As usual, they made their way to the stadium, through the entrance to the press, and then on to you, bummer! Today let only for tickets sold 14000.
Will gallery 10
How I with volunteers and guards did not fight, do not let radishes, then I asked at least for polshishki, sfotkal and back out the door
So we spent the entire game in the fight for entry and okoshechkoHorosho even with us on this floor screen was visible, it was the opposite.
During the break, gum WORLD FRIENDSHIP !!!
During the game, shot in)) have not yet seen)) And again the door, just like in the bath))
Will gallery 10

How I with volunteers and guards did not fight, do not let radishes, then I asked at least for polshishki, sfotkal and back out the door

So we spent the entire game in the fight for entry and okoshechkoHorosho even with us on this floor screen was visible, it was the opposite.

During the break, gum WORLD FRIENDSHIP !!!

During the game, shot in)) have not yet seen)) And again the door, just like in the bath))
