Stubborn Kote
As the cat accustomed to the tray There was Kot.Zamechatelny cat, handsome, favorite, clever ...
Yes, only Kitty, one day there was a confidence that the carpet in the room, much better than his tray napolnitelem-
almost like on the grass outside.
But, I'm with this bright idea in his head, fundamentally disagree! the more clean up after themselves is not it!
In the course went all means ...
And snout poked and asked kindly ... cat relentlessly crapped in our absence ...
Spray special sprays on the carpet, bought at pet stores, to no avail, the cat continued its dirty war.
Peel of citrus spreads, hot pepper, sprinkled with vinegar, put a bowl of food, in short, all ways,
which subtracts the Internet and suggested friends, have been tried ...
I had two options-either leave the cat, either kovrom.Ni one option does not suit me.
Suddenly I fear ... what if ...
After all, the cat is afraid of anything that buzzes cleaner, hair dryer, fan ... Oh! Fan!
I drove to the store appliances, bought a motion detector, an elementary wiring diagram and a half-hour, after minor adjustments,
the fan starts as soon as the carpet appeared within a living being.
Driving oprobvalas minutely-curious animal stepped on the carpet, literally blown away literally and figuratively!
(Kuklachev certainly would not have approved)
Cat did not give up ...
Impatient bastard, the whole three days (and how he could?). That is because a stubborn bastard!)))
But on the fourth day, in the night, at the third attempt (something I hear the fan starts)) cat meowing plaintively,
still he went to his toilet! Victory!))
Since then, the way the room had forgotten how takovuyu.K way, hooligans in the room considerably, not only with a flower carpet digs,
then tear off the curtains, so that with one stone two birds killed.
Love their smaller brethren, because happiness from them much more than the small disappointments)

Yes, only Kitty, one day there was a confidence that the carpet in the room, much better than his tray napolnitelem-
almost like on the grass outside.
But, I'm with this bright idea in his head, fundamentally disagree! the more clean up after themselves is not it!

In the course went all means ...
And snout poked and asked kindly ... cat relentlessly crapped in our absence ...
Spray special sprays on the carpet, bought at pet stores, to no avail, the cat continued its dirty war.
Peel of citrus spreads, hot pepper, sprinkled with vinegar, put a bowl of food, in short, all ways,
which subtracts the Internet and suggested friends, have been tried ...
I had two options-either leave the cat, either kovrom.Ni one option does not suit me.
Suddenly I fear ... what if ...

After all, the cat is afraid of anything that buzzes cleaner, hair dryer, fan ... Oh! Fan!
I drove to the store appliances, bought a motion detector, an elementary wiring diagram and a half-hour, after minor adjustments,
the fan starts as soon as the carpet appeared within a living being.
Driving oprobvalas minutely-curious animal stepped on the carpet, literally blown away literally and figuratively!
(Kuklachev certainly would not have approved)

Cat did not give up ...
Impatient bastard, the whole three days (and how he could?). That is because a stubborn bastard!)))
But on the fourth day, in the night, at the third attempt (something I hear the fan starts)) cat meowing plaintively,
still he went to his toilet! Victory!))

Since then, the way the room had forgotten how takovuyu.K way, hooligans in the room considerably, not only with a flower carpet digs,
then tear off the curtains, so that with one stone two birds killed.
Love their smaller brethren, because happiness from them much more than the small disappointments)
