20 most famous losers (20 photos)
Glorified by the deeds of something great - it's gone. More creative option - to accomplish the enormity of historic proportions.
However, the path worthy of the Samurai - is famous for centuries as a full and complete loser.
1. Antonio Salieri
Salieri fell victim to black PR for many years before the invention of the term. The world knows him as a mediocre composer who envy poisoned genius. Lawyers and psychiatrists even have the term "syndrome Salieri" - a crime committed on the basis of professional jealousy. Surely such a glory he would prefer to complete oblivion. In fact, Antonio Salieri was the conductor of Italian opera company in Vienna, one of the founders of the Vienna Conservatory. His works were staged in almost all opera houses in the world. Among his pupils - Beethoven, Liszt and Schubert.
contemporaries claimed that Salieri was a good man. When he died, his teacher Gluck, he took care of his children. Shortly before his death he became ill from a mental disorder. In one of the attacks he said that poisoned Mozart. When regaining consciousness, Salieri learned of his "confession", it was terribly frightened and began to abandon the foregoing. At the trial in Milan defense was able to prove his innocence. Until his death in rare moments of enlightenment Salieri repeated: "In everything I confess, but I did not kill Mozart." In vain, in the history of this dear man entered as jealous loser.
2. Robert Scott
English explorer of Antarctica, Scott had no polar experience, when in 1901-1904 years went on an expedition which discovered Peninsula Edward VII, TRANSARCTIC mountains and explore the land of Victoria. The first expedition was successful, not counting the fact that Scott did not know how to handle the sled dogs, bought in Russia, and on the way back the dog decided to die from severe life. When he returned, Scott received the gold medal of the Geographical Societies of England, America, Denmark, Sweden, and in 1911-1912 went to conquer the South Pole. January 18, 1912, breaking the hundreds of kilometers of the ice shell, the British reached his goal. Already on the way they saw the pole with the Norwegian flag: three weeks before them at the southernmost point of the planet had visited Amundsen.
Disappointed Scott turned back, but from the icy wilderness, no member of the expedition never returned. Eight months later, the rescue party found their bodies. Scott did not reach the warehouse with the provisions of 11 miles. In the suicide note "Message to society", he writes: "The cause of the accident not caused by shortcomings in the organization, but bad luck in those risky enterprises, which we dare." According to legend, Scott belongs motto imposed Kaverin in the epigraph "Two Captains", but pronounced it the researcher in a somewhat modified form: "To strive, to seek, to find and not not give up».
3. Kerry Packer
The richest Australian Packer is considered one of the most unlucky player in the world. Along with Arab sheiks and arms dealers he is on the list of 150 gambling whales, which every major casino is happy to provide a credit line up to $ 5 million. The media tycoon, whose fortune is estimated at $ 3, 73 billion., Can afford to be a player-loser. On average, 4 times a year Packer arrives in Las Vegas, where he plays for high stakes betting on $ 100-150 thousand. At first, he was lucky. In May 1995, he won the blackjack almost $ 19, 5 million. After one of the big wins tycoon gave 500 employees casino tips worth about $ 1, 3 million. On another occasion, he gave $ 120,000 to the tea waitress, tray of cocktails. But soon the tide has turned against him, he began to play, and was known as one of the most famous "players" of the world. A kind of anti Packer established in 2000, when a few visits to Las Vegas has lost about $ 40 million. About half of this amount, he squandered baccarat for three days.
4. Sisyphus
Sisyphus, the son of the god-ruler of the winds and storms of Aeolus, the god of death managed to inflate Thanatos and it was severely punished. In the afterlife Sisyphus - the eternal loser, he is convicted racking the high steep hill a huge stone that every time with this top of rolls. This he Sisyphean task - useless and not bringing joy job that has to do every day. Well, not for us to tell you ...
5. Pierre Richard
Pierre Richard Maurice Charles Leopold Defey, a descendant of the ancient feudal family, glorified image of the unlucky Frenchman Francois Perrin, who cleans teeth and shaving cream wears different shoes. In the life of Richard rather the exact opposite of his character. The more failures fell on his head unlucky Perrin, the better things went from Richard. Although the peak of his fame came in the 80s, the actor can not complain - earned fees allow him to indulge in carefree winemaking in his own castle Chateau Bel Eveque in southern France.
6. Pete Best
Managed to fly out of the Beatles for the six months prior to their triumph. In 1960, before the Beatles was a question of finding a drummer. The choice fell on Best, who had two advantages - mom (the mistress of one of the most popular clubs in Liverpool) and its own drum kit. In 1962, the famous producer George Martin listened to the guys, but he categorically Pete liked. John and Paul got rid of Pete, replacing him with Ringo Starr. Recorded in the new part of the single Love Me Do occupied the 17th place in the British charts. Ahead were the decade of worldwide Beatlemania. Pete Best mortally offended and became ... a baker. He tried unsuccessfully to make a career in music and comforted five-minute glory, giving numerous interviews about the early years of the Beatles and abusive releasing the book "The Beatles: The True beginning." His group still performs cover versions of Beatles.
7. The Eternal Jew (Ahasuerus)
The hero of the Christian Apocrypha, Jewish wanderer, condemned by God to eternal life and wanderings of what Christ did not give a rest (in another version, hit it) on the way to Calvary. This was clearly not his day, because since the Wandering Jew was doomed to wander up to the Second Coming of Christ. Each time, reaching a century of age, he is sick strange disease, then recovers and returns to the same age, which was the day of the death of Christ.
