Individual housing kote with the heating system
Since today kotovtornik year and our pet named Simon, who then had something to please kote.
Cat of breed Russian blue. With the arrival of autumn, the beginning really feel cold and ruthless to wake in the night, incurring a blanket to warm.
Here is our gray shaggy
Decided to buy a house for your pet, but seeing the range and prices (o_O) on finished houses in pet stores - decided srukozhopit lodge themselves.
We have just such a niche in the wall of the furniture which often likes to sit kote.
On the morning was promptly inserted here is a sketch:
And make small payments that you need based on:
1) plywood 10mm - 1050mm x 500mm.
2) Fabrics - 1 x 1 5m, 5m
3) Foam 10mm - 2m x 1m.
4) Section of film underfloor 0 0 x 25m, 5m
5) Power network.
6) 20 corners and screws
Then all this happiness was purchased on the local market Barabashovo, at the following prices (case in Kharkov, but the prices and the ladies in rubles for the convenience of readers, the rate of UAH / RUB 1rub = 0 325grn).
1) Plywood sliced from the remnants of a jigsaw in the garage, but if I bought a sheet STROYMARKET and booked there cutting, it would come out somewhere 54grn material (1/3 sheet) and cutting 20 UAH.
2) Fabric - 110 UAH
3) Foam - 40 UAH. (But only took 1/2 of a sheet)
4) Corners - 10 UAH.
5) 1 / 8m2 warm Film sex - 50 UAH.
6) The wire with the regulator and crocodiles - 30 UAH.
7) Screws for 3 UAH.
Total of all materials on the left to 317 UAH 975 ~ rus. rubles.
Then came the evening and started to assemble home.
First of all furniture stapler secured film warm floor, put crocodiles on the edge of the contact strip, isolated contacts for crude rubber.
The main thing is not to vlupit conductive strip
Posted in [mergetime] 1414492629 [/ mergetime]
Prikiduem what happened
Next twisted frame house corners and screws.
and more well already clear that we wanted to do
Adding the foam layer 1 along the inner side walls and the bottom layer 2. A little too consolidated stapler foam.
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Cutting fabric
Then began cutting upholstery and furniture upholstery stapler internal and external walls.
Fitting a cabin in the niche ... and then attempt to squeeze a house to new tenants.
Then he did the same with the top cover house. By the way, without the top cover - looks like a sunbed for small dogs. :)
installation of the cabin in a niche
All work is completed, electricity is supplied to the house ... new tenant bliss in various poses.
For symmetry, let's bow ...
Film warms up to 45 degrees Celsius ... regulator generally not needed, feels the heat as from the heated bed.
Consumption 1m2 film from the Korean manufacturer announced a 180W / h ... as we only used 1/8 square meter - that 22, 5 watts / hour ... ~ 16kVat / hour per month.
Unless of course our rulers Mood ... who will not hack electricity with rolling blackout as a dashing 90-tye ...
I'm everything you can comment.
Cat of breed Russian blue. With the arrival of autumn, the beginning really feel cold and ruthless to wake in the night, incurring a blanket to warm.

Here is our gray shaggy

Decided to buy a house for your pet, but seeing the range and prices (o_O) on finished houses in pet stores - decided srukozhopit lodge themselves.
We have just such a niche in the wall of the furniture which often likes to sit kote.

On the morning was promptly inserted here is a sketch:

And make small payments that you need based on:
1) plywood 10mm - 1050mm x 500mm.
2) Fabrics - 1 x 1 5m, 5m
3) Foam 10mm - 2m x 1m.
4) Section of film underfloor 0 0 x 25m, 5m
5) Power network.
6) 20 corners and screws
Then all this happiness was purchased on the local market Barabashovo, at the following prices (case in Kharkov, but the prices and the ladies in rubles for the convenience of readers, the rate of UAH / RUB 1rub = 0 325grn).
1) Plywood sliced from the remnants of a jigsaw in the garage, but if I bought a sheet STROYMARKET and booked there cutting, it would come out somewhere 54grn material (1/3 sheet) and cutting 20 UAH.
2) Fabric - 110 UAH
3) Foam - 40 UAH. (But only took 1/2 of a sheet)
4) Corners - 10 UAH.
5) 1 / 8m2 warm Film sex - 50 UAH.
6) The wire with the regulator and crocodiles - 30 UAH.
7) Screws for 3 UAH.
Total of all materials on the left to 317 UAH 975 ~ rus. rubles.
Then came the evening and started to assemble home.

First of all furniture stapler secured film warm floor, put crocodiles on the edge of the contact strip, isolated contacts for crude rubber.

The main thing is not to vlupit conductive strip
Posted in [mergetime] 1414492629 [/ mergetime]
Prikiduem what happened


Next twisted frame house corners and screws.


and more well already clear that we wanted to do

Adding the foam layer 1 along the inner side walls and the bottom layer 2. A little too consolidated stapler foam.

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Cutting fabric

Then began cutting upholstery and furniture upholstery stapler internal and external walls.


Fitting a cabin in the niche ... and then attempt to squeeze a house to new tenants.

Then he did the same with the top cover house. By the way, without the top cover - looks like a sunbed for small dogs. :)

installation of the cabin in a niche

All work is completed, electricity is supplied to the house ... new tenant bliss in various poses.

For symmetry, let's bow ...

Film warms up to 45 degrees Celsius ... regulator generally not needed, feels the heat as from the heated bed.
Consumption 1m2 film from the Korean manufacturer announced a 180W / h ... as we only used 1/8 square meter - that 22, 5 watts / hour ... ~ 16kVat / hour per month.
Unless of course our rulers Mood ... who will not hack electricity with rolling blackout as a dashing 90-tye ...
I'm everything you can comment.