The dog barked at his uncle fraera chanson ... Not!

In the early twentieth century Paris gang terrorized "Apaches» - Les Apaches. To intimidate themselves because they have a name for the bloodthirsty Apaches. Pickpockets, thugs, thieves and pimps were united in gangs. The police was often powerless. 8,000 gendarmes, compared with 30 000 young thugs.

Some historians believe that the number of Apaches reached 70 000. Apache and developed a kind of its own system of martial arts - savate (old shoe). It strikes and kicks. There is a version that savate came up with the sailors, and kicks have been added to allow the batter to use a free hand for balance on the moving deck.

They are not afraid of anything, and often acted even in the daytime.

Receiving the "father Francis" - on the neck of the victim and pounced strap strangled townspeople did not try to resist as long as it gutted. Sometimes passers robbed by a method called "powder box" - in the face of the victim rushed box with soot and is blinded by trying to understand what was happening, he had escaped the clock, briefcase or purse.

Their weapons were guns, brass knuckles, knives and razors. The picture shows a very interesting hybrid convertible - the so-called gun Apaches.

There Apaches and fashion. They wore caps, tapering pants, vest and flannel shirt with large collar, opening the throat. And be sure - a handkerchief. Geronimo wore a headscarf - the legendary leader of these Apaches.

There was dancing and Apaches. The Moscow newspaper "Early Morning" in October 1908 wrote about it so:
"Dance of the Apaches - these dregs of modern Paris, was recently executed for the first time in one of reviews of the Montmartre theater Chantal. Any new dance influences the Parisians with the force of the epidemic. Dance of the Apaches was picked up by wide circles of Society Islands, and now the most secular buildings he won himself a place of honor in the list of favorite dances to avid thrill of Paris ».

The roles of men and women dance well distributed: a man - a wild, cruel, ruthless sadist; jealous Othello, generously partner cuffs. The woman - a cat - tense, assesses the risk of an angry man. Getting butting and slap on a partner, she tries to resist or feigns unconsciousness and showing loyalty to him ... the same.

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Look at the dance. This pastiche, but impressive styling!
