Mikhailovsk dismiss the head of the city ...
There are women in Russian villages!
So she wrote on her facebook:
Inform the public about his dismissal.
I ended my 17 years of continuous civil service, including 14 years in the administration Mikhailovsk as deputy head and almost 2 years of his duties as head of the town St. Michael.
And the last two years of total tests.
But the most terrible were the last 8 months of provocation bribes bases, slander, libel. On the instructions of the construction team, carrying out a large-scale illegal construction Mikhaylovsk.
To withstand the attacks of the old leadership edge, expecting strong-willed decisions of the new ...
First, the apparent support, then silence. Moreover, they could not see that happening with the Mikhailovsky. Or submission bad information report to the Governor of the Stavropol Territory.
Today, taking a decision on the dismissal of - I do not take into account fabricated violations cases referred to the investigating authorities, and the exaggerated and funny. It absolutely does not matter. I could continue to sustain 80 percent of working time in checks and interrogations. How to withstand two years.
I quit for other reasons
So this amazing woman.
Statutes of the sixteenth of the Arbitration Court of Appeal of 21.01.2014g., Requiring the administration of the city Mikhailovsk to issue a permit for construction of residential complex Harmony - I'm not going. It is criminal for his ignorance of the decision and a crime against the city. Beloved and dear. The writ handed to me already, and non-enforcement of the court - criminal article.
That decision is illiterate and does not comply with the law will prove even revocation. This decision is one in Russia, unprecedented: obliging the local authority to issue a permit for the construction of an unauthorized building and without a single document.
But ... cassation stuck. It is obliged to cancel the appeal, as the court orders the practice all over Russia. But it is late. Well. It means so.
If the appeal is not canceled and the administration will be forced to execute it without me: Mikhailovsk city takes the brunt of thousands of new citizens to our already shaky infrastructure, lack of kindergartens and schools, lack of transport public services, lack of jobs. Will the hit and Stavropol: abstraction we have one, the deplorable state of the networks, the investment program for the water supply has not been approved, which means harmony unceremoniously breaks on existing networks without a single penny of investment in water supply network!
Now the hand is not raised to sign a building permit already built in a brazen objects hurled at the doomed city existence - without a social and communal infrastructure.
None of the structures, screaming about respecting the law and decency - not intervened. Worse, joined the administration to destroy itself. Town Council Mikhailovsky has not adopted regulations to tighten blocked construction, abolition of the old and invalid land use and development to the lack of zoning (formal presence which has enabled Harmony to renew land for housing construction).
I'm going to the field, where there are no laws, no rules, no reason. There are personal and top these interests.
However, more than 8 months of the administration to take a punch and defense against such unscrupulous illegal invasion, even managed to stop the construction. The truth is only the judgment, enforcement has never met, is building, all watching and silent.
The question of influence of developers today occurs not only in the Mikhailovsky, and even in the regional center. It is not yet time to go up the press. Question topical and soon-to-date. The liberal legislation in the field of urban development leads to a total sealing of cities, references herein to the executive power - by the representative - just without the solution of the problem to find the culprit. It turns out, the executive branch is not authorized to stop the chaos, a representative idle, often court-side developers. That's the whole result. Quality of urban life. And if it were not for the media, one would not understand the problem. Truth and media are different, someone commissioned more than gather all unverified obscenities and filth, not understanding what was happening. Someone creates a rating on the cheap facts. But there is quite modern and objective media, incorruptible and not chasing-demand.
Thanks to them, which for 8 months, with me holding a barrier to construction lawlessness Mikhaylovsk. Without you, it would be quite impossible to bring the truth to the public. According to the publication of my treatment and objectivity will be seen. The rest of the media will pour mud at me as usual, blended criminal cases, of which there is no harmony and praise, telling residents of the sales of apartments.
Society itself will understand. Hopefully not when it is too late and the water stops dripping from a faucet.
Too bad his home team, who survived a beating by all law enforcement agencies over the past two years. For their sake, and I held the city. For the sake of the city and leave without signing for it a sentence of building permits Harmony.
But I believe in my team as a team that knowingly tempered and under my leadership finally matured.
There is a lot of problems: literally in March and April will earn dispatching Regulatory route traffic coming introduction of several new routes, construction of car plant in the 3, 5, thousands of jobs, the development of additional 19 million. Rubles. to the budget 2014. - A large number of measures for improvement in the field of culture. I was very pleased with the "Minute of Fame", our new event, where there is no release from the participants.
The city lives. However, for normal existence, without collisions and collapses without total effect and impact on all the authorities on the part of developers - a higher social activity of society.
And solid willful decision by the Government of Stavropol Territory in the interests of ordinary citizens, and not the construction business.
