Red Banner Northern Fleet submarine force
Today's story blogger onepamop - a submarine from Gadzhiyevo.
42 photos
In Hajiyev, "capital" of the Red Banner Northern Fleet submarine forces, arrived early in the morning. Gone seriously fortified checkpoint at the entrance to the Closed and immediately got on the instruction to "sekretchiku." All present clearly warned about the inadmissibility of uncontrolled shooting and explained: the demand for money is not taken, better once to ask whether it is possible to remove this and that. If not - then shoot, of course, not necessary. After that we left their signatures in spetsdokumente and headed to the pier with boats. TV crews had to shoot it the commander of submarine forces of the Red Banner Northern Fleet.
Training facility submariners in the 71st Navy training center meets all come indiscriminately here is a reassuring sign. At the end of the visit, its meaning has become much clearer to me personally, because in the submarine are all equal before death. Equal, but not helpless. Submarine - closed space within which can start a fire or a leak. Both need to be addressed as soon as possible, keeping oxygen, strength and ability to act in the team. During his stay in the UGC-PL (training facility) managed to look like submariners are operating during a fire in a compartment, as occupiers, as in the case of a ship leaving inappropriate continuation of the struggle for survival and how to climb to the life raft.
Before all exercises submarine forces personnel in uniforms with stamps RB (Radiation Safety) famously twisted nut cylinders individual rescue systems.
Several groups of divers are already very long familiar, but still mandatory briefing before the practical exercise for firefighters in the covered fire compartment. Fire, I must say, the real. Inside the metal room, reminiscent of a real submarine bay, set the nozzle injected diesel. The fuel is ignited, giving heat, light, smoke and depriving submarine oxygen. Mariners should as soon as possible to fill the seat of fire foam, being very close to the source of an open flame.
The instructor told, they say, fear of fire management - one of the most important aspects of training. Undeterred, not panicked, cool, self-controlled person can much more competently withstand the elements. Group after group go Severomorsk submariners in black zakopchёnnogo simulator. Flares, solar fumes and heat waves are pulled out. At the entrance hatch becomes uncomfortable, the lens is covered with fat droplets and the flame disappears into streaks of foam. Voltage drops. After extinguishing all quickly selected from the red-hot compartment, stroking burnt hair and removing asbestos gloves. Each retiring seafarer should clearly answer the question about his health.
Put out the fire, crews of submarines climb into another compartment learning where learning through the same hole fill with water under pressure. Participants struggle with water wearing waterproof suits. Seeing the flow of water out of the holes, all gathered smoothly, without the hustle begin work on oboreniyu flood. Of all cases in the repair team was no more than fifteen minutes. Fix the special patch on the hole with a sliding tube and wooden struts without training is not easy. And the water, what happen, will not wait.
A new stage of training - emergency escape the submarine. For this exercise in building a training center of fifteen laid special vertical pipe - from the first floor to the last. Inside the tube, clear water and darkness. Submariner gets into this unusual simulator below and learn "float" on the top tube. His actions are controlled by infrared cameras placed inside. In any case, when you exit the pipe necessarily duty rescue divers immediately ready to help. Teachings teachings and security - first and foremost. Finally, it was possible to look at the training center - getting into the liferaft from the open water. In emergency equipment - not a trivial task. But coped with it all.
On the submarine
After completing the exercises in the UGC-submarine came the inspection of the submarine. Separated from the main group, made his way to the "Panther", a multipurpose nuclear submarine project 971 with rocket-torpedoes.
Multipurpose nuclear-powered submarine (NPS) pr.971 class "Bars»
Multipurpose nuclear-powered submarine (NPS) pr.971 (class "Bars") was established Design Bureau "Malachite" (Leningrad) by the decision of 1976 on the basis of nuclear submarines pr.945 using existing tactical and technical specifications without conceptual design. According TTZ noise level of the new Premier League pr.971 shall not be less than 5 times less noise the most advanced domestic torpedo boats of the 2nd generation. Technical design of the new submarine was approved in September 1977. In the following changes have been made due to the increasing demands for sonar and weapons. The project was completed in 1980, and the boat got a new digital sonar system with high performance and armament control system that ensures the use of cruise missiles "Granat».
Multipurpose nuclear-powered submarine (NPS) pr.971 is designed for independent operations against submarines and surface ships, attacking shore facilities, conducting ASW warships and convoys, the struggle for communications in order to snare enemy shipping, etc. NPS has pr.971 comprehensive automation of combat and technical means and management of the ship and its weapons are concentrated in a single center - the main command post. Integrated automation has reduced the crew of the boat up to 73 people, including 31 officer (American submarine crew of the "Los Angeles" 141). Compared with the submarine project 671RTM on the new submarines and improved habitability conditions.
NPS pr.971 - double-hulled submarine single-rotor high tail empennage, which placed fairing for towed antenna. A housing made of high strength steel with a yield strength of 100 kgf / mm2 has protivogidroakusticheskoe coating and is divided into seven sections. As a single-shaft propulsion system used single-reactor nuclear power plant VVR OK-650B. High speeds provided the main unit turbozubchatym GTZA and moloshumnye when searching for targets - propulsion motors. Noise level pr.971 submarine, which was defined as early as during the tests, defines a qualitatively higher level of acoustic stealth.
