The village in North Ossetia, consisting of 10 thousand dead
Seventy one million six hundred sixty two thousand six hundred fifty seven
In the Caucasus mountains is the village of Dargavs, North Ossetia. In the most beautiful place are 96 crypts. These crypts at the moment fulfil their primary purpose – keeping the dead. This place is called "city of the dead". Everything is open, no obstacles, just don't forget about the fact that no one came back. So, at least the story goes. The local population does not go there. About the largest necropolis in the Caucasus reliable information no one else has.
These state that those crypts, which are located at the road, keep the skeletons of the deceased, and as surviving remains of the skull but the individual bones. Those crypts that are farther away in depth, fraught with mummies. "The city of the dead" was not interested in anyone until the Soviet time. Research of this place was first conducted in the 60-ies. Of the remaining data became aware of the fact that examining one of the tombs, archaeologists found the skulls of 95.
Locals tell of a legend that bodies were like live. Some museums have some items of clothing from this place. It is worth noting that they have remained almost perfectly. This happened because of the special structure of the crypts, special ventilation and special microclimate. This affects the natural mummification of corpses. Now, of course, corpses look as many people imagine old mummy. But before the vaults were closed wooden shutters, which are closed with valves.
Crypts were built individually for a certain class of people, rich people. One tomb belonged to one of the noble families. They were built from a special solution, very durable. It added sour cream, birds ' eggs and milk. Due to such additives, the tombs are very well preserved to the present day. Earlier in this place were many buildings, but now only the crypt of the Yes tower.
Crypts are very diverse: from underground to the basement. Roofs represent masterpieces of architecture: flat, gable and hipped. This place is the most suitable example to study the evolution of scleractinia. Depending on the period in which was built one or another crypt, in two or three tiers. In that case, if the place of burial place no longer remained, I added some additional flooring. Even the walls were made of holes, in which are embedded wooden beams. On them and stacked the dead.
During the "Black death" (plague) in it's place came in sick and waited for the entire hour. Native wore a dying food and water.
The amazing thing is that no one, no people, not used this method of burial of the dead. Maybe this is some kind of connection with the ancient myths about the river Styx. And it's probably just some ancient cult.
One local resident told the legend about how many years ago horsemen during the campaign captured a girl. Her beauty was indescribable, no one was in comparison. All men wanted to marry her. The rivals have killed each other if someone was on the way. So go on more, men decided they went to their elders, to all those Council decided who gets the girl to marry. However, the elders also succumbed to the charms of beauty, they become prisoners of her unearthly beauty. They began also to desire her, though, that they were all very young. There were elders in every possible way to get a girl's attention, lost his mind. Three days were spent, decided that it is still to be done and how to do it, but the solution was never found. Ate to give it to some one, jealous will kill each other. If you just release it on all four sides – all the horsemen will go after it. In this regard, they decided that she should die. Right after the last drop of life left a beautiful girl, a terrible curse has overtaken the locals. Their bones began to fall away chunks of flesh. People began to seek refuge in neighbouring villages, but from the curse could not escape anyway.
Those people who eventually died, became buried in the ground, but mother earth refused to accept their mortal body and bones pushed to the surface. After that, people began to collect the remains of the deceased with stones. That is, according to the legend, started to appear "the city of the dead".
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
In the Caucasus mountains is the village of Dargavs, North Ossetia. In the most beautiful place are 96 crypts. These crypts at the moment fulfil their primary purpose – keeping the dead. This place is called "city of the dead". Everything is open, no obstacles, just don't forget about the fact that no one came back. So, at least the story goes. The local population does not go there. About the largest necropolis in the Caucasus reliable information no one else has.

These state that those crypts, which are located at the road, keep the skeletons of the deceased, and as surviving remains of the skull but the individual bones. Those crypts that are farther away in depth, fraught with mummies. "The city of the dead" was not interested in anyone until the Soviet time. Research of this place was first conducted in the 60-ies. Of the remaining data became aware of the fact that examining one of the tombs, archaeologists found the skulls of 95.
Locals tell of a legend that bodies were like live. Some museums have some items of clothing from this place. It is worth noting that they have remained almost perfectly. This happened because of the special structure of the crypts, special ventilation and special microclimate. This affects the natural mummification of corpses. Now, of course, corpses look as many people imagine old mummy. But before the vaults were closed wooden shutters, which are closed with valves.

Crypts were built individually for a certain class of people, rich people. One tomb belonged to one of the noble families. They were built from a special solution, very durable. It added sour cream, birds ' eggs and milk. Due to such additives, the tombs are very well preserved to the present day. Earlier in this place were many buildings, but now only the crypt of the Yes tower.
Crypts are very diverse: from underground to the basement. Roofs represent masterpieces of architecture: flat, gable and hipped. This place is the most suitable example to study the evolution of scleractinia. Depending on the period in which was built one or another crypt, in two or three tiers. In that case, if the place of burial place no longer remained, I added some additional flooring. Even the walls were made of holes, in which are embedded wooden beams. On them and stacked the dead.
During the "Black death" (plague) in it's place came in sick and waited for the entire hour. Native wore a dying food and water.
The amazing thing is that no one, no people, not used this method of burial of the dead. Maybe this is some kind of connection with the ancient myths about the river Styx. And it's probably just some ancient cult.

One local resident told the legend about how many years ago horsemen during the campaign captured a girl. Her beauty was indescribable, no one was in comparison. All men wanted to marry her. The rivals have killed each other if someone was on the way. So go on more, men decided they went to their elders, to all those Council decided who gets the girl to marry. However, the elders also succumbed to the charms of beauty, they become prisoners of her unearthly beauty. They began also to desire her, though, that they were all very young. There were elders in every possible way to get a girl's attention, lost his mind. Three days were spent, decided that it is still to be done and how to do it, but the solution was never found. Ate to give it to some one, jealous will kill each other. If you just release it on all four sides – all the horsemen will go after it. In this regard, they decided that she should die. Right after the last drop of life left a beautiful girl, a terrible curse has overtaken the locals. Their bones began to fall away chunks of flesh. People began to seek refuge in neighbouring villages, but from the curse could not escape anyway.
Those people who eventually died, became buried in the ground, but mother earth refused to accept their mortal body and bones pushed to the surface. After that, people began to collect the remains of the deceased with stones. That is, according to the legend, started to appear "the city of the dead".
Source: mif-facts.com.ua
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