The largest fleet of submarines
Start with submarines South Korea. The Navy of the Republic of Korea currently has in service 14 diesel-electric submarines. 12 of these subs - German type boats 209 and 214 while two small submarines built in Korea. Current plans for Korea involve the construction of class 214 at its own shipyards - it will upscale technologically advanced submarine. Type 214 has eight torpedo units capable of launching anti-ship missiles and lay mines. In all likelihood, soon South Korea will rise significantly in this list, because the new submarines will be introduced in the Navy very soon.
On a par with South Korea, Turkey is the largest operetorom German submarines in the world. All submarines of the Turkish Navy - diesel electric ship Type 209. This particular submarine - one of the most exported types, which can be customized according to the wishes of all potential customers. With the cost of approximately $ 290 million in each of the submarines of the Turkish fleet 209 s is setting launch Harpoon anti-ship missiles. The following year, the Turkish Navy plans to replace part of the 209's more modern German type diesel-electric submarines - 214.
When we talk about the Navy, few people even think about Israel. In military terms most people consider Israel in terms of aviation, or infantry, but the country does have a fleet of 14 submarines. As on many other aspects of the Israeli armed forces, it is difficult to get any accurate information on the fleet. According to several sources, the Israeli Navy currently operates 14 submarines (although some sources claim a smaller number). The most famous and certainly the most active legal capacity are Dolphin class submarine. Built in Germany in 1998, diesel-electric submarine Dolphin class capable of carrying on board the Israeli nuclear weapons. Israel also has one of the best tanks in the world.
After World War II strict sanctions regulate the Japanese armed forces, and the country's constitution stipulates that Japan should have only defensive weapons. Ultimately, Japan has a small, but very modern armed forces, including the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). Today, the submarine flotilla of Japan is made up of diesel-electric attack submarines. They are divided into two classes are very modern submarines, the oldest of which was built in 1994. The latest Soryu class submarines equipped with all the latest technologies, have a range of movement in the 7000 miles, can launch missiles, torpedoes and lay mines.
Currently, the vast majority of submarines to India - a diesel-electric submarine torpedo, built by Russian and German. Their presence has allowed India to play the muscles around their coastal waters of the Indian Ocean. Later steps have been taken translation Indian submarine fleet in the sphere of nuclear energy. Was awarded the lease of the Russian nuclear submarine class "Shark" and the creation of its own ballistic missile - clear signs that India wants to expand the capabilities of its submarine fleet. Given the time and costs associated with the construction of nuclear submarines, the current diesel electric ship will be the basis of the Indian Navy in the next few years. But in the future the country can climb a few positions in the list.
No, that's not a typo, because Iran really owns now the fifth largest submarine fleet in the world. Iran traditionally directs most of its military budget in the air and ground forces. Over the past few years the navy of the Islamic Republic of Iran began to develop new surface ships and submarines. Submarine forces are mainly concentrated on the operations of the coastal and small range around the Persian Gulf. The most advanced submarines - three Russian-built diesel electric ship class Kilo. Built in the 1990s, these submarines can cover distances of more than 7,000 miles, lay mines and to oppose any naval forces approaching the Iranian coast. These are supplemented by a number of other submarines designed for shallow-water coastal operations.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the Soviet navy, like the majority of the armed forces, has suffered from poor funding and maintenance. Over the past few years, this situation is extremely changed, as Russia seeks to transform and modernize their forces under the leadership of Vladimir Putin. Russian Navy submarine fleet definitely benefited from the reform. Russia has a number of submarines with the ability to launch ballistic missile submarines and 30 with the possibility of a nuclear strike. In addition to nuclear submarines, the fleet includes 20 diesel electric vessels class Kilo. Construction of new submarines, instead of the outdated and dangerous old models. Obviously, the Russian submarine force at least not lose their place on the list, but rather even rise higher in the coming years. I suggest you also read about the most powerful weapon in history.
Over the past 30 years, the Chinese armed forces have undergone a major program of expansion and modernization. In addition to ground troops and air force, and there is a significant development in the fleet. The country has only a few atomic modern submarines, and most of the submarine fleet are 50 diesel-electric submarines. It is considered that the Chinese military doctrine is primarily focused on the protection of their territories and coastal waters from potential enemies. The possibility of a nuclear strike is used as a deterrent, and have it only a few submarines. Are not as powerful as the US or Russian projects, the Chinese submarines with ballistic missiles are still capable of launching nuclear weapons further action on any country stupid enough to attack China. China also has one of the most powerful nuclear missiles in the world.
Second place in this list is the navy of the United States. While the US and manages only the second largest submarine force in the world, it is the most powerful and modern in the world. Since the construction of the first submarine USS Holland in 1900, the country has created a very effective submarine force. Active US Navy nuclear-powered completely, because military operations are limited only by the amount of food that can carry the court. Currently, the most numerous type submarines - class submarine torpedo Los-Angeles - 40 of these machines are in operation. Built between the 1970s and 1990s, of, submarine costs about $ 1 billion in today's currency moves almost 7,000 tons, can dive to a depth of about 450 meters and is armed with four torpedo settings. In order not to lose his leadership, the United States began to replace these boats during the Cold War newer and more modern submarines Virginia class worth $ 2.7 billion.
Army North Korea ranked first in the list with a fleet of 78 submarines. All North Korean submarine diesel-electric, and none of them does not move more than 1,800 tons. The potential danger of this power was demonstrated in 2010, when a small 130-capacity cranes Yono class sank a South Korean corvette Chonan. Nevertheless, it is a second-rate force, made up of aging Soviet-era submarines and made at home coastal submarines smaller. North Korean submarine small size have good opportunities in shallow water, can lay mines, conduct reconnaissance in enemy harbors and transport special forces to enemy shores. If North Korea continues to expand its fleet of small submarines, it is unlikely cede leadership on this list in the near future. In the sequel, also read about the countries with the largest army, which is dedicated to a special collection.

