We - Murmansk
I first saw this city July 11, 1974. I was five years old when my parents dragged me along with the suitcases out of the car and the first thing I noticed - a strong and cold wind. On that day, he was so strong that once tried to rip my head panamku, interrupted breathing and even whipped cheeks. But at the same time he smelled the heather and sea, filled me with reckless joy, and I rejoiced in the fact that he found himself on the edge of the Earth. My friends on the kindergarten to learn that soon I'm going to the Far North, and sighed sadly pochёsyvalis and greatest scholar of our company Yasha, wearing glasses, always wrapped with insulating tape, said, "You're crazy! There you will die as soon as you come, after the first breath - because there are poisonous North Ocean! "I must admit I did not get the wind up in earnest. But, on reflection, and having cried a few days, I decided that my parents on a trip not to talk, and drive still have. Well, the dead men - because dead men all together.
And I rejoiced Murmansk strong wind and more because they can breathe safely for life, and at the same twisted mind blowing Egghead Yashke.
Several years passed, and I come in the summer to his grandmother in the middle lane, I began to pay attention to what the people there are different from those to which I am used to at home, in the Murmansk region. I do not want to say that they were very poor, but they were not friends with each other, like Murmansk. I shared my thoughts on this subject with his father, and he said: "Man, looks like you're finally turned into murmanchanin." And I was pleased to learn that. I became one of the millions of the best people on the planet!
There can be no "vote" on the road - you do not care necessarily picked up. And I never took money for travel. There were no scandals in turn, it may be because both queues, such as those that have been a disgrace the rest of the country, we have virtually no - Murmansk was not hungry edge.
It did not look at how much is your clothes, and what is your situation in the apartment. Neat and tidy had a value, and the value of orders - no.
There was no inherent to all other regions of the concept of "Province". In the Murmansk region there is the word "province", which is usually pronounced through the lips with a touch of contempt; if you hear that someone said the word, then rest assured - speaking or not murmanchanin or recently arrived and has not had time to get into the spirit of Murmansk beginner. In Murmansk is the concept of "the coast" of which they speak as an important part of his large home favorite. All ships should enter the port to carry out repairs, refuel, to their crews could rest - and area residents come to his beloved city, to recharge its mood, to feel the atmosphere and realize that Murmansk in order to live on.
Our "traffic cops" do not take bribes, and we do not perceive them as enemies on the road, and it, a strong indicator. Of course, they also affected the spirit of the times, but now in the form of Murmansk guys on our roads - companions and helpers, not pests and extortionists.
We Murmansk, remember: we have here a little, and no one will help us in difficult times but ourselves. Especially now. North quickly and in practice proves the rule: who spits on the other - spits on himself. Even when all our awesome Mother Russia for some strange whim decided suddenly pokuvyrkatsya in cesspools of "Western culture", and here we have the least stained smelly sprays - even clothing and izmarali, but the inside is not got (but odyozhku fact and wash You can, right?). The fact is that every day we see the sea, rocks and sky - they are just like millions of years ago - look around and you get a great opportunity to compare their immediate affairs and desire to the vastness of eternity. We love to look inward, to delve into their souls, meditate, and it helps a lot - we just find a mistakes and correct them. We rarely cry, often laugh at their own shortcomings and failures, and it helps us to go further.
We - the only out of the country, who stopped the Nazis at the border and not let them go any further. We are descendants of those who in the years of the war under continuous bombing remained in ruins, but the beloved city, and continued to fight. We beat the enemy at sea, on land and in the air. From left to battle submarine Marinescu and Lunin, from our airfields scrambled to bring down German aces Safonov, barrels and Okrestin here fought the legendary murmanchanin Toll Bredow. Wounded Murmansk lived, sent them to fight their ships and submarines, took the Allied convoys with supplies for the entire country. Murmanchane show everyone what they can do, and the world saw it.
