Working in Finland
This post is a continuation of the previous ones, (first and second)
He promised to tell you about thermite welding-vypolnyayu.No general, all my posts I create for sweetheart lyudey.Bolshuyu me of the time I am at work, and they do not see the underwater part of the show and other aysberga.Im rasskazhu.Uvazhaemye Brotherhood putejtsy, answer questions for me, and for the presentation of a technique, do not judge strogo.Proshu not lomat.I way: put on the stretch of 150-meter relsy.Teper and they need to cook together! The joint (provisional) between the rails looks so trim, one bolt and two "robelevskie" (the name of the manufacturer) strubtsyny.I on such joints Finnish trains are riding! The speed of 120-140 km \ h
In order to make a joint, it is necessary to "dismantle" remove all nuzhnoe.Ostavit not only the bare ends of the rails.
The wizard thermite welding, measured 25 mm, and said: "I ask you, ladies and gentlemen! Make me a butt gap! »
Well, gentlemen, of course, tell-cha at the very hands of the anus grow-drinking himself!
In the joints, using "relsoreza" (this is a big petrol "Bulgarian" with a special tripod) saw through a gap of 25-28 millimeters.
Meanwhile, another "termite" (as we call love thermite welders), stacks of iron housings, ceramic mold for welding.
After the gap is willing guys dumb gas welding, burn the ends of the rails that used szhet them all railway kaku (oil, Solarium, grease)
Then the guys start to "expose" the ends relsov.Pri wedges (without any "mother" -parni Estonians), they Richt ends in a vertical ...
... And horizontal planes.
Then install ceramic thermite formy.Pri help spetsialnogozazhima.Pryamo this 25-milimitrovy propyl.
Then all the cracks close up special sand (it's in the package, very white) .Inogda summer, when very hot, termites take it home and keep the sand in front of the "window" in his holodilnike.Ochen important operation, nearly doglyadel "joint protekёt" - This 3 14zdets "window."
Note-on device that keeps thermite form, two such con- "Didlo" .On one of them pushed onto the crucible.
All right ... Key "on your marks" Form-stoyat.Tigel-hanging.
A crucible is inserted into a small tube.
a little bit about the physics of the process and have made the gap between the rails-that used to pour molten metal, the molten metal get into the crucible, the plug is needed, what would not a metal drip before vremeni.Tigel-domna.V a little sleep-thermite mixture of all garbage (magnesium, aluminum, etc.) and insert the "match" (common sparkler!)
That's the stuff these bags. (Ah! We have it in the 80's!)
When everything is ready, the guys on the second "Didlo" put gas gorelku.I begin to warm up the form and ends relsov.Iz "crucible" there will pour temperature termite-3000 gradusov.Kaplya zhitkosti-blast!
Well, all warmed up, everything is ready, set fire to "match" thrust into the crucible.
The crucible and zaskvorchalo everything caught fire, but nothing flows from the bottom! Tube-holding!
All! Heated up to 3000 degrees, burnt cork and metal flowed in the form of thermite.
The joint is filled! Crucible and other pribambahi, removed.
Now all ubrali.Terpelivo waiting for the joint filled with 3000 degrees, cool down "at least" to 600.
Well, sort of podostyl.Sbivaem with a ceramic mold with a hammer ...
We put a special hydraulic "scissors" to cut off most of the top metal.
He promised to tell you about thermite welding-vypolnyayu.No general, all my posts I create for sweetheart lyudey.Bolshuyu me of the time I am at work, and they do not see the underwater part of the show and other aysberga.Im rasskazhu.Uvazhaemye Brotherhood putejtsy, answer questions for me, and for the presentation of a technique, do not judge strogo.Proshu not lomat.I way: put on the stretch of 150-meter relsy.Teper and they need to cook together! The joint (provisional) between the rails looks so trim, one bolt and two "robelevskie" (the name of the manufacturer) strubtsyny.I on such joints Finnish trains are riding! The speed of 120-140 km \ h

In order to make a joint, it is necessary to "dismantle" remove all nuzhnoe.Ostavit not only the bare ends of the rails.

The wizard thermite welding, measured 25 mm, and said: "I ask you, ladies and gentlemen! Make me a butt gap! »

Well, gentlemen, of course, tell-cha at the very hands of the anus grow-drinking himself!

In the joints, using "relsoreza" (this is a big petrol "Bulgarian" with a special tripod) saw through a gap of 25-28 millimeters.

Meanwhile, another "termite" (as we call love thermite welders), stacks of iron housings, ceramic mold for welding.

After the gap is willing guys dumb gas welding, burn the ends of the rails that used szhet them all railway kaku (oil, Solarium, grease)

Then the guys start to "expose" the ends relsov.Pri wedges (without any "mother" -parni Estonians), they Richt ends in a vertical ...

... And horizontal planes.

Then install ceramic thermite formy.Pri help spetsialnogozazhima.Pryamo this 25-milimitrovy propyl.

Then all the cracks close up special sand (it's in the package, very white) .Inogda summer, when very hot, termites take it home and keep the sand in front of the "window" in his holodilnike.Ochen important operation, nearly doglyadel "joint protekёt" - This 3 14zdets "window."

Note-on device that keeps thermite form, two such con- "Didlo" .On one of them pushed onto the crucible.

All right ... Key "on your marks" Form-stoyat.Tigel-hanging.

A crucible is inserted into a small tube.

a little bit about the physics of the process and have made the gap between the rails-that used to pour molten metal, the molten metal get into the crucible, the plug is needed, what would not a metal drip before vremeni.Tigel-domna.V a little sleep-thermite mixture of all garbage (magnesium, aluminum, etc.) and insert the "match" (common sparkler!)

That's the stuff these bags. (Ah! We have it in the 80's!)

When everything is ready, the guys on the second "Didlo" put gas gorelku.I begin to warm up the form and ends relsov.Iz "crucible" there will pour temperature termite-3000 gradusov.Kaplya zhitkosti-blast!

Well, all warmed up, everything is ready, set fire to "match" thrust into the crucible.

The crucible and zaskvorchalo everything caught fire, but nothing flows from the bottom! Tube-holding!

All! Heated up to 3000 degrees, burnt cork and metal flowed in the form of thermite.

The joint is filled! Crucible and other pribambahi, removed.

Now all ubrali.Terpelivo waiting for the joint filled with 3000 degrees, cool down "at least" to 600.

Well, sort of podostyl.Sbivaem with a ceramic mold with a hammer ...

We put a special hydraulic "scissors" to cut off most of the top metal.
