Everything inside: 2014 Olympics
About me: My name is Robert I'm 23 years old, I live in the city of Sochi in 1992. In 2012 I received the diploma of the Sochi State University with a degree in "Urban Construction and Management."
In August 2012 I took a job at a Moscow construction company CJSC "Q-tec" - which built the hotel for guests of the Olympic Games in 2014, is an object: "The complex of buildings and structures Small Akhun" in the Imereti lowland, in the language of workers' 18th section. "
I took on the position of a work, I really liked the work and the staff at the time was good and helpful, however, staff turnover was very high. Soon, when the retired chief of a site of our organization, I was transferred on the orders of his position, and in November 2012, I became the lead engineer of production and technical department.
I would like to tell people, namely the citizens of the Russian Federation, about what is happening now in the city of Sochi Olympic facilities and how hard it is in our country to achieve at least some justice. I can not understand why our country labor laws !? If employers do not adhere to it and are not afraid of justice ...
Our organization worked seven engineers and technical workers (ITR), and about 100 workers. Today, the engineering team does not receive wages for at least 4 months and there is no hope that we will get their honestly earned money, but that's not all ...
The fact that all engineers working officially, which means that all the signed contract of employment and wages have all been, as they say, "white". But this did not prevent the organization of JSC "Q-tec" violate labor agreements. Employment records of all workers are in Moscow, at the central office, as in Sochi was not a separate division. None of the engineers have not received employment records and there is a chance of losing the documents, not a single worker has still not fired in the labor legislation. The organization does not explain the situation, we can not get through to anyone, we were told that the central office is disbanded, the organization went bankrupt and money do not wait ...
The situation is critical of my colleagues have compared to my, I live in Sochi, I've got a family that supports me financially and morally, has its own housing, but that does not have to pay the rent ... And what do visitors to employees? My colleagues can not pay the removable housing, kicked out of their homes, apartments and rooms ...
These people - the citizens of the Russian Federation, many have come to work in the Rostov region of Sochi, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Nakhodka, etc. What do they do and how to be ... !? They can not even buy a train ticket or a plane to go home. They just are not enough to live on, some are family ... And about the legislation can talk a lot and for a long time, we have applied the prosecutor's office and the labor inspectorate ... Passed month, and no response from these instances there ...
The worst thing is that this situation is observed all over the city, many of the Olympic facilities Sochi. We are a small drop in the ocean ... People can not go to the streets and to hold a meeting, it will lead to unrest before the Olympics, during which our country is also a plant can.
Where is our government !? I appeal to help us, but there is no hope ... So I decided to write this article and to give publicity of the situation in the city ...
With respect and hope for the best, Robert Kesyan!
About me: My name is Robert I'm 23 years old, I live in the city of Sochi in 1992. In 2012 I received the diploma of the Sochi State University with a degree in "Urban Construction and Management."
In August 2012 I took a job at a Moscow construction company CJSC "Q-tec" - which built the hotel for guests of the Olympic Games in 2014, is an object: "The complex of buildings and structures Small Akhun" in the Imereti lowland, in the language of workers' 18th section. "
I took on the position of a work, I really liked the work and the staff at the time was good and helpful, however, staff turnover was very high. Soon, when the retired chief of a site of our organization, I was transferred on the orders of his position, and in November 2012, I became the lead engineer of production and technical department.
I would like to tell people, namely the citizens of the Russian Federation, about what is happening now in the city of Sochi Olympic facilities and how hard it is in our country to achieve at least some justice. I can not understand why our country labor laws !? If employers do not adhere to it and are not afraid of justice ...
Our organization worked seven engineers and technical workers (ITR), and about 100 workers. Today, the engineering team does not receive wages for at least 4 months and there is no hope that we will get their honestly earned money, but that's not all ...
The fact that all engineers working officially, which means that all the signed contract of employment and wages have all been, as they say, "white". But this did not prevent the organization of JSC "Q-tec" violate labor agreements. Employment records of all workers are in Moscow, at the central office, as in Sochi was not a separate division. None of the engineers have not received employment records and there is a chance of losing the documents, not a single worker has still not fired in the labor legislation. The organization does not explain the situation, we can not get through to anyone, we were told that the central office is disbanded, the organization went bankrupt and money do not wait ...
The situation is critical of my colleagues have compared to my, I live in Sochi, I've got a family that supports me financially and morally, has its own housing, but that does not have to pay the rent ... And what do visitors to employees? My colleagues can not pay the removable housing, kicked out of their homes, apartments and rooms ...
These people - the citizens of the Russian Federation, many have come to work in the Rostov region of Sochi, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Nakhodka, etc. What do they do and how to be ... !? They can not even buy a train ticket or a plane to go home. They just are not enough to live on, some are family ... And about the legislation can talk a lot and for a long time, we have applied the prosecutor's office and the labor inspectorate ... Passed month, and no response from these instances there ...
The worst thing is that this situation is observed all over the city, many of the Olympic facilities Sochi. We are a small drop in the ocean ... People can not go to the streets and to hold a meeting, it will lead to unrest before the Olympics, during which our country is also a plant can.
Where is our government !? I appeal to help us, but there is no hope ... So I decided to write this article and to give publicity of the situation in the city ...
With respect and hope for the best, Robert Kesyan!

Another real doll-Kovalevskaya Alina from Odessa
Grazhdaninku Ivanov still excluded from the Chamber