Russian Sanya submarine and beaches.
In this series - Russian district of Sanya, the story of the neighborhood beaches submarines (nuclear and diesel) as well as parts and sketches along the way.
35 photo + text + a little mat. Source
2. Since I lived in downtown Shenzhen, close to the central city beach, the best Dadunhaya reach by bus. They are here for 2 yuan (10 rubles.), Are frequent enough new age and almost all air-conditioned. Can a taxi, asking for about 20 yuan (100 rub.). It's funny that if you go back to exactly the same distance - from the Russian enclave, the taxi drivers increased appetite and a half times :)
3. But now we will go by bus. Taxiing to a stop, where a gaggle of students hanging out - they have recently run out lessons.
4. In contrast to the shade got intelligent Chinese, clearly not local (those visible at once). Apparently, tourists from Canton and Shanghai.
5. glanced at downtown Shenzhen, after crossing the mouth of the river will have formally suburbs.
6. The Bridge on the River (where they were already three, so I messed up all the names). Pay attention to the girl under an umbrella, there will be many more.
7. But the river itself, which flows into the South China Sea. The large over it crowded boats and yachts, but we must not forget that we are in China - so it certainly caught, and boat-building. Where a live (real, not for tourists). In the background, too little boat houses.
8. For the mushrooms road forks, go left at the roundabout and right - back and then we're going now.
9. Here, the highway went to Sanya.
10. Exit at the shopping center "Summer", this is the nerve center of the Russian region. He was not confused, because Russian language is becoming ubiquitous, and there are well marked. Here falls out of the belly of the bus cool in hot bath sunny day, more than half the passengers. Someone goes on, the gate of the naval base.
If you cross the road, the "newcomer" immediately attacked pomogayki and hucksters. I look for the trained traders and pomogaek uniquely "green" - because they have not seen me, so I just came, then, I am not yet know any price, and that's cool!
- Oski, Oski, haёsy Oski!
- Do not be.
- Oski! Haёsy !!! - Some harmful runs alongside, get into right on my dark glasses.
- Fuck off, ssuka as well !? Bu yao, fuck !!!
He looks at me in bewilderment, but reluctantly behind. Oh, biznes not turned!
From a distance, even the name, but not as active as the first three minutes - and when there is the whole "biznes».
As well, I have not lived here! They would take me four days Jam, just ...
11. Next - the so-called "Area of food." It's all just say, do not be confused.
12. All prices - about half from my downtown. Well, I go up anyway, studying menus. Everything is duplicated in Russian.
- Is there beer!
- And, ect, ect! Kako Nat?
- Qingdao let a bottle! How much is? Cold there?
- (Pretends he does not understand) Pavarskaya beer ect ... pavarskaya Nat?
- What is more Bavarian? Here ???
(pokes me the price tag - zhlobstvo by Chinese standards, cups for 30yu, whereas at I drink elegant ice Qingdao 6 in chifanke)
13. On the perimeter - various manufactured goods. There adezhda export have shoes Valya.
14. The local Chinese are somehow directly even selflessly love J instead of I. Hell - on the ground floor, above - a paradise.
15. That is the name I was fascinated, then I took a little bit to eat, pelmeshek.
16. Smuggling too. Around the corner to the left.
Here I attached to me for a long time and the next shopkeeper ran alongside, vparivaya "myasik and bed." But I did not give in!
17. Further to the sea front hotels go.
18. What kind of public-visitors welcome?
19. A "Gazprom"! Well, such is to be welcomed, they have a lot of dough :)
20. Okay, we pass to the sea.
21. The beach here is good, fine sand, and pretty clean.
22. I went to the fungus and interested in the price of the day. The girl looks at me appreciatively ("as with this you can tear off?") And displays on the calculator: 150 yuan! I am going a little and be amazed, it catches up with me and waves his face Toshiba - 100! No, it is not necessary :)
23. And here is the gentle waves of the sea. The quality of the sea and the beach here, of course, is much better than on the central beach, no doubt.
24. About half of Chinese women on the beach run hither with umbrellas or hats. Let burnt ass, legs, belly, but the face must remain fair, otherwise how to communicate with Muschschina ?! Our babtsov among them is clearly seen - they are, on the contrary, con their breasts and faces the South China sun.
25. But now, in October, while the Chinese season. Russian enough, less than a quarter of the total number. They massively ponaedut later in December. Below the photo you see a typical Chinese sunbathing on the beach.
26. Go for a swim or not to swim, that is the question?
27. Swim, of course! But later. The peak bathing here - begins when the sunset. That's when all climbs out of their holes! And now the sun is too rigid.
28. And now attention! Translate gaze to the left, standing on the beach - that is to the east. I apologize for the quality of the photos, but the other is not - I took SLR with him only once, and then went to swim without the photographic equipment. So, you see there capes, one after the other? It's not just capes. The first and second limit access to the naval base in Yulin open sea. There, just behind the hills, there are drums of diesel submarines, missile boats and ships and anti-submarine defense of the sea area. And third, the farthest - a southern cape of Hainan, the southernmost point of it. Further only the sea.
29. This is how the Chinese submarine fleet appears to peak Phoenix, it is popular for tourists (photo mike_nov). I was lucky - I got there climbs during a severe haze, and this picture could not get. And the second time was too lazy to climb in the heat.
30. You can view the map and as imposing Sanya resort is adjacent to the Chinese Sevastopol. You see, right next? After 2 stops from the "Square Meal" on the bus already pass the entrance to the Yulin naval base. A blue dot at the top - this is where I lived in downtown Sanya.
31. But it's all garbage. From Sanya (1) adjacent to the "old" database Yulin (4), with dizelyuhami. But more to the east is an elite district of the beaches to the more expensive hotels - Yalunvan (2). So, to the east side of the wall Yalunvan booms and anti-torpedo nets, it is Chinese and Vilyuchinsk Hajiyev, rolled into one - a huge area of the "new" base Yulin (5). There is now a huge construction is carried out with the construction of systems based SSBNs. This is the main Chinese "hornet's nest" where are based the most-valuable fish of China, the national pride of the fleet - strategic nuclear missile project 094 "Jin".
And all this - close to the elite beaches. That he was so awesome, China.
When I arrived at Yalunvan, the first thought was driven away from the beaches away at taksishke and then climb the hill. View these strategies from a height. Then I thought, thought, thought again and eventually changed my mind :)
32. And one more instructive card. Look where the projected main naval power of China: in the South-East Asia. There is the main area of its vital interests. The big anchor on the map Hainan - Yulin naval base is about it, see. Above. Build the main base for the Chinese missile submarines quite competently - with a convenient and quick exit directly into the deep part of the South China Sea.
33. Okay, back to the evening Sanya. Goes twilight sky and the lights on the beach reflected in the gentle sea ...
34. Opt out by sending along the way every pomogaek. As well, I have not lived here! :)
On the avenue begins night life, and our compatriots also massively crawl out of hotel holes, burn labor and non-labor (someone like) rubles on Chinese soil.
35. In the city there are two Russian "spots" (where the concentration of Russian-speaking), there are also many signs on the great and mighty.
* * *
On the souvenir street I was approached by a couple:
- Oh, sorry, but you did not tell me how to get to Phoenix?
- And like that (I tell).
- Thanks a lot! Where are you from here?
- From Peter.
- And we're out of Dnepropetrovsk!
- Oh, too bad! :)
- Yes. How nice to see nashenskie face, so we are already tired of Character!
- Come on! They just need to make friends :)
At the main path from the Baltic Sea to the South China Sea completed.
35 photo + text + a little mat. Source