NPS pr.971 different powerful shock weapons, which according to the number and size of torpedo tubes, missile and torpedo common fire unit is much greater than the potentials of similar domestic and foreign submarines. Bow torpedo-missile system includes four 533-mm and four 650 mm torpedo tubes with a total of up to 40 units of ammunition: torpedo - 28 533 mm type USET-80 and UGST 12 650 mm type 65-76A; anti-tank guided missiles such as "Waterfall"; sea launched cruise missiles "Granat"; anti-ship missiles "Turquoise».
Sonar system (SJC) CIM-540 "Skate 3" (developed nasal antenna, 2 onboard antennas great length, towed The length of the antenna in the container on the vertical tail) with digital information processing differs powerful system shumopelengovaniya and sonar. Provides detection of targets at a distance of 3 times greater than the boats of the 2nd generation with a significant reduction in the time of determining the parameters of target motion. In addition to the SJC submarine pr.971 has a high, having no analogues in the world system of detection of submarines and surface ships for the swirl apparatus which records a trace many hours after their passing.
NATO classification Akula submarine pr.971 designated. Therefore, the order of the Commander of the Navy from 10.10.1990, the boat K-317 given the name "Panther". In the future, the names and other NPS received this project. Boat K-480 was named "Leopard", which has become a byword for all nuclear-powered ships pr.971. In December 1997, at the request of Tatarstan "Bars" was renamed "Ak Bars". According to the chief designer of the project GN Chernyshev (died in 1997), "Bars" has great possibilities of modernization, which allows, in particular, to increase the potential for nuclear-powered search about 3 times.
Each boat is capable pr.971 endanger marine and forge a significant grouping. Even in the most favorable hydrological conditions in the Barents Sea in winter, these submarines can be detected by the boats of the "Los Angeles" with the SJC AM / VQQ-5 at a distance of no more than 10 km, and in the worst conditions to detect class submarines "Bars" sonar virtually impossible. According to the Chief of Operations of the US Navy Admiral J. Burda, American ships are not able to accompany these boats when driving at speeds of less than 6-9 knots. In his opinion, advanced submarines pr.971 noise characteristics complies with the boats of the 4th generation.
On the pier in the submarine duty BBB - armed with top of the watch.
Boat crew consists entirely of contract. No sailors conscripts to "Panther" no. Easily explained these things - the strength of constant readiness to serve professionals. As the crew of the submarine professionals need real. Do not fake. Asked the fellow sailors on account of hardship. Submariners to start kept silent, then thought and said, smoking on a submarine can not. And for a long voyage is also impossible. Non-smokers do not realize smoking and no need to explain.
And now the results of observations and impressions: that surprised immediately - cutting, which rises above the body - "the desert." Inside the dark, everywhere stick whole bundles of pipes, some valves poke everywhere, some places are cut small square hatches, underfoot special, it seems, steel deck, similar to the path. Metal "path" has led a vigorous Moscow traveler to the hatch leading into the bowels of the submarine combat. Luke, generally speaking, the normal diameter, and here I am - a few abnormal. Plus - thermal underwear, sweatshirt, thick jacket - "Alaska" with a hood, spetsshtany, mittens, hat and backpack with photographic equipment.
About to climb into a backpack - not out of the question. Lower it does not, the door a tall, heavy backpack, the cargo inside - fragile. Throw someone down - it is dangerous. Hands broken, glass beat. Took a willful decision to put a backpack on his head and down without seeing exactly where. So did. Barely squeezed. It was very funny to go down. Rise, of course, was even funnier, but why did not you do for rare footage!
In the central office.
Inside the submarine, it should be noted, things very differently. Rather than outside. Not to say that the circle was much spacious, but the closeness I had not noticed. Looking around in the control room, admire the views Gadzhiyevo through the attack periscope, went on an impromptu tour, accompanied by assistant commander. To nobody uncontrollably not hung anywhere, everywhere were placed sailors politely guided the erring to the right path. Very correct course of action, I think.
Found a recreation room and psychological relief for the crew inspected the living plants in the niches and a small sauna. Upon reflection, right, of course, to the galley. Frankly, the theater begins with a hanger and a press tour in the Navy or the Army starts with the galley. So - in the galley there is complete order, food is always tasty, varied, Four. Red wine is also the crew gets, it's true. They say nothing in common with the conclusion of some mythical radionuclides it has, but for psychological relief after the watch is quite good. For dessert crew put, for example, chocolate. One of chocolates vytsyganit managed as a souvenir. Small tile with the inscription "Guards" (Zadar then comrade voutsen_cv). Drank tea, the boiled, of course, right on the nuclear reactor. And went on.
Looked to the doctors. Ship medical unit equipped with everything needed for surgical operations, including cavity. There are cabin-insulator with a separate WC on the incidence of infectious diseases crew members.
On the chest of each diver - individual radiometer, fixing the level of radiation. When leaving the pier, in the internal PPC devices installed forcibly relieving radiation data. Barely slipped through the checkpoint.
42 photos
In Hajiyev, "capital" of the Red Banner Northern Fleet submarine forces, arrived early in the morning. Gone seriously fortified checkpoint at the entrance to the Closed and immediately got on the instruction to "sekretchiku." All present clearly warned about the inadmissibility of uncontrolled shooting and explained: the demand for money is not taken, better once to ask whether it is possible to remove this and that. If not - then shoot, of course, not necessary. After that we left their signatures in spetsdokumente and headed to the pier with boats. TV crews had to shoot it the commander of submarine forces of the Red Banner Northern Fleet.



