4 years with a knife in the head (5 photos)
Do Fuyang came to the hospital complaining of severe headaches, bad breath, and difficulty breathing. The picture shocked the doctors. At the head of the Chinese turned 10 santimetrovove blade. He lived with a knife in his head for 4 years! Once he was attacked during a robbery attempt. Probably it was then 10 centimeter blade and got inside his skull.
The knife came under the lower jaw and held obliquely, miraculously without hitting the carotid artery. All this time, the patient had no idea that is inside your head blade. During these four years, Lee stabbed himself regularly painkillers to cope with the horrific headaches, which are regularly tortured him.
The knife came under the lower jaw and held obliquely, miraculously without hitting the carotid artery. All this time, the patient had no idea that is inside your head blade. During these four years, Lee stabbed himself regularly painkillers to cope with the horrific headaches, which are regularly tortured him.