2. Since I lived in downtown Shenzhen, close to the central city beach, the best Dadunhaya reach by bus. They are here for 2 yuan (10 rubles.), Are frequent enough new age and almost all air-conditioned. Can a taxi, asking for about 20 yuan (100 rub.). It's funny that if you go back to exactly the same distance - from the Russian enclave, the taxi drivers increased appetite and a half times :)

3. But now we will go by bus. Taxiing to a stop, where a gaggle of students hanging out - they have recently run out lessons.

4. In contrast to the shade got intelligent Chinese, clearly not local (those visible at once). Apparently, tourists from Canton and Shanghai.

5. glanced at downtown Shenzhen, after crossing the mouth of the river will have formally suburbs.

6. The Bridge on the River (where they were already three, so I messed up all the names). Pay attention to the girl under an umbrella, there will be many more.

7. But the river itself, which flows into the South China Sea. The large over it crowded boats and yachts, but we must not forget that we are in China - so it certainly caught, and boat-building. Where a live (real, not for tourists). In the background, too little boat houses.

8. For the mushrooms road forks, go left at the roundabout and right - back and then we're going now.

9. Here, the highway went to Sanya.

10. Exit at the shopping center "Summer", this is the nerve center of the Russian region. He was not confused, because Russian language is becoming ubiquitous, and there are well marked. Here falls out of the belly of the bus cool in hot bath sunny day, more than half the passengers. Someone goes on, the gate of the naval base.

If you cross the road, the "newcomer" immediately attacked pomogayki and hucksters. I look for the trained traders and pomogaek uniquely "green" - because they have not seen me, so I just came, then, I am not yet know any price, and that's cool!
- Oski, Oski, haёsy Oski!
- Do not be.
- Oski! Haёsy !!! - Some harmful runs alongside, get into right on my dark glasses.
- Fuck off, ssuka as well !? Bu yao, fuck !!!
He looks at me in bewilderment, but reluctantly behind. Oh, biznes not turned!
From a distance, even the name, but not as active as the first three minutes - and when there is the whole "biznes».
As well, I have not lived here! They would take me four days Jam, just ...
11. Next - the so-called "Area of food." It's all just say, do not be confused.

