Rastafarians in London (28 photos)
Rastamanov movement first appeared in the West Indies. It is based on the ideas of Marcus Garvey, who called for all blacks to return to Africa and form a country where the black government. When Haile Selassie (Ras Tafari, "Lion of Judah") was the last Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930, is considered the fulfillment of the prophecy. Some Rastafarians regarded as the incarnation of God (Jah), others - a prophet. He held the title of "King of kings, Lord of lords and the lion of Judah winner».
Rastafarians consider themselves to be elected, the Israelites of the Bible. Ethiopia for them - the land obitovannaya and countries outside of Africa and Babylon - a place of exile. However, this is not a religion, but rather a way of life. Today, the movement has spread rastamanov markedly, and there are more than one million Rastafarian.
1. Rastafarian temple: the birth of the Rastafari movement officially happened in Ethiopia during the coronation of Ras Tafari Makonnen Prince (Haile Selassie) November 2, 1930. A year earlier, Marcus Garvey was a prophetic vision - he saw the king, crowned in Africa. Omen was based on the words of the psalm: "They'll come nobles of Egypt; Ethiopia shall stretch out her hands unto God "(Ps. 68:31). The prophecy was fulfilled, and these people were the first Rastafarian ».
2. The Centre Rastafarian in London.
3. Rastafarianin named Yankee is a lot of sacred symbols.
4. Benj Elder.
5. Community House in St Agnes Place.
6. Marijuana is considered by rastamanov "grass wisdom", as it helps to gain wisdom. Rastafarians use it in religious rituals and as a means of rapprochement with his spiritual "I", the god of Jah and the Creator. "The healing of the nation" marijuana also known as hemp, drape, or ganja, is considered a sacred symbol in rastamanov. According to legend, this holy grass sprouted on the grave of King Solomon.
7. A fighter for the preservation of the environment and community organizer Ras Naftali.
8. Ganja is considered among the grass rastamanov life, which is mentioned in the Bible. Rastaman believe that smoking marijuana is justified in Psalms 104: 14, which states: "He made the grass for the cattle and herbs for men. He brought food grows out of the ground, the wine brings joy to the heart. " In the Bible, this grass grew on the tomb of King Solomon.
9. The rapper Ben.
10. Evening at the community center.
11. Dreadlocks are part of the Biblical Nazareth vow by which prohibited to cut and comb your hair.
12. Family Rastafarian.
13. In the church read the Bible daily. Rastaman use the King James Version, which was published in 1611 and is the standard English version of 400 years. All other versions are considered invalid, and this - the closest to the original written.
14. In the temple.
15. Priest Seymour front of the center of mass rastamanov after raid, which ended with the demolition of buildings. As a result of the court case was closed and no one received the charges.
16. Solomon owns shops in North London for black youth.
17. This young man, who had just arrived from Ethiopia.
18. Rica.
19. Pride in the roots. Repatriation - a desire to return to his homeland in Africa, after 400 years of slavery - is the main Rastafarian doctrine.
20. Dancing in the Rastamanskaya music in the park.
21. House of Rastafarians in West London.
22. Lidge - musician and "Defender of the Faith" - celebrating the eve of the wedding at home.
23. Ja Blue. Drum - a symbol of "afrikanstva" Rastafarians, and in some homes believe that the spirit of the divine energy of God Jah lurks in the drum.
24. Be rastamanov - means to live in harmony with the laws of nature. You should avoid eating meat, especially pork, alcohol and food of unknown origin.
25. Music «Nyabinghi» - the most significant form of Rastamanskaya music. Her performance at the ceremonies of worship, including drumming, singing and dancing, as well as prayer and smoking marijuana.
26. Because of its kind dreadlocks symbolize the roots of man and his spiritual relationship with God Jah. In the words of Marcus Garvey: "A man who does not know his past, like a tree without roots." Dreadlocks also symbolize the Lion Haile Selassie first.
27. Rastafarian flag represents the old flag of Ethiopia with the Lion of Judah symbol. Red symbolizes the blood of black people, yellow - stolen gold and green - Lost Land of Africa.
Rastafarians consider themselves to be elected, the Israelites of the Bible. Ethiopia for them - the land obitovannaya and countries outside of Africa and Babylon - a place of exile. However, this is not a religion, but rather a way of life. Today, the movement has spread rastamanov markedly, and there are more than one million Rastafarian.

1. Rastafarian temple: the birth of the Rastafari movement officially happened in Ethiopia during the coronation of Ras Tafari Makonnen Prince (Haile Selassie) November 2, 1930. A year earlier, Marcus Garvey was a prophetic vision - he saw the king, crowned in Africa. Omen was based on the words of the psalm: "They'll come nobles of Egypt; Ethiopia shall stretch out her hands unto God "(Ps. 68:31). The prophecy was fulfilled, and these people were the first Rastafarian ».

2. The Centre Rastafarian in London.

3. Rastafarianin named Yankee is a lot of sacred symbols.

4. Benj Elder.

5. Community House in St Agnes Place.

6. Marijuana is considered by rastamanov "grass wisdom", as it helps to gain wisdom. Rastafarians use it in religious rituals and as a means of rapprochement with his spiritual "I", the god of Jah and the Creator. "The healing of the nation" marijuana also known as hemp, drape, or ganja, is considered a sacred symbol in rastamanov. According to legend, this holy grass sprouted on the grave of King Solomon.
7. A fighter for the preservation of the environment and community organizer Ras Naftali.

8. Ganja is considered among the grass rastamanov life, which is mentioned in the Bible. Rastaman believe that smoking marijuana is justified in Psalms 104: 14, which states: "He made the grass for the cattle and herbs for men. He brought food grows out of the ground, the wine brings joy to the heart. " In the Bible, this grass grew on the tomb of King Solomon.
9. The rapper Ben.

10. Evening at the community center.

11. Dreadlocks are part of the Biblical Nazareth vow by which prohibited to cut and comb your hair.

12. Family Rastafarian.

13. In the church read the Bible daily. Rastaman use the King James Version, which was published in 1611 and is the standard English version of 400 years. All other versions are considered invalid, and this - the closest to the original written.

14. In the temple.

15. Priest Seymour front of the center of mass rastamanov after raid, which ended with the demolition of buildings. As a result of the court case was closed and no one received the charges.

16. Solomon owns shops in North London for black youth.

17. This young man, who had just arrived from Ethiopia.

18. Rica.

19. Pride in the roots. Repatriation - a desire to return to his homeland in Africa, after 400 years of slavery - is the main Rastafarian doctrine.

20. Dancing in the Rastamanskaya music in the park.

21. House of Rastafarians in West London.

22. Lidge - musician and "Defender of the Faith" - celebrating the eve of the wedding at home.

23. Ja Blue. Drum - a symbol of "afrikanstva" Rastafarians, and in some homes believe that the spirit of the divine energy of God Jah lurks in the drum.

24. Be rastamanov - means to live in harmony with the laws of nature. You should avoid eating meat, especially pork, alcohol and food of unknown origin.

25. Music «Nyabinghi» - the most significant form of Rastamanskaya music. Her performance at the ceremonies of worship, including drumming, singing and dancing, as well as prayer and smoking marijuana.

26. Because of its kind dreadlocks symbolize the roots of man and his spiritual relationship with God Jah. In the words of Marcus Garvey: "A man who does not know his past, like a tree without roots." Dreadlocks also symbolize the Lion Haile Selassie first.

27. Rastafarian flag represents the old flag of Ethiopia with the Lion of Judah symbol. Red symbolizes the blood of black people, yellow - stolen gold and green - Lost Land of Africa.