Training facility submariners in the 71st Navy training center meets all come indiscriminately here is a reassuring sign. At the end of the visit, its meaning has become much clearer to me personally, because in the submarine are all equal before death. Equal, but not helpless. Submarine - closed space within which can start a fire or a leak. Both need to be addressed as soon as possible, keeping oxygen, strength and ability to act in the team. During his stay in the UGC-PL (training facility) managed to look like submariners are operating during a fire in a compartment, as occupiers, as in the case of a ship leaving inappropriate continuation of the struggle for survival and how to climb to the life raft.



Before all exercises submarine forces personnel in uniforms with stamps RB (Radiation Safety) famously twisted nut cylinders individual rescue systems.



Several groups of divers are already very long familiar, but still mandatory briefing before the practical exercise for firefighters in the covered fire compartment. Fire, I must say, the real. Inside the metal room, reminiscent of a real submarine bay, set the nozzle injected diesel. The fuel is ignited, giving heat, light, smoke and depriving submarine oxygen. Mariners should as soon as possible to fill the seat of fire foam, being very close to the source of an open flame.
The instructor told, they say, fear of fire management - one of the most important aspects of training. Undeterred, not panicked, cool, self-controlled person can much more competently withstand the elements. Group after group go Severomorsk submariners in black zakopchёnnogo simulator. Flares, solar fumes and heat waves are pulled out. At the entrance hatch becomes uncomfortable, the lens is covered with fat droplets and the flame disappears into streaks of foam. Voltage drops. After extinguishing all quickly selected from the red-hot compartment, stroking burnt hair and removing asbestos gloves. Each retiring seafarer should clearly answer the question about his health.










