Unknown "Zaporozhets"
Fifty years ago, at the Zaporozhye Automobile Building Plant named "Kommunar", they developed a unique commercial vehicles ZAZ-970/971. They differed from its predecessors special characteristics, have excellent working performance. This invention is not included in the plans of the Ministry, it was the personal initiative of designers designers, automobile control, in particular, its director Yuri Sorochkina. Lead designer of the project was one of the developers of the car "Moskvich-444", Leo Murashov.
There will be 18 pictures.
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1. It all started like this: June 18, 1959 of a pilot plant came first "Zaporozhets 965».
In the spring of 1961, shortly after the launch of a series of models ZAZ-965, the factory began to develop a new model ZAZ-966 and in November the same year, a prototype was demonstrated at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.
2. The prototype was built in two copies. In the car to the right of the instrument panel a small shift lever. Subsequently, however, the placement of such abandoned because it is comfortable, compared with the traditional arrangement is not added, and the design of complicated and expensive.
3. A favorite of people with Italian roots had a lot of love. Subsequent model ZAZ-968 already had German roots, but has also been known and loved.
4. NSU Prinz 4 was in Germany a very popular car, so popular that NSU Prinz fan clubs exist now.
5. The range of production models "Zaporozhets" was limited. Base models were virtually the same, with minor variations, they received an additional letter. There were also Zazovskaya ATVs, but their production was transferred to the Lutsk Automobile Plant.
ATV "Celina".
6. Already during the pre-production car ZAZ-965 had the idea to develop on its base light commercial microcar. This problem was solved jointly engineer of the plant "Kommunar" and us.
Truck on the basis of "Zaporozhets"? Yes! And this decision was not random. First, the country was desperately needed a compact low-tonnage machines - ZMA only in small amounts did vans - "Muscovites" and, secondly, the designers all over the world continued in the years to rave German "Volkswagen» T1.
8. Even the Americans, rear-projecting "Chevrolet Korveyr" used German experience.
10. The victorious march of the "Beetle" continued successful the trucks and vans based on it - "Transporter-T1? .. Such a car, by the way, was at that time at ZAZ, and with it, of course, thoroughly acquainted.
Family ZAZ-970 included a truck, a van and a passenger car - now it would be called a mini-venom. By the way, serial analog compact six-seater wagon-type car in the world then almost did not occur. In fact, such structures became widespread only in recent years.
The first sample, called the plant "Grindstone" have a short "hood" and looks a little like ZAZ-965. "Cabover trailers" appeared in 1962. By the way, while in the USSR machines wagon-designers paid special attention to.
The main promoter of this scheme was Yuri Aronovich Dolmatovsky - a talented designer and promoter of motoring. Time has shown that he was right.
12. Extremely functional design ZAZ-970 was developed in the factory bureau architectural design of the car (the concept of "design center" did not yet exist) under the direction of Yuri Viktorovich Daniel and leading designer monocoque was Lev Murashov. Still working on the PCA, he participated in the creation of the "Moskvich-444? - Prototype of ZAZ-965.
The engine and gearbox on the ZAZ-970 were serial. At the hub of the rear wheels in order to increase the gear ratio set Gear wheel. Motor capacity of 27 liters. from. I clocked loaded machine just to 70-75 km / h, but for distribution of goods around the city, taking into account the velocity of the time, that was enough. The vehicle expended an average of 7, 5 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. Motor as standard on the "Zaporozhets" was placed behind, but since the unit was partially under the floor, it was heat-loaded, even less than that of ZAZ-965.
And testers, and "merchants" liked the car, only the "hump" in the back, especially in a van with a single rear door (minibus was at the side), interfered with loading and unloading.
14. Alas, "trade lobby" could not help: the plant barely drew a plan on the approach was "966 minutes", and designers have been working on all-wheel drive car, which was later launched in Lutsk.
In 1962, a six-seater minibus has been created (by the current classification - minivan) ZAZ-970V. Seats second and third series were designed foldable, so the car was, in fact, cargo - with the addition of two rear he could carry 175kg of cargo, and the addition of two rows of seats - 350kg load.
15. Like the wagon ZAZ-970B engine noticeable "hump" was issued in the interior, making the two third-row seats have been separated and placed on a marked distance from each other - located between NIIM service hatch for access to the engine. In contrast to the van inside the minibus was provided ventilation hatch in the roof and the door for entry and exit of passengers was only one - on the starboard side.
It was created and the cargo version with tent body.
16. Van for small cargoes in trade ZAZ-970 F, (August, 1964).
17. On-board option.
18. On the basis of this van was created utility vehicle ZAZ-970V, designed for 6-7 people and ZAZ-970G - board, 400 kg of cargo. It was the working process of the development of all-wheel drive cars ZAZ-971.
Every year, the world of wheels, more compact vans, a few decades, "tasted" and mini-vans. With the advent of the Soviet Union on the road freight Polish "Beetle" and "Nisa" work minigruzovichkam the country virtually ceased. About "970 th" gradually forgotten.
Experimental samples were spelled out in the yard. As usual with these other prototypes gradually removed scarce parts of the body and quickly covered with rust. What happened next, you know ...
There will be 18 pictures.
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1. It all started like this: June 18, 1959 of a pilot plant came first "Zaporozhets 965».
In the spring of 1961, shortly after the launch of a series of models ZAZ-965, the factory began to develop a new model ZAZ-966 and in November the same year, a prototype was demonstrated at the Exhibition of Economic Achievements.

