Islamic caliphate in St. Petersburg
Author Oksana
Today, after studying at the University of St. Petersburg metro station Gorky I had what did not hear - and these were direct threats addressed to me, shouting "Tahrir! Allahu Akbar! "And that" St. Petersburg and the whole Russia - is a land of Allah and that Russia needs "Islamic caliphate" and, finally, that was banned in Russia and not only a terrorist organization "Hizb-but-Tahrir" is not It is not at all extremist.
Only a global Islamic domination wanted, really, what's extremist ???!
Every Friday Gorky metro station in St. Petersburg, is transformed into an Islamic republic where not hear Russian speech. Islamists distribute a free newspaper "Turan" and the journal "Islam", which tells about the laws of Sharia, about how a woman should behave towards her husband and the fact that "there is no god but Allah".
Just a few persons of Caucasian nationality sell Islamic literature and Islamic attributes, and illegally. No wonder if some of these books have prohibited literature, as recently in the mosque at the Gorky called for a war against Russia, and to join the Heath but-Tahrir. For such persons I had to write a statement on the fact of illegal trade.
I came the answer, that, say, the fact that the illicit trade is not set and I probably thought. After this trade is not stopped, they continue to trade in the underpass as illegal. Today, approximately at 15:20 I went to the police and informed them of the fact of the illicit trade, the staff came up and asked the merchant of Islamic literature and paraphernalia together and they're gone.
Meanwhile, I was surrounded by about 30 Muslims who began to snatch my camera, some of them explicitly stated that "the earth is Allah's, and we are here to do whatever we want and they do not care about all the laws." I pushed a few times with the words, "You that, tired of life?" And "Your cares?". Nearby is the staff, however, they do not pay any attention. That is, you can frank the street to call for the establishment of a caliphate, to say that Peter - is the land of Allah and it will be nothing?
After that, a group of 20-30 Islamists coming out of a mosque on the road to the metro several times shouted: "Tahrir! Allahu Akbar ", I recorded on camera, but, as or for the fact that I twisted it or snatched or more of something, the files are damaged, but I think it can be restored. I went to the police and metro said about it, I told the employee that he can not do anything and does not have any powers.
Despite the fact that traders officers allegedly tried to take him to the office and write out a penalty, one of them, who in the photo, decayed and began to trade on, when I approached him, he began to tell me about the "Islamic caliphate", which is necessary for Russia and the world, about the proper party "Heath but-Tahrir" and extremely indignant that quire, I am shocked, because "the Islamic Caliphate is good for Muslims", but he did not add that in this case to do with non-Muslims, ie " infidels ".
However, struck not what he said, and then, with what serenity he says is a complete stranger, do not fear the responsibility for his words, despite the fact that the organization of Heath but-Tahrir is banned and that calls for the establishment of Islamic Caliphate can be categorized as an extremist, he is not bothered at all, because they do not feel that we should be responsible for their words. So he said, "call me no matter where, we do not care".
Most offensive of all was watching the indifference of Russian citizens passing by when I was surrounded by a 30ti Islamists with shouts and direct threats. Me and a crowd of a hundred Islamist radicals Undeterred, good, failed in the North Caucasus, and to hear a lot just to see, but more afraid of their own indifference, Russian.
A week later, they will be there to stand and trade again, it is necessary to do something. It's not so much in the illegal trade, and in a frank appeal to the creation of the Caliphate and the contempt of the Russian population and to those who are "other faiths". Just I want to note that in St. Petersburg there is an Islamic school "Salam", one of the former Russian teachers of telling how juvenile Muslim boys stated to her that under Sharia law it is, a woman has no right at all to tell them anything, here is a "tolerant" education.
Today, after studying at the University of St. Petersburg metro station Gorky I had what did not hear - and these were direct threats addressed to me, shouting "Tahrir! Allahu Akbar! "And that" St. Petersburg and the whole Russia - is a land of Allah and that Russia needs "Islamic caliphate" and, finally, that was banned in Russia and not only a terrorist organization "Hizb-but-Tahrir" is not It is not at all extremist.
Only a global Islamic domination wanted, really, what's extremist ???!

Every Friday Gorky metro station in St. Petersburg, is transformed into an Islamic republic where not hear Russian speech. Islamists distribute a free newspaper "Turan" and the journal "Islam", which tells about the laws of Sharia, about how a woman should behave towards her husband and the fact that "there is no god but Allah".
Just a few persons of Caucasian nationality sell Islamic literature and Islamic attributes, and illegally. No wonder if some of these books have prohibited literature, as recently in the mosque at the Gorky called for a war against Russia, and to join the Heath but-Tahrir. For such persons I had to write a statement on the fact of illegal trade.
I came the answer, that, say, the fact that the illicit trade is not set and I probably thought. After this trade is not stopped, they continue to trade in the underpass as illegal. Today, approximately at 15:20 I went to the police and informed them of the fact of the illicit trade, the staff came up and asked the merchant of Islamic literature and paraphernalia together and they're gone.
Meanwhile, I was surrounded by about 30 Muslims who began to snatch my camera, some of them explicitly stated that "the earth is Allah's, and we are here to do whatever we want and they do not care about all the laws." I pushed a few times with the words, "You that, tired of life?" And "Your cares?". Nearby is the staff, however, they do not pay any attention. That is, you can frank the street to call for the establishment of a caliphate, to say that Peter - is the land of Allah and it will be nothing?
After that, a group of 20-30 Islamists coming out of a mosque on the road to the metro several times shouted: "Tahrir! Allahu Akbar ", I recorded on camera, but, as or for the fact that I twisted it or snatched or more of something, the files are damaged, but I think it can be restored. I went to the police and metro said about it, I told the employee that he can not do anything and does not have any powers.
Despite the fact that traders officers allegedly tried to take him to the office and write out a penalty, one of them, who in the photo, decayed and began to trade on, when I approached him, he began to tell me about the "Islamic caliphate", which is necessary for Russia and the world, about the proper party "Heath but-Tahrir" and extremely indignant that quire, I am shocked, because "the Islamic Caliphate is good for Muslims", but he did not add that in this case to do with non-Muslims, ie " infidels ".
However, struck not what he said, and then, with what serenity he says is a complete stranger, do not fear the responsibility for his words, despite the fact that the organization of Heath but-Tahrir is banned and that calls for the establishment of Islamic Caliphate can be categorized as an extremist, he is not bothered at all, because they do not feel that we should be responsible for their words. So he said, "call me no matter where, we do not care".
Most offensive of all was watching the indifference of Russian citizens passing by when I was surrounded by a 30ti Islamists with shouts and direct threats. Me and a crowd of a hundred Islamist radicals Undeterred, good, failed in the North Caucasus, and to hear a lot just to see, but more afraid of their own indifference, Russian.
A week later, they will be there to stand and trade again, it is necessary to do something. It's not so much in the illegal trade, and in a frank appeal to the creation of the Caliphate and the contempt of the Russian population and to those who are "other faiths". Just I want to note that in St. Petersburg there is an Islamic school "Salam", one of the former Russian teachers of telling how juvenile Muslim boys stated to her that under Sharia law it is, a woman has no right at all to tell them anything, here is a "tolerant" education.