Put out the fire, crews of submarines climb into another compartment learning where learning through the same hole fill with water under pressure. Participants struggle with water wearing waterproof suits. Seeing the flow of water out of the holes, all gathered smoothly, without the hustle begin work on oboreniyu flood. Of all cases in the repair team was no more than fifteen minutes. Fix the special patch on the hole with a sliding tube and wooden struts without training is not easy. And the water, what happen, will not wait.



A new stage of training - emergency escape the submarine. For this exercise in building a training center of fifteen laid special vertical pipe - from the first floor to the last. Inside the tube, clear water and darkness. Submariner gets into this unusual simulator below and learn "float" on the top tube. His actions are controlled by infrared cameras placed inside. In any case, when you exit the pipe necessarily duty rescue divers immediately ready to help. Teachings teachings and security - first and foremost. Finally, it was possible to look at the training center - getting into the liferaft from the open water. In emergency equipment - not a trivial task. But coped with it all.

On the submarine

After completing the exercises in the UGC-submarine came the inspection of the submarine. Separated from the main group, made his way to the "Panther", a multipurpose nuclear submarine project 971 with rocket-torpedoes.
Multipurpose nuclear-powered submarine (NPS) pr.971 class "Bars»
Multipurpose nuclear-powered submarine (NPS) pr.971 (class "Bars") was established Design Bureau "Malachite" (Leningrad) by the decision of 1976 on the basis of nuclear submarines pr.945 using existing tactical and technical specifications without conceptual design. According TTZ noise level of the new Premier League pr.971 shall not be less than 5 times less noise the most advanced domestic torpedo boats of the 2nd generation. Technical design of the new submarine was approved in September 1977. In the following changes have been made due to the increasing demands for sonar and weapons. The project was completed in 1980, and the boat got a new digital sonar system with high performance and armament control system that ensures the use of cruise missiles "Granat».
Multipurpose nuclear-powered submarine (NPS) pr.971 is designed for independent operations against submarines and surface ships, attacking shore facilities, conducting ASW warships and convoys, the struggle for communications in order to snare enemy shipping, etc. NPS has pr.971 comprehensive automation of combat and technical means and management of the ship and its weapons are concentrated in a single center - the main command post. Integrated automation has reduced the crew of the boat up to 73 people, including 31 officer (American submarine crew of the "Los Angeles" 141). Compared with the submarine project 671RTM on the new submarines and improved habitability conditions.
NPS pr.971 - double-hulled submarine single-rotor high tail empennage, which placed fairing for towed antenna. A housing made of high strength steel with a yield strength of 100 kgf / mm2 has protivogidroakusticheskoe coating and is divided into seven sections. As a single-shaft propulsion system used single-reactor nuclear power plant VVR OK-650B. High speeds provided the main unit turbozubchatym GTZA and moloshumnye when searching for targets - propulsion motors. Noise level pr.971 submarine, which was defined as early as during the tests, defines a qualitatively higher level of acoustic stealth.
NPS pr.971 different powerful shock weapons, which according to the number and size of torpedo tubes, missile and torpedo common fire unit is much greater than the potentials of similar domestic and foreign submarines. Bow torpedo-missile system includes four 533-mm and four 650 mm torpedo tubes with a total of up to 40 units of ammunition: torpedo - 28 533 mm type USET-80 and UGST 12 650 mm type 65-76A; anti-tank guided missiles such as "Waterfall"; sea launched cruise missiles "Granat"; anti-ship missiles "Turquoise».
Sonar system (SJC) CIM-540 "Skate 3" (developed nasal antenna, 2 onboard antennas great length, towed The length of the antenna in the container on the vertical tail) with digital information processing differs powerful system shumopelengovaniya and sonar. Provides detection of targets at a distance of 3 times greater than the boats of the 2nd generation with a significant reduction in the time of determining the parameters of target motion. In addition to the SJC submarine pr.971 has a high, having no analogues in the world system of detection of submarines and surface ships for the swirl apparatus which records a trace many hours after their passing.
NATO classification Akula submarine pr.971 designated. Therefore, the order of the Commander of the Navy from 10.10.1990, the boat K-317 given the name "Panther". In the future, the names and other NPS received this project. Boat K-480 was named "Leopard", which has become a byword for all nuclear-powered ships pr.971. In December 1997, at the request of Tatarstan "Bars" was renamed "Ak Bars". According to the chief designer of the project GN Chernyshev (died in 1997), "Bars" has great possibilities of modernization, which allows, in particular, to increase the potential for nuclear-powered search about 3 times.
Each boat is capable pr.971 endanger marine and forge a significant grouping. Even in the most favorable hydrological conditions in the Barents Sea in winter, these submarines can be detected by the boats of the "Los Angeles" with the SJC AM / VQQ-5 at a distance of no more than 10 km, and in the worst conditions to detect class submarines "Bars" sonar virtually impossible. According to the Chief of Operations of the US Navy Admiral J. Burda, American ships are not able to accompany these boats when driving at speeds of less than 6-9 knots. In his opinion, advanced submarines pr.971 noise characteristics complies with the boats of the 4th generation.

