Amazing copy of the robot WALL-E (8 photos)
Mike Senna, a programmer from California, has created an amazing robot copy of the cartoon studio Pixar completely from scratch.
Test drive the robot vacuum cleaners
How to create a "robot - the police" (18 photos)
The basic idea of robotics and eight smaller ideas
Russian military robots!
City Violence
Roboforum 2014: Dossier 40 speakers and one big question
Creepy Robots
Logic avtorobota from machine vision to control transmission
The most popular idea of robots on Kickstarter
Testing and review of the robot cleaner iCLEBO Omega
Homeless provides comfortable tents
Robots-customs officers will identify the contraband
10 things that are difficult to teach robots
Marijuana is becoming legal in California (16 photos)
Legalization of Marijuana
Hunters wolves from Wall Street. Part 3
Boston Dynamics is developing a frighteningly fast robot
As technological innovations will change everyday life
As the robot DRC-HUBO from South Korea won the DARPA Robotics Challenge
Remote presence robots for teaching children with disabilities
Remote presence robots for teaching children with disabilities
Overview of robots for board games
Shocking photo — collectors of the village of coal Bokapahari, India
Easter eggs in cartoons Pixar (48 pics + text)
Test drive the robot vacuum cleaners
How to create a "robot - the police" (18 photos)
The basic idea of robotics and eight smaller ideas
Russian military robots!
City Violence
Roboforum 2014: Dossier 40 speakers and one big question
Creepy Robots
Logic avtorobota from machine vision to control transmission
The most popular idea of robots on Kickstarter
Testing and review of the robot cleaner iCLEBO Omega
Homeless provides comfortable tents
Robots-customs officers will identify the contraband
10 things that are difficult to teach robots
Marijuana is becoming legal in California (16 photos)
Legalization of Marijuana
Hunters wolves from Wall Street. Part 3
Boston Dynamics is developing a frighteningly fast robot
As technological innovations will change everyday life
As the robot DRC-HUBO from South Korea won the DARPA Robotics Challenge
Remote presence robots for teaching children with disabilities
Remote presence robots for teaching children with disabilities
Overview of robots for board games
Shocking photo — collectors of the village of coal Bokapahari, India
Easter eggs in cartoons Pixar (48 pics + text)
The most expensive star vehicles (21 photos)
Famous actors and their historical counterparts (11 photos)