickset man for 50 years, quietly sat down, eyes narrowed and retorted:
"For a start, dear, some statistics. In my village of 800 people. Half of them - men. From this half, another half of it in men aged 16 to 60 years. It's time.
Here people live taiga. What can you do - poachers, their mother. Each hut trunk, often more than one. Often rifled. That is, in the village of 200 trunks. That's two.
If that seems a little, 5 kilometers to the south, and 4, 5 kilometers to the north are two more of the same village. Total 600 barrel, and that's not counting our women, who also will not get scratched. This three.
And with whom, * bearded, you immediately want to war? »
"Elders" looked at each other, looked calmly on a smoking cigarette chapter on divisional and senior rangers goszakaznika "L ... s' arising at the door (as you know, they" accidentally "proved" in the performance, "so the first held on the shoulder of AKS-74U and the second SCS), and then just as silently got up and left. Most of them had never seen in the village.
The story is absolutely real, told by a senior forester goszakaznika that stood in the doorway. My question is: "What if Caucasians still would have come to?" - Uncle Nick replied, "Glory, taiga large. Well, they would come, say, a bus. So here on the taiga mowing in old silos them directly on the bus and bulldozed prikopat possible. A special look, no one will ... "And I believed him, and I believe in these people still ...
© Vadim Emelianenko

But if the owner and his family lived on the orders of local and especially does not show itself negatively, then come to them somehow, or relatives, or fellow countrymen, behaved more than wrong. Four Caucasian dzhigits sidyuchi in his tinted cars, loudly discussing their problems, and then decided to "pryglasyt pokatatsya, huh?" Sixteen cute Selyanka that such a term was not happy. But horsemen insisted. But the cries of the girl came running several local men, and not being afraid to show them the knife, not in dzhigitski logs smashed head excessively insistent suitors. Break in the truest sense of the word, because dzhigits drove in Timiryazev CRH on craniotomy.
After 2-3 days, at the office of the head of the village council doorstep came three or four solid bearded middle-aged men in nice suits. The delegation of elders in the form of an ultimatum demanded the heads to give them those local who so rudely treated with their countrymen, accompanied requirement thesis "differently here all wash their blood» ...
Chapter, stout thickset man for 50 years, quietly sat down, eyes narrowed and retorted:
"For a start, dear, some statistics. In my village of 800 people. Half of them - men. From this half, another half of it in men aged 16 to 60 years. It's time.
Here people live taiga. What can you do - poachers, their mother. Each hut trunk, often more than one. Often rifled. That is, in the village of 200 trunks. That's two.
If that seems a little, 5 kilometers to the south, and 4, 5 kilometers to the north are two more of the same village. Total 600 barrel, and that's not counting our women, who also will not get scratched. This three.
And with whom, * bearded, you immediately want to war? »
"Elders" looked at each other, looked calmly on a smoking cigarette chapter on divisional and senior rangers goszakaznika "L ... s' arising at the door (as you know, they" accidentally "proved" in the performance, "so the first held on the shoulder of AKS-74U and the second SCS), and then just as silently got up and left. Most of them had never seen in the village.
The story is absolutely real, told by a senior forester goszakaznika that stood in the doorway. My question is: "What if Caucasians still would have come to?" - Uncle Nick replied, "Glory, taiga large. Well, they would come, say, a bus. So here on the taiga mowing in old silos them directly on the bus and bulldozed prikopat possible. A special look, no one will ... "And I believed him, and I believe in these people still ...
© Vadim Emelianenko