Now I'm not one in a million, have declined by more than two hundred thousand. They did not die in the war, they were not wiped out the epidemic, they are not sailed to develop new northern lands - more than two hundred thousand of my compatriots have simply disappeared. But, then, we must become even better, closer to each other, to compensate for the amount of quality. In spite of everything, spit on shrill slogans, promises and indications of favorites, we have to live as conscience dictates. To live not as required "sovereign people", and how to live. I do not talk to each other words, for which then would be a shame not to do things that do not go to sleep after night.
Life requires to keep the brand: us, Murmansk, only 780,000 of the six and a half billion of the rest.
Peter Lavrentiev
And I rejoiced Murmansk strong wind and more because they can breathe safely for life, and at the same twisted mind blowing Egghead Yashke.
Several years passed, and I come in the summer to his grandmother in the middle lane, I began to pay attention to what the people there are different from those to which I am used to at home, in the Murmansk region. I do not want to say that they were very poor, but they were not friends with each other, like Murmansk. I shared my thoughts on this subject with his father, and he said: "Man, looks like you're finally turned into murmanchanin." And I was pleased to learn that. I became one of the millions of the best people on the planet!
There can be no "vote" on the road - you do not care necessarily picked up. And I never took money for travel. There were no scandals in turn, it may be because both queues, such as those that have been a disgrace the rest of the country, we have virtually no - Murmansk was not hungry edge.
It did not look at how much is your clothes, and what is your situation in the apartment. Neat and tidy had a value, and the value of orders - no.
There was no inherent to all other regions of the concept of "Province". In the Murmansk region there is the word "province", which is usually pronounced through the lips with a touch of contempt; if you hear that someone said the word, then rest assured - speaking or not murmanchanin or recently arrived and has not had time to get into the spirit of Murmansk beginner. In Murmansk is the concept of "the coast" of which they speak as an important part of his large home favorite. All ships should enter the port to carry out repairs, refuel, to their crews could rest - and area residents come to his beloved city, to recharge its mood, to feel the atmosphere and realize that Murmansk in order to live on.
Our "traffic cops" do not take bribes, and we do not perceive them as enemies on the road, and it, a strong indicator. Of course, they also affected the spirit of the times, but now in the form of Murmansk guys on our roads - companions and helpers, not pests and extortionists.
We Murmansk, remember: we have here a little, and no one will help us in difficult times but ourselves. Especially now. North quickly and in practice proves the rule: who spits on the other - spits on himself. Even when all our awesome Mother Russia for some strange whim decided suddenly pokuvyrkatsya in cesspools of "Western culture", and here we have the least stained smelly sprays - even clothing and izmarali, but the inside is not got (but odyozhku fact and wash You can, right?). The fact is that every day we see the sea, rocks and sky - they are just like millions of years ago - look around and you get a great opportunity to compare their immediate affairs and desire to the vastness of eternity. We love to look inward, to delve into their souls, meditate, and it helps a lot - we just find a mistakes and correct them. We rarely cry, often laugh at their own shortcomings and failures, and it helps us to go further.
We - the only out of the country, who stopped the Nazis at the border and not let them go any further. We are descendants of those who in the years of the war under continuous bombing remained in ruins, but the beloved city, and continued to fight. We beat the enemy at sea, on land and in the air. From left to battle submarine Marinescu and Lunin, from our airfields scrambled to bring down German aces Safonov, barrels and Okrestin here fought the legendary murmanchanin Toll Bredow. Wounded Murmansk lived, sent them to fight their ships and submarines, took the Allied convoys with supplies for the entire country. Murmanchane show everyone what they can do, and the world saw it.
Now I'm not one in a million, have declined by more than two hundred thousand. They did not die in the war, they were not wiped out the epidemic, they are not sailed to develop new northern lands - more than two hundred thousand of my compatriots have simply disappeared. But, then, we must become even better, closer to each other, to compensate for the amount of quality. In spite of everything, spit on shrill slogans, promises and indications of favorites, we have to live as conscience dictates. To live not as required "sovereign people", and how to live. I do not talk to each other words, for which then would be a shame not to do things that do not go to sleep after night.
Life requires to keep the brand: us, Murmansk, only 780,000 of the six and a half billion of the rest.
Peter Lavrentiev
