Nostalgia! Childhood in the Soviet Union in the '70s - early 80s of the last century
The most terrible nuclear disaster in the history of mankind (72 photos)
They no longer exist
CUBA - not an incubator!
Great people
Soviet rules that no longer work in the modern world
MiGs. Famous and not so
Nostalgia! Collections during the Soviet era (135 photos)
Collectible items USSR
Dedicated fans of Apple (43 photos)
Defeated infection
Why many people yearn for Soviet times and was life so carefree then?
What we saved in the Soviet times
What should not be worn by Soviet girls who valued their reputation
Terrible disease
Electric highway of the future
Why did girls wear such short dresses in Soviet times, and no one asked.
The history of tattoos in the Soviet Union
Top 20 brands
Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Muscovites Series "G"
Where went goldfish?
Children adjustment: how it was (136 photos)
The most terrible nuclear disaster in the history of mankind (72 photos)
They no longer exist
CUBA - not an incubator!
Great people
Soviet rules that no longer work in the modern world
MiGs. Famous and not so
Nostalgia! Collections during the Soviet era (135 photos)
Collectible items USSR
Dedicated fans of Apple (43 photos)
Defeated infection
Why many people yearn for Soviet times and was life so carefree then?
What we saved in the Soviet times
What should not be worn by Soviet girls who valued their reputation
Terrible disease
Electric highway of the future
Why did girls wear such short dresses in Soviet times, and no one asked.
The history of tattoos in the Soviet Union
Top 20 brands
Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Board Games Soviet children (51 photos)
Muscovites Series "G"
Where went goldfish?
Children adjustment: how it was (136 photos)
Interesting facts about the most unusual and frightening phenomena space
Funny trolling (12 photos)