Irek Zaripov
Irek Zaripov after a terrible accident and leg amputation in the age of 17 do not just perk - he came into a serious sport, four took the "gold" at the Paralympics, he married his girlfriend and became the father of two children.
Will 9 photos + text source.
Four-time Paralympic champion skier and biathlete Irek Zaripov became disabled at age 17. September 13, 2000, he raced around the track on a motorcycle and got into a terrible accident - a huge MAZ drove over his legs.
After amputation parents Yreka very afraid that he committed suicide. "He said that now, perhaps, no longer need us, - says mom champion Vasyl Mustafinovna. - And one day when returning from work, I saw that he was sitting on the windowsill, rushed into the apartment. He reassured me at the door, said that he decided to wash windows ».
After the tragedy, the parents were the backbone of Yreka. From prolonged depression boy helped get household chores. "I cleaned the apartment, began to learn to cook, - says the athlete in the documentary Vilyury Isyandavletovoy" Born Twice. " - Later became involved so that could everything from soups to cakes. His girlfriend, now wife, too astonished different dishes. And now, she asked where were these my skills ».
Thanks to the family and friends at Irek Zaripov a new goal. Before the sport was, and for many, a common passion, after the accident he became a means of returning to a normal life.
"The easiest in life - to drink a glass of vodka, lie down on the sofa ... and forget. The most difficult thing - to overcome feelings of worthlessness and become fit, stand up "on their feet" - said in an interview Irek.
According to the sportsman, he began to study at home, then - in the gym and pool, and then went out and the snowy slopes. Each day began with Irek exercise. Life for the future athlete has ceased to be monotonous, there was a strong desire to make the most of maximum heights of sports.
In a serious sport Zaripov came in 2003 in his native Bashkiria and started doing athletics, swimming, table tennis, and two years later - cross-country skiing and biathlon. It is in these two types of managed to achieve major victories. In the season-2004/05 Irek was in Bashkiria Paralympic team in athletics, and then on the advice of experts, switched to cross-country skiing and biathlon, which since then has been led by Irina Thunder and Amir Gumerova.
At its first Paralympics in Turin the athlete won only one fourth. Four years later in Vancouver Irek Zaripov was not equal - four gold medals in cross-country skiing and biathlon brought international fame to the young athlete.
It is said Irek and his relatives, his fame has not changed. Achievements champion does not boast, does not complain about the difficulties. Statement says simply: "I feel like a complete human being. I have everything you need for happiness - the house, the family and the sport that brought me back to life ".
With his wife Irek more friends when they were teenagers. "I was fifteen, she was - fourteen - said the champion about his acquaintance with his wife in an interview with" Soviet Sport ". - In winter, the Palace of Culture - City Hill. Lena with her rolling, I put her bandwagon. Met last month. And in 2006, eight years later, met on the street, I was an invalid & quot ;.
Through a friend Lena learned that Irek had an accident, went to the sport. And then I saw Irek in television news in the report from Turin. "It was the end of March. On April 2, we're going with a girlfriend down the avenue: "Irek sitting!". Came up with the last birthday and congratulated him with a fourth place in Turin ", - says Lena.
Irek courting beautiful: writing poetry, gave flowers, soft toys. But he did not offer Lena did not have time. Vasil Mustafinovna not endorsing civil marriages, said once the lovers' seventh of July to get married do not mind ?! ". Thus was born the new family, which now grow two children - Ainur and Diana. By the way, Diana was born in the fall of 2010 - the same year when her father became a four-time Paralympic champion.
March 8 Zaripov will be released on the Sochi track. Root for him will certainly all Russia. But the most dedicated fans will be waiting for him in Bashkiria. "The family - my support, my peace" - says Irek. ©
I have everything!
Will 9 photos + text source.

Four-time Paralympic champion skier and biathlete Irek Zaripov became disabled at age 17. September 13, 2000, he raced around the track on a motorcycle and got into a terrible accident - a huge MAZ drove over his legs.
After amputation parents Yreka very afraid that he committed suicide. "He said that now, perhaps, no longer need us, - says mom champion Vasyl Mustafinovna. - And one day when returning from work, I saw that he was sitting on the windowsill, rushed into the apartment. He reassured me at the door, said that he decided to wash windows ».
After the tragedy, the parents were the backbone of Yreka. From prolonged depression boy helped get household chores. "I cleaned the apartment, began to learn to cook, - says the athlete in the documentary Vilyury Isyandavletovoy" Born Twice. " - Later became involved so that could everything from soups to cakes. His girlfriend, now wife, too astonished different dishes. And now, she asked where were these my skills ».
Thanks to the family and friends at Irek Zaripov a new goal. Before the sport was, and for many, a common passion, after the accident he became a means of returning to a normal life.
"The easiest in life - to drink a glass of vodka, lie down on the sofa ... and forget. The most difficult thing - to overcome feelings of worthlessness and become fit, stand up "on their feet" - said in an interview Irek.

According to the sportsman, he began to study at home, then - in the gym and pool, and then went out and the snowy slopes. Each day began with Irek exercise. Life for the future athlete has ceased to be monotonous, there was a strong desire to make the most of maximum heights of sports.
In a serious sport Zaripov came in 2003 in his native Bashkiria and started doing athletics, swimming, table tennis, and two years later - cross-country skiing and biathlon. It is in these two types of managed to achieve major victories. In the season-2004/05 Irek was in Bashkiria Paralympic team in athletics, and then on the advice of experts, switched to cross-country skiing and biathlon, which since then has been led by Irina Thunder and Amir Gumerova.
At its first Paralympics in Turin the athlete won only one fourth. Four years later in Vancouver Irek Zaripov was not equal - four gold medals in cross-country skiing and biathlon brought international fame to the young athlete.
It is said Irek and his relatives, his fame has not changed. Achievements champion does not boast, does not complain about the difficulties. Statement says simply: "I feel like a complete human being. I have everything you need for happiness - the house, the family and the sport that brought me back to life ".

With his wife Irek more friends when they were teenagers. "I was fifteen, she was - fourteen - said the champion about his acquaintance with his wife in an interview with" Soviet Sport ". - In winter, the Palace of Culture - City Hill. Lena with her rolling, I put her bandwagon. Met last month. And in 2006, eight years later, met on the street, I was an invalid & quot ;.
Through a friend Lena learned that Irek had an accident, went to the sport. And then I saw Irek in television news in the report from Turin. "It was the end of March. On April 2, we're going with a girlfriend down the avenue: "Irek sitting!". Came up with the last birthday and congratulated him with a fourth place in Turin ", - says Lena.
Irek courting beautiful: writing poetry, gave flowers, soft toys. But he did not offer Lena did not have time. Vasil Mustafinovna not endorsing civil marriages, said once the lovers' seventh of July to get married do not mind ?! ". Thus was born the new family, which now grow two children - Ainur and Diana. By the way, Diana was born in the fall of 2010 - the same year when her father became a four-time Paralympic champion.





March 8 Zaripov will be released on the Sochi track. Root for him will certainly all Russia. But the most dedicated fans will be waiting for him in Bashkiria. "The family - my support, my peace" - says Irek. ©
I have everything!