2. The prototype was built in two copies. In the car to the right of the instrument panel a small shift lever. Subsequently, however, the placement of such abandoned because it is comfortable, compared with the traditional arrangement is not added, and the design of complicated and expensive.

3. A favorite of people with Italian roots had a lot of love. Subsequent model ZAZ-968 already had German roots, but has also been known and loved.

4. NSU Prinz 4 was in Germany a very popular car, so popular that NSU Prinz fan clubs exist now.

5. The range of production models "Zaporozhets" was limited. Base models were virtually the same, with minor variations, they received an additional letter. There were also Zazovskaya ATVs, but their production was transferred to the Lutsk Automobile Plant.
ATV "Celina".

6. Already during the pre-production car ZAZ-965 had the idea to develop on its base light commercial microcar. This problem was solved jointly engineer of the plant "Kommunar" and us.
Truck on the basis of "Zaporozhets"? Yes! And this decision was not random. First, the country was desperately needed a compact low-tonnage machines - ZMA only in small amounts did vans - "Muscovites" and, secondly, the designers all over the world continued in the years to rave German "Volkswagen» T1.


8. Even the Americans, rear-projecting "Chevrolet Korveyr" used German experience.


10. The victorious march of the "Beetle" continued successful the trucks and vans based on it - "Transporter-T1? .. Such a car, by the way, was at that time at ZAZ, and with it, of course, thoroughly acquainted.
Family ZAZ-970 included a truck, a van and a passenger car - now it would be called a mini-venom. By the way, serial analog compact six-seater wagon-type car in the world then almost did not occur. In fact, such structures became widespread only in recent years.
The first sample, called the plant "Grindstone" have a short "hood" and looks a little like ZAZ-965. "Cabover trailers" appeared in 1962. By the way, while in the USSR machines wagon-designers paid special attention to.
The main promoter of this scheme was Yuri Aronovich Dolmatovsky - a talented designer and promoter of motoring. Time has shown that he was right.


12. Extremely functional design ZAZ-970 was developed in the factory bureau architectural design of the car (the concept of "design center" did not yet exist) under the direction of Yuri Viktorovich Daniel and leading designer monocoque was Lev Murashov. Still working on the PCA, he participated in the creation of the "Moskvich-444? - Prototype of ZAZ-965.
The engine and gearbox on the ZAZ-970 were serial. At the hub of the rear wheels in order to increase the gear ratio set Gear wheel. Motor capacity of 27 liters. from. I clocked loaded machine just to 70-75 km / h, but for distribution of goods around the city, taking into account the velocity of the time, that was enough. The vehicle expended an average of 7, 5 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. Motor as standard on the "Zaporozhets" was placed behind, but since the unit was partially under the floor, it was heat-loaded, even less than that of ZAZ-965.
And testers, and "merchants" liked the car, only the "hump" in the back, especially in a van with a single rear door (minibus was at the side), interfered with loading and unloading.


14. Alas, "trade lobby" could not help: the plant barely drew a plan on the approach was "966 minutes", and designers have been working on all-wheel drive car, which was later launched in Lutsk.
In 1962, a six-seater minibus has been created (by the current classification - minivan) ZAZ-970V. Seats second and third series were designed foldable, so the car was, in fact, cargo - with the addition of two rear he could carry 175kg of cargo, and the addition of two rows of seats - 350kg load.

15. Like the wagon ZAZ-970B engine noticeable "hump" was issued in the interior, making the two third-row seats have been separated and placed on a marked distance from each other - located between NIIM service hatch for access to the engine. In contrast to the van inside the minibus was provided ventilation hatch in the roof and the door for entry and exit of passengers was only one - on the starboard side.
It was created and the cargo version with tent body.

16. Van for small cargoes in trade ZAZ-970 F, (August, 1964).

17. On-board option.

18. On the basis of this van was created utility vehicle ZAZ-970V, designed for 6-7 people and ZAZ-970G - board, 400 kg of cargo. It was the working process of the development of all-wheel drive cars ZAZ-971.
Every year, the world of wheels, more compact vans, a few decades, "tasted" and mini-vans. With the advent of the Soviet Union on the road freight Polish "Beetle" and "Nisa" work minigruzovichkam the country virtually ceased. About "970 th" gradually forgotten.
Experimental samples were spelled out in the yard. As usual with these other prototypes gradually removed scarce parts of the body and quickly covered with rust. What happened next, you know ...
