Upside down house
On Saturday in the Austrian Tyrol has officially opened a new attraction - the house upside-down, in the creation of which was attended by Polish architects. Irek Glowacki and Marek Rozhhanski turned in a new house on its head almost everything - not only the furniture and other items, but even the car in the garage. Excursion to the house will be a very difficult test for vestibular apparatus.
1. The house where all is turned "upside down", is located in the Austrian village of Terfens, near Innsbruck, and has become a new attraction for tourists visiting Austria.
2. Inverted created by Polish architects Irek Glowacki and Marek Rozhhanski for eight months, last weekend has been opened for public viewing.
3. The project to create a new landmark has been carried out in the framework of the development of local tourism. As the house holds the balance on the edge of the roof - the secret of the Polish design studio.
4. Inverted house is large enough, with an area of 140 square meters.
5. House undoubtedly attract a lot of tourists - it's not every day have the opportunity to look at the usual things, such as a TV, a sofa and a sink under such unusual angle.
6. Among other things in the house also has a garage, which houses the overturned car "Volkswagen Beetle." It is this part and became the hallmark of the Austrian "House Changeling».
7. "We want to expand people's ideas about modern architecture. The new house will be a clear indication that it is not necessary that the roof was over. We need to learn a different way to perceive reality ", - commented on the work of its architects.
8. In this case, the designers did not stop there going: in autumn they plan to open to visitors 8-foot basement, which houses the ice figure and developed specifically for the project inverted home landscape design.
9. It should be recalled that the house has inverted in the United States, Germany, and even in the capital of Ukraine at Slavgorodskaya 23.

1. The house where all is turned "upside down", is located in the Austrian village of Terfens, near Innsbruck, and has become a new attraction for tourists visiting Austria.

2. Inverted created by Polish architects Irek Glowacki and Marek Rozhhanski for eight months, last weekend has been opened for public viewing.

3. The project to create a new landmark has been carried out in the framework of the development of local tourism. As the house holds the balance on the edge of the roof - the secret of the Polish design studio.

4. Inverted house is large enough, with an area of 140 square meters.

5. House undoubtedly attract a lot of tourists - it's not every day have the opportunity to look at the usual things, such as a TV, a sofa and a sink under such unusual angle.

6. Among other things in the house also has a garage, which houses the overturned car "Volkswagen Beetle." It is this part and became the hallmark of the Austrian "House Changeling».

7. "We want to expand people's ideas about modern architecture. The new house will be a clear indication that it is not necessary that the roof was over. We need to learn a different way to perceive reality ", - commented on the work of its architects.

8. In this case, the designers did not stop there going: in autumn they plan to open to visitors 8-foot basement, which houses the ice figure and developed specifically for the project inverted home landscape design.

9. It should be recalled that the house has inverted in the United States, Germany, and even in the capital of Ukraine at Slavgorodskaya 23.