On a par with South Korea, Turkey is the largest operetorom German submarines in the world. All submarines of the Turkish Navy - diesel electric ship Type 209. This particular submarine - one of the most exported types, which can be customized according to the wishes of all potential customers. With the cost of approximately $ 290 million in each of the submarines of the Turkish fleet 209 s is setting launch Harpoon anti-ship missiles. The following year, the Turkish Navy plans to replace part of the 209's more modern German type diesel-electric submarines - 214.

When we talk about the Navy, few people even think about Israel. In military terms most people consider Israel in terms of aviation, or infantry, but the country does have a fleet of 14 submarines. As on many other aspects of the Israeli armed forces, it is difficult to get any accurate information on the fleet. According to several sources, the Israeli Navy currently operates 14 submarines (although some sources claim a smaller number). The most famous and certainly the most active legal capacity are Dolphin class submarine. Built in Germany in 1998, diesel-electric submarine Dolphin class capable of carrying on board the Israeli nuclear weapons. Israel also has one of the best tanks in the world.

After World War II strict sanctions regulate the Japanese armed forces, and the country's constitution stipulates that Japan should have only defensive weapons. Ultimately, Japan has a small, but very modern armed forces, including the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). Today, the submarine flotilla of Japan is made up of diesel-electric attack submarines. They are divided into two classes are very modern submarines, the oldest of which was built in 1994. The latest Soryu class submarines equipped with all the latest technologies, have a range of movement in the 7000 miles, can launch missiles, torpedoes and lay mines.

Currently, the vast majority of submarines to India - a diesel-electric submarine torpedo, built by Russian and German. Their presence has allowed India to play the muscles around their coastal waters of the Indian Ocean. Later steps have been taken translation Indian submarine fleet in the sphere of nuclear energy. Was awarded the lease of the Russian nuclear submarine class "Shark" and the creation of its own ballistic missile - clear signs that India wants to expand the capabilities of its submarine fleet. Given the time and costs associated with the construction of nuclear submarines, the current diesel electric ship will be the basis of the Indian Navy in the next few years. But in the future the country can climb a few positions in the list.

No, that's not a typo, because Iran really owns now the fifth largest submarine fleet in the world. Iran traditionally directs most of its military budget in the air and ground forces. Over the past few years the navy of the Islamic Republic of Iran began to develop new surface ships and submarines. Submarine forces are mainly concentrated on the operations of the coastal and small range around the Persian Gulf. The most advanced submarines - three Russian-built diesel electric ship class Kilo. Built in the 1990s, these submarines can cover distances of more than 7,000 miles, lay mines and to oppose any naval forces approaching the Iranian coast. These are supplemented by a number of other submarines designed for shallow-water coastal operations.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the Soviet navy, like the majority of the armed forces, has suffered from poor funding and maintenance. Over the past few years, this situation is extremely changed, as Russia seeks to transform and modernize their forces under the leadership of Vladimir Putin. Russian Navy submarine fleet definitely benefited from the reform. Russia has a number of submarines with the ability to launch ballistic missile submarines and 30 with the possibility of a nuclear strike. In addition to nuclear submarines, the fleet includes 20 diesel electric vessels class Kilo. Construction of new submarines, instead of the outdated and dangerous old models. Obviously, the Russian submarine force at least not lose their place on the list, but rather even rise higher in the coming years. I suggest you also read about the most powerful weapon in history.

Over the past 30 years, the Chinese armed forces have undergone a major program of expansion and modernization. In addition to ground troops and air force, and there is a significant development in the fleet. The country has only a few atomic modern submarines, and most of the submarine fleet are 50 diesel-electric submarines. It is considered that the Chinese military doctrine is primarily focused on the protection of their territories and coastal waters from potential enemies. The possibility of a nuclear strike is used as a deterrent, and have it only a few submarines. Are not as powerful as the US or Russian projects, the Chinese submarines with ballistic missiles are still capable of launching nuclear weapons further action on any country stupid enough to attack China. China also has one of the most powerful nuclear missiles in the world.

Second place in this list is the navy of the United States. While the US and manages only the second largest submarine force in the world, it is the most powerful and modern in the world. Since the construction of the first submarine USS Holland in 1900, the country has created a very effective submarine force. Active US Navy nuclear-powered completely, because military operations are limited only by the amount of food that can carry the court. Currently, the most numerous type submarines - class submarine torpedo Los-Angeles - 40 of these machines are in operation. Built between the 1970s and 1990s, of, submarine costs about $ 1 billion in today's currency moves almost 7,000 tons, can dive to a depth of about 450 meters and is armed with four torpedo settings. In order not to lose his leadership, the United States began to replace these boats during the Cold War newer and more modern submarines Virginia class worth $ 2.7 billion.

Army North Korea ranked first in the list with a fleet of 78 submarines. All North Korean submarine diesel-electric, and none of them does not move more than 1,800 tons. The potential danger of this power was demonstrated in 2010, when a small 130-capacity cranes Yono class sank a South Korean corvette Chonan. Nevertheless, it is a second-rate force, made up of aging Soviet-era submarines and made at home coastal submarines smaller. North Korean submarine small size have good opportunities in shallow water, can lay mines, conduct reconnaissance in enemy harbors and transport special forces to enemy shores. If North Korea continues to expand its fleet of small submarines, it is unlikely cede leadership on this list in the near future. In the sequel, also read about the countries with the largest army, which is dedicated to a special collection.