Here is a link to the source: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006418626109
So she wrote on her facebook:
Inform the public about his dismissal.
I ended my 17 years of continuous civil service, including 14 years in the administration Mikhailovsk as deputy head and almost 2 years of his duties as head of the town St. Michael.
And the last two years of total tests.
But the most terrible were the last 8 months of provocation bribes bases, slander, libel. On the instructions of the construction team, carrying out a large-scale illegal construction Mikhaylovsk.
To withstand the attacks of the old leadership edge, expecting strong-willed decisions of the new ...
First, the apparent support, then silence. Moreover, they could not see that happening with the Mikhailovsky. Or submission bad information report to the Governor of the Stavropol Territory.
Today, taking a decision on the dismissal of - I do not take into account fabricated violations cases referred to the investigating authorities, and the exaggerated and funny. It absolutely does not matter. I could continue to sustain 80 percent of working time in checks and interrogations. How to withstand two years.
I quit for other reasons
So this amazing woman.

Statutes of the sixteenth of the Arbitration Court of Appeal of 21.01.2014g., Requiring the administration of the city Mikhailovsk to issue a permit for construction of residential complex Harmony - I'm not going. It is criminal for his ignorance of the decision and a crime against the city. Beloved and dear. The writ handed to me already, and non-enforcement of the court - criminal article.
That decision is illiterate and does not comply with the law will prove even revocation. This decision is one in Russia, unprecedented: obliging the local authority to issue a permit for the construction of an unauthorized building and without a single document.
But ... cassation stuck. It is obliged to cancel the appeal, as the court orders the practice all over Russia. But it is late. Well. It means so.
If the appeal is not canceled and the administration will be forced to execute it without me: Mikhailovsk city takes the brunt of thousands of new citizens to our already shaky infrastructure, lack of kindergartens and schools, lack of transport public services, lack of jobs. Will the hit and Stavropol: abstraction we have one, the deplorable state of the networks, the investment program for the water supply has not been approved, which means harmony unceremoniously breaks on existing networks without a single penny of investment in water supply network!
Now the hand is not raised to sign a building permit already built in a brazen objects hurled at the doomed city existence - without a social and communal infrastructure.
None of the structures, screaming about respecting the law and decency - not intervened. Worse, joined the administration to destroy itself. Town Council Mikhailovsky has not adopted regulations to tighten blocked construction, abolition of the old and invalid land use and development to the lack of zoning (formal presence which has enabled Harmony to renew land for housing construction).
I'm going to the field, where there are no laws, no rules, no reason. There are personal and top these interests.
However, more than 8 months of the administration to take a punch and defense against such unscrupulous illegal invasion, even managed to stop the construction. The truth is only the judgment, enforcement has never met, is building, all watching and silent.
The question of influence of developers today occurs not only in the Mikhailovsky, and even in the regional center. It is not yet time to go up the press. Question topical and soon-to-date. The liberal legislation in the field of urban development leads to a total sealing of cities, references herein to the executive power - by the representative - just without the solution of the problem to find the culprit. It turns out, the executive branch is not authorized to stop the chaos, a representative idle, often court-side developers. That's the whole result. Quality of urban life. And if it were not for the media, one would not understand the problem. Truth and media are different, someone commissioned more than gather all unverified obscenities and filth, not understanding what was happening. Someone creates a rating on the cheap facts. But there is quite modern and objective media, incorruptible and not chasing-demand.
Thanks to them, which for 8 months, with me holding a barrier to construction lawlessness Mikhaylovsk. Without you, it would be quite impossible to bring the truth to the public. According to the publication of my treatment and objectivity will be seen. The rest of the media will pour mud at me as usual, blended criminal cases, of which there is no harmony and praise, telling residents of the sales of apartments.
Society itself will understand. Hopefully not when it is too late and the water stops dripping from a faucet.
Too bad his home team, who survived a beating by all law enforcement agencies over the past two years. For their sake, and I held the city. For the sake of the city and leave without signing for it a sentence of building permits Harmony.
But I believe in my team as a team that knowingly tempered and under my leadership finally matured.
There is a lot of problems: literally in March and April will earn dispatching Regulatory route traffic coming introduction of several new routes, construction of car plant in the 3, 5, thousands of jobs, the development of additional 19 million. Rubles. to the budget 2014. - A large number of measures for improvement in the field of culture. I was very pleased with the "Minute of Fame", our new event, where there is no release from the participants.
The city lives. However, for normal existence, without collisions and collapses without total effect and impact on all the authorities on the part of developers - a higher social activity of society.
And solid willful decision by the Government of Stavropol Territory in the interests of ordinary citizens, and not the construction business.
Here is a link to the source: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006418626109