12. All prices - about half from my downtown. Well, I go up anyway, studying menus. Everything is duplicated in Russian.
- Is there beer!
- And, ect, ect! Kako Nat?
- Qingdao let a bottle! How much is? Cold there?
- (Pretends he does not understand) Pavarskaya beer ect ... pavarskaya Nat?
- What is more Bavarian? Here ???
(pokes me the price tag - zhlobstvo by Chinese standards, cups for 30yu, whereas at I drink elegant ice Qingdao 6 in chifanke)

13. On the perimeter - various manufactured goods. There adezhda export have shoes Valya.

14. The local Chinese are somehow directly even selflessly love J instead of I. Hell - on the ground floor, above - a paradise.

15. That is the name I was fascinated, then I took a little bit to eat, pelmeshek.

16. Smuggling too. Around the corner to the left.
Here I attached to me for a long time and the next shopkeeper ran alongside, vparivaya "myasik and bed." But I did not give in!

17. Further to the sea front hotels go.

18. What kind of public-visitors welcome?

19. A "Gazprom"! Well, such is to be welcomed, they have a lot of dough :)

20. Okay, we pass to the sea.

21. The beach here is good, fine sand, and pretty clean.

22. I went to the fungus and interested in the price of the day. The girl looks at me appreciatively ("as with this you can tear off?") And displays on the calculator: 150 yuan! I am going a little and be amazed, it catches up with me and waves his face Toshiba - 100! No, it is not necessary :)

23. And here is the gentle waves of the sea. The quality of the sea and the beach here, of course, is much better than on the central beach, no doubt.

24. About half of Chinese women on the beach run hither with umbrellas or hats. Let burnt ass, legs, belly, but the face must remain fair, otherwise how to communicate with Muschschina ?! Our babtsov among them is clearly seen - they are, on the contrary, con their breasts and faces the South China sun.

25. But now, in October, while the Chinese season. Russian enough, less than a quarter of the total number. They massively ponaedut later in December. Below the photo you see a typical Chinese sunbathing on the beach.

26. Go for a swim or not to swim, that is the question?

27. Swim, of course! But later. The peak bathing here - begins when the sunset. That's when all climbs out of their holes! And now the sun is too rigid.

28. And now attention! Translate gaze to the left, standing on the beach - that is to the east. I apologize for the quality of the photos, but the other is not - I took SLR with him only once, and then went to swim without the photographic equipment. So, you see there capes, one after the other? It's not just capes. The first and second limit access to the naval base in Yulin open sea. There, just behind the hills, there are drums of diesel submarines, missile boats and ships and anti-submarine defense of the sea area. And third, the farthest - a southern cape of Hainan, the southernmost point of it. Further only the sea.

29. This is how the Chinese submarine fleet appears to peak Phoenix, it is popular for tourists (photo mike_nov). I was lucky - I got there climbs during a severe haze, and this picture could not get. And the second time was too lazy to climb in the heat.

30. You can view the map and as imposing Sanya resort is adjacent to the Chinese Sevastopol. You see, right next? After 2 stops from the "Square Meal" on the bus already pass the entrance to the Yulin naval base. A blue dot at the top - this is where I lived in downtown Sanya.

31. But it's all garbage. From Sanya (1) adjacent to the "old" database Yulin (4), with dizelyuhami. But more to the east is an elite district of the beaches to the more expensive hotels - Yalunvan (2). So, to the east side of the wall Yalunvan booms and anti-torpedo nets, it is Chinese and Vilyuchinsk Hajiyev, rolled into one - a huge area of the "new" base Yulin (5). There is now a huge construction is carried out with the construction of systems based SSBNs. This is the main Chinese "hornet's nest" where are based the most-valuable fish of China, the national pride of the fleet - strategic nuclear missile project 094 "Jin".
And all this - close to the elite beaches. That he was so awesome, China.

When I arrived at Yalunvan, the first thought was driven away from the beaches away at taksishke and then climb the hill. View these strategies from a height. Then I thought, thought, thought again and eventually changed my mind :)
32. And one more instructive card. Look where the projected main naval power of China: in the South-East Asia. There is the main area of its vital interests. The big anchor on the map Hainan - Yulin naval base is about it, see. Above. Build the main base for the Chinese missile submarines quite competently - with a convenient and quick exit directly into the deep part of the South China Sea.

33. Okay, back to the evening Sanya. Goes twilight sky and the lights on the beach reflected in the gentle sea ...

34. Opt out by sending along the way every pomogaek. As well, I have not lived here! :)
On the avenue begins night life, and our compatriots also massively crawl out of hotel holes, burn labor and non-labor (someone like) rubles on Chinese soil.

35. In the city there are two Russian "spots" (where the concentration of Russian-speaking), there are also many signs on the great and mighty.
* * *
On the souvenir street I was approached by a couple:
- Oh, sorry, but you did not tell me how to get to Phoenix?
- And like that (I tell).
- Thanks a lot! Where are you from here?
- From Peter.
- And we're out of Dnepropetrovsk!
- Oh, too bad! :)
- Yes. How nice to see nashenskie face, so we are already tired of Character!
- Come on! They just need to make friends :)
At the main path from the Baltic Sea to the South China Sea completed.