On the pier in the submarine duty BBB - armed with top of the watch.

Boat crew consists entirely of contract. No sailors conscripts to "Panther" no. Easily explained these things - the strength of constant readiness to serve professionals. As the crew of the submarine professionals need real. Do not fake. Asked the fellow sailors on account of hardship. Submariners to start kept silent, then thought and said, smoking on a submarine can not. And for a long voyage is also impossible. Non-smokers do not realize smoking and no need to explain.

And now the results of observations and impressions: that surprised immediately - cutting, which rises above the body - "the desert." Inside the dark, everywhere stick whole bundles of pipes, some valves poke everywhere, some places are cut small square hatches, underfoot special, it seems, steel deck, similar to the path. Metal "path" has led a vigorous Moscow traveler to the hatch leading into the bowels of the submarine combat. Luke, generally speaking, the normal diameter, and here I am - a few abnormal. Plus - thermal underwear, sweatshirt, thick jacket - "Alaska" with a hood, spetsshtany, mittens, hat and backpack with photographic equipment.
About to climb into a backpack - not out of the question. Lower it does not, the door a tall, heavy backpack, the cargo inside - fragile. Throw someone down - it is dangerous. Hands broken, glass beat. Took a willful decision to put a backpack on his head and down without seeing exactly where. So did. Barely squeezed. It was very funny to go down. Rise, of course, was even funnier, but why did not you do for rare footage!

In the central office.

Inside the submarine, it should be noted, things very differently. Rather than outside. Not to say that the circle was much spacious, but the closeness I had not noticed. Looking around in the control room, admire the views Gadzhiyevo through the attack periscope, went on an impromptu tour, accompanied by assistant commander. To nobody uncontrollably not hung anywhere, everywhere were placed sailors politely guided the erring to the right path. Very correct course of action, I think.
Found a recreation room and psychological relief for the crew inspected the living plants in the niches and a small sauna. Upon reflection, right, of course, to the galley. Frankly, the theater begins with a hanger and a press tour in the Navy or the Army starts with the galley. So - in the galley there is complete order, food is always tasty, varied, Four. Red wine is also the crew gets, it's true. They say nothing in common with the conclusion of some mythical radionuclides it has, but for psychological relief after the watch is quite good. For dessert crew put, for example, chocolate. One of chocolates vytsyganit managed as a souvenir. Small tile with the inscription "Guards" (Zadar then comrade voutsen_cv). Drank tea, the boiled, of course, right on the nuclear reactor. And went on.





Looked to the doctors. Ship medical unit equipped with everything needed for surgical operations, including cavity. There are cabin-insulator with a separate WC on the incidence of infectious diseases crew members.




On the chest of each diver - individual radiometer, fixing the level of radiation. When leaving the pier, in the internal PPC devices installed forcibly relieving radiation data. Barely slipped through the checkpoint.



