As I took birth
Hello. This is my first article on the PL and I want you to meet with your cat Alba.
In truth, the moped is not my cat, and my girlfriend. But we live together and I think rightly, too, his cat.
The presence of the ears does not give her the ability to bat, though often angry because the cat meows at flying birds. It is believed that jealous.
Here's one of the points of observation of the flying enemies
In winter, Alba was discovered a unique property. In the most severe frosts cat showed the quality of liquid helium - superfluidity.
Much like Wikipedia - a substance seals in a special state which occurs when the temperature decreases, flow through narrow slits and capillaries without friction.
The diet, in my opinion, the cat is varied and in some cases even strange. Eat fruits, vegetables and boiled chicken breast. Do not hesitate to take the whole thing to seize food.
Just rest
In December 2013 it was made a willful decision to give a cat for mating.
Posherstiv on the Internet turned for help to the club which is a cat. Dali contact the owner of a red cat red cat of the same breed (by the way, yes, I almost forgot - Cornish Rex).
Auburn koshak faithfully fulfilled its obligations:
Generally the duration of pregnancy cats - about 60 days. This theory. In practice, all individually up to 70+ days. Sixtieth day was past Saturday.
We did not leave the girl all day Saturday from the animal. At night, they get up on stage and watched how our cat there.
Meanwhile, the cat felt great: ran, jumped, hiding in boxes, Game. Only while running on turns its skid. It interferes with a large belly, which is by no means want to go into a sharp turn. Well, certainly the ears also to blame, because at high speed may Sail
The alarm last week. And yesterday, in the region of 12 hours of the night began.
I will not describe the process. The thing is not for the squeamish. Photos do not do the same.
Let me just say that during the birth I imagined the birth of 3-5 redhead kittens. All in Dad. Well, I like the red seals :)!
Actually that's the result of red Dad
In truth, the moped is not my cat, and my girlfriend. But we live together and I think rightly, too, his cat.

The presence of the ears does not give her the ability to bat, though often angry because the cat meows at flying birds. It is believed that jealous.
Here's one of the points of observation of the flying enemies

In winter, Alba was discovered a unique property. In the most severe frosts cat showed the quality of liquid helium - superfluidity.
Much like Wikipedia - a substance seals in a special state which occurs when the temperature decreases, flow through narrow slits and capillaries without friction.

The diet, in my opinion, the cat is varied and in some cases even strange. Eat fruits, vegetables and boiled chicken breast. Do not hesitate to take the whole thing to seize food.

Just rest

In December 2013 it was made a willful decision to give a cat for mating.
Posherstiv on the Internet turned for help to the club which is a cat. Dali contact the owner of a red cat red cat of the same breed (by the way, yes, I almost forgot - Cornish Rex).
Auburn koshak faithfully fulfilled its obligations:

Generally the duration of pregnancy cats - about 60 days. This theory. In practice, all individually up to 70+ days. Sixtieth day was past Saturday.
We did not leave the girl all day Saturday from the animal. At night, they get up on stage and watched how our cat there.
Meanwhile, the cat felt great: ran, jumped, hiding in boxes, Game. Only while running on turns its skid. It interferes with a large belly, which is by no means want to go into a sharp turn. Well, certainly the ears also to blame, because at high speed may Sail
The alarm last week. And yesterday, in the region of 12 hours of the night began.
I will not describe the process. The thing is not for the squeamish. Photos do not do the same.
Let me just say that during the birth I imagined the birth of 3-5 redhead kittens. All in Dad. Well, I like the red seals :)!
Actually that's the result of red Dad
