Prokhorov and the company offered to hand over Kaliningrad
Prokhorov family party "Civic Platform" called on Russia to take a course on European integration. As a "pilot project" is proposed to use Kaliningrad. And there entered a visa-free entry for citizens of the US, EU, Canada and Australia, writes, "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". In an interview with "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" Prokhorov called the partnership with the EU "strategic doctrine" of his party. According to Prokhorov, the Customs Union with Belarus and Kazakhstan, which is now actively promoting the government, in fact, a return to the Soviet economy. While Russia, according to Prokhorov, should become a center of integration not only with the post-Soviet countries, but from all over Europe. "It is necessary to unilaterally cancel entry vizydlya US citizens, the EU, Canada and Australia - said the deputy of the Kaliningrad regional Duma Solomon Ginzburg. - I can call the names of European diplomats who are willing to allow visa-free travel to European countries the residents of the Kaliningrad region. " Abolition of visas to Europe to attract money into the country, does not hide his hopes Ginsburg.
"The original" little idea, more like unfunny anecdote - so appreciated the idea of Prokhorov, the head of "Homeland" Alexey Zhuravlev. "Of course, I am for world peace and friendship between peoples. But the friendship must be mutual. Meanwhile, Europe and the United States in particular is clearly not eager to abolish visas for Russians. But burning tires on the Ukrainian Maidan purchased including dollars and euros. But in Maidan inflames anti-Russian hysteria, spreading soot Russophobic continue in Ukraine. Whether it is planned "Civic Platform" in Kaliningrad arrange something like that? In addition, the proposal Liberals slipping separatist partial theme of integration of the Russian territory of the other geopolitical entities, "- writes Zhuravlev. "By the way, if the Liberals are calling for European integration, and then do the United States, Canada and Australia? Lord, you are a globe ever seen?) So did the owners of the party GP - maydanovskogo burn victim or traitors of the motherland? In fact, one does not interfere. As for the general prospects for the integration of Europe and Russia, I want to note: our multiple territorial supremacy - the main argument against such fantasies. A huge Russian simply absorb little Europe. When fully implemented the project of the Eurasian Union, then - even more so. And there it is well aware. Europe has repeatedly tried in their own way to "integrate" Russia, the last time it was in 1941-45. On the eve of the 71 th anniversary of our victory in the Battle of Stalingrad is good to recall this for anyone with a weak memory. So, gentlemen, liberals, we will build a Eurasian Union. And Kaliningrad will be with us. And if you have something does not suit, it integrates with anyone on a personal level. If you're lucky, your "integration" and no one will notice. Russian big! ", - Concluded the leader of the party" Rodina ».

"The original" little idea, more like unfunny anecdote - so appreciated the idea of Prokhorov, the head of "Homeland" Alexey Zhuravlev. "Of course, I am for world peace and friendship between peoples. But the friendship must be mutual. Meanwhile, Europe and the United States in particular is clearly not eager to abolish visas for Russians. But burning tires on the Ukrainian Maidan purchased including dollars and euros. But in Maidan inflames anti-Russian hysteria, spreading soot Russophobic continue in Ukraine. Whether it is planned "Civic Platform" in Kaliningrad arrange something like that? In addition, the proposal Liberals slipping separatist partial theme of integration of the Russian territory of the other geopolitical entities, "- writes Zhuravlev. "By the way, if the Liberals are calling for European integration, and then do the United States, Canada and Australia? Lord, you are a globe ever seen?) So did the owners of the party GP - maydanovskogo burn victim or traitors of the motherland? In fact, one does not interfere. As for the general prospects for the integration of Europe and Russia, I want to note: our multiple territorial supremacy - the main argument against such fantasies. A huge Russian simply absorb little Europe. When fully implemented the project of the Eurasian Union, then - even more so. And there it is well aware. Europe has repeatedly tried in their own way to "integrate" Russia, the last time it was in 1941-45. On the eve of the 71 th anniversary of our victory in the Battle of Stalingrad is good to recall this for anyone with a weak memory. So, gentlemen, liberals, we will build a Eurasian Union. And Kaliningrad will be with us. And if you have something does not suit, it integrates with anyone on a personal level. If you're lucky, your "integration" and no one will notice. Russian big! ", - Concluded the leader of the party" Rodina ».