As of 10 thousand Nikolaev helped feed the animals
More than 10 thousand citizens have responded to the request from Nikolaev Zoo to help feed the animals. Throughout the weekend took place the most massive flash mob city, when caring people bought tickets and brought food for wild dogs.
People on their own carrying products from supermarkets
But many carried saving load on their machines
Only for Saturday, March 15, the zoo has collected more than 100 thousand hryvnia for tickets, not to mention private donations and remittances by the charity institutions.
A visit to the zoo in addition to the charitable mission was a good occasion for spring walks
Despite the ban is not to feed the animals, the people heartily fed birds and other pets
Over the weekend we visited the zoo more than 10 thousand Nikolaev and guests
According to the director Vladmir Topchy and zoo workers, all were surprised human generosity. Ordinary people carrying bags of fruits and vegetables, and brought up to the top filled with packets of cereals, nuts, honey, bread, and other foods from the supermarket.
In addition to the packages with food people donated money in a special box for charity
For one Saturday only truck with more than 15 products made the walker from the gate to the warehouse zoo
The exact number of charitable assistance is not yet known, but as a result of such activity Nikolaev Zoo warehouses were filled. So now is the question of to avoid spoilage.
With the money from the sale of tickets for almost a month it will be possible to feed the predators
Po clovam dipektopa collected deneg xvatit ppimepno nA 20 dney chtoby ppokopmit xischnikov, tak kak odna poctavka myaca to nix nA tris day ctoit 15 tycyach gpiven. Ppodyktov zhe, ppinecennyx nikolaevtsami, zhivotnym xvatit do kontsa mapta.
Wolf shy and paced the cell during an inflatable "toys»
Many goodies for the monkeys never flew to the destination
Kak izvectno in kaznacheyctve "zaviclo" okolo 450 tycyach gpiven za kopma for zhivotnyx as kopmlenie zhivotnyx not yavlyaetcya zaschischennoy ctatey in gocbyudzhete, so the animals are on the verge of famine.
Thanks to the help of citizens warehouse zoo was crowded
According to the head of the warehouse, the people are all very necessary. In addition to vegetables, fruit and cereals brought even fish, milk and eggs
All carefully sorted
Washed and ready to be shipped for animal feed
Source: niklife.com.ua
People on their own carrying products from supermarkets
But many carried saving load on their machines
Only for Saturday, March 15, the zoo has collected more than 100 thousand hryvnia for tickets, not to mention private donations and remittances by the charity institutions.
A visit to the zoo in addition to the charitable mission was a good occasion for spring walks
Despite the ban is not to feed the animals, the people heartily fed birds and other pets
Over the weekend we visited the zoo more than 10 thousand Nikolaev and guests
According to the director Vladmir Topchy and zoo workers, all were surprised human generosity. Ordinary people carrying bags of fruits and vegetables, and brought up to the top filled with packets of cereals, nuts, honey, bread, and other foods from the supermarket.
In addition to the packages with food people donated money in a special box for charity
For one Saturday only truck with more than 15 products made the walker from the gate to the warehouse zoo
The exact number of charitable assistance is not yet known, but as a result of such activity Nikolaev Zoo warehouses were filled. So now is the question of to avoid spoilage.
With the money from the sale of tickets for almost a month it will be possible to feed the predators
Po clovam dipektopa collected deneg xvatit ppimepno nA 20 dney chtoby ppokopmit xischnikov, tak kak odna poctavka myaca to nix nA tris day ctoit 15 tycyach gpiven. Ppodyktov zhe, ppinecennyx nikolaevtsami, zhivotnym xvatit do kontsa mapta.
Wolf shy and paced the cell during an inflatable "toys»
Many goodies for the monkeys never flew to the destination
Kak izvectno in kaznacheyctve "zaviclo" okolo 450 tycyach gpiven za kopma for zhivotnyx as kopmlenie zhivotnyx not yavlyaetcya zaschischennoy ctatey in gocbyudzhete, so the animals are on the verge of famine.
Thanks to the help of citizens warehouse zoo was crowded
According to the head of the warehouse, the people are all very necessary. In addition to vegetables, fruit and cereals brought even fish, milk and eggs
All carefully sorted
Washed and ready to be shipped for animal feed
Source: niklife.com.ua
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