15 tailed masters of camouflage, who have mastered the art of playing hide and seek at the highest level!
In today's fast-moving world it is difficult to find craftsmen who have owned the ancient Japanese art of Ninjutsu. But it seems that such conservative animals, like cats, have remained faithful to centuries-old traditions. After all, it is no secret that cats - great masters of disguise, which would be difficult to compete even the most skillful ninja. These spyware have tailed delightful ability to hide in the most unexpected places. Admittedly, in their toolbox is nothing special. The course usually go feline cunning, incredible flexibility, agility and lightning Fur camouflage, but, hell, their skill is truly shocking and delights. This 15 spies who joined the ranks of graduates of the "School for the ninja cats." Believe me, the game of hide and seek, they beat anyone. That is professionalism!
Ivory-colored tile or tile-colored cat?
Photo: Unknown
Red-haired rascal!
Photo: Imgur
white and fluffy ...
Photo: Unknown
For Camouflage - 5 +!
Photo: Passion Animaux
It seems this little prankster delov done ...
Photo: Outer Space
Optical illusion. You thought ...
Photo: Bored Panda
Fur cap - a new trend of the season.
Photo: Unknown
«Barsik, go eat," Whiskas "... And that's where you are!»
Photo: Unknown
Photo: Unknown
What the hell is not the first time about his stumble Kuzka ...
Photo: Lelombrik
box - it is holy for the cat!
Photo: Etsy
Well, just idyllic!
Photo: Nico Conradie
Who can find a cat - get a prize!
Photo: Imgur
I think one that I was someone watching closely?
Photo: Unknown
Cats - liquid. And it proved! B>
Photo: Bored Panda
Now I understood the essence of the phrase "meek as a lamb," ... to merge with asphalt or carpet? It turns out that these schemers is no problem! Show these furry lovers of ancient traditions of your friends.
via ofigenno ru
Ivory-colored tile or tile-colored cat?
Photo: Unknown
Red-haired rascal!
Photo: Imgur
white and fluffy ...
Photo: Unknown
For Camouflage - 5 +!
Photo: Passion Animaux
It seems this little prankster delov done ...
Photo: Outer Space
Optical illusion. You thought ...
Photo: Bored Panda
Fur cap - a new trend of the season.
Photo: Unknown
«Barsik, go eat," Whiskas "... And that's where you are!»
Photo: Unknown
Photo: Unknown
What the hell is not the first time about his stumble Kuzka ...
Photo: Lelombrik
box - it is holy for the cat!
Photo: Etsy
Well, just idyllic!
Photo: Nico Conradie
Who can find a cat - get a prize!
Photo: Imgur
I think one that I was someone watching closely?
Photo: Unknown
Cats - liquid. And it proved! B>
Photo: Bored Panda
Now I understood the essence of the phrase "meek as a lamb," ... to merge with asphalt or carpet? It turns out that these schemers is no problem! Show these furry lovers of ancient traditions of your friends.
via ofigenno ru
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