Interesting castle of the USSR (21 pics + text)

It is interesting that, as they say, the purpose of this particular castle - to be more "superstructure" above the keyhole. That is, in order to gain access to the keyhole "core" of the castle, it was necessary to open this elegant "box".

What is required is the solution? Here's why: being on a "foreign territory", it is possible to buy local safe (for example, to store documents in the embassy - to such application indicate the link), and further to close it like "external" lock. After all, it is clear that local manufacturers of safes, knowing exactly where comes this sample can share with duplicate key "services concerned" host embassy party. The holder of such keys can open the safe staffing way, leaving no trace, which would help to understand the contents of the safe was "compromised". And it was the intrusion detection - the most important task of counterintelligence.

Introduction of an additional lock in this case allows negate the effect of local produce duplicate keys and thus save on the delivery-room safe. So that the application is quite logical.

By the way, in a similar way to "improve" potentially listened link (eg, satellite phones provided by well-wishers from the "advanced democracy") is attached to a telephone "scrambler", encrypts acoustic speech signal at the input and converts it into an equally suitable for transmission provided for the link, but "closed", the signal at the output. On the receiving handset is put back converter, it is understandable.