8. Christopher Columbus
On the one hand, the great navigator managed to make the greatest geographical discovery, on the other - it is about him never learned, and he discovered the continent was named after Amerigo Vespucci. Isabella, queen of Castile, Columbus had promised that he would become governor of any of the lands that will open. However, the role of the administrator of the newly discovered lands he failed so that in the end he was suspended from his duties and sent back to Spain in chains. However, among the Spaniards appearance of the famous traveler, in chains, caused such outrage that the government was forced to release him immediately. Shackles were removed, but mortally offended admiral until his death they were not parted and ordered them to put in a coffin.
9. David Buick
David Buick Danbor with youth showed remarkable inventive ability: he received thirteen patent certificates for all sorts of things tap, including watering device c rotating head for spraying water verhneraspolozhenny cistern toilet and a new technology enameling cast iron bathtubs, which is used to this day. He could become a multi-millionaire, but it occurred to him to sell the plumbing business for some $ 100,000 and do internal combustion engines. Project car turned out good, but inexperienced in business Buick was unable to use it. His partner Whiting met with the founder of "General Motors" W. Durant and agreed with the merger. From the David in the "General Motors" escaped. Later he confirmed his reputation as a bad businessman, went bankrupt trying to create other car companies, worked as a clerk in the province. In 1929, the forgotten, the beggar, he died of cancer, and cars, wore his name, were sold in the meantime thousands and were known to every American. After the death of David Buick robbed again, using as its factory emblem family crest.
10. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
The future fate of the classics of world literature is not spoiled. In 1570 he landed on the war with the Turks in the naval battle of Lepanto (1571) lost his left arm, was given the nickname The Cripple of the Levant. On the way home Cervantes was captured by pirates and sold into slavery Algerian Pasha, where he stayed for 5 years. Four tried to escape, but all the time unsuccessfully. In 1580th Cervantes was ransomed and returned missionaries in Madrid, where he engaged in literary work. Literature brought meager income, forcing Cervantes to move to Seville and become an agent for the purchase of supplies for the fleet. Later, he entered the service as a collector of debts. 6 years devoted civil service, Cervantes found himself three times in prison. In 1602-m, during a routine imprisonment in the Seville prison, Cervantes wrote the novel "The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha." He created a crazy loser Don Quixote brought fame to its creator.
11. Maid Mobius
According to legend, the famous Möbius strip is not himself invented August Ferdinand Mobius, German astronomer and mathematician, and his maid, who due to bad luck properly stitched collar shirt scientist, thus entering into the story. Subsequently, many scientists have used the principle of the Möbius strip, for example, tapes, so combined record sound on both sides.
12. Hans Christian Andersen
In the privacy of Andersen (1805-1875) had no luck. Storyteller treated women as something unattainable and died a virgin. He was often seen in the setting brothels - he met with prostitutes, but was limited to conversations. Tall, thin, with small eyes, a huge nose and long arms - so looked the man who wrote "The Ugly Duckling". Friends teased him orangutan. Andersen loved children, believing that only these pure creation understand it. However, children with a storyteller often frightened and began to cry. The last years of his life Andersen almost never left the house, staying in a deep depression. 156 fairy tales written by Andersen, 56 ends with the death of the hero. In 1872 came to light last tale "Auntie Toothache." Andersen seriously believed that the number of teeth in the mouth influences on his work. In January 1873 Hans Christian lost his last tooth and immediately stopped writing.
13. Ed Wood
Ed Wood - one of the most notorious figures in Hollywood. Two years after his death, he was officially recognized as the worst director in the history of cinema. The paradox is that Edward loved movies more than life itself. Become a genius prevented him only the absolute mediocrity. Starting his career in the 50s, Wood shot low-budget horror movies and cheap pornolenty. He had original views on the director. Any man in the street he saw a brilliant actor. He has always been enough of a single take, and even if the actor in the frame foot touched the green carpet, personifying the grass, Ed said that the movie is still in itself - a convention. Not to spend money on costly nature, he took a friend's editor location filming pieces which were not included in the other picture, and mount them in their films. Ed Wood died in 1978 in abject poverty. After the death of the director became a cult figure, his work is studied in American film schools, and the famous "Plan 9 from Outer Space", awarded the title of "the worst movie of all time," appears in the "X-Files" as a favorite movie Agent Mulder. In 1996, Wood's fans created a virtual "heavenly Church of Ed Wood» (www.edwood.org) under the motto "Ed died for his art, we live through him." In the same year there was devoted to "the worst director of the world" film Tim Burton.
14. Woody Allen
Woody Allen, brought together an incredible crop "Oscars", the "Golden Globe" prize IFF, sometimes calls himself an ordinary loser and recalls how he was expelled from the first year kinofakultet NYU as incompetent. This coquetry. Exploiting the image of a chronic loser, reflective and intellectual Jewish-bespectacled nerds, Allen has achieved great commercial success.
15. Bernard Asher
Frenchman Bernard Asher (r.1951) hit the Guinness Book of Records as the unluckiest man in the world. In the year and a half he fell and broke his hip. A little later - a fall from a bicycle and head trauma. Since then, Asher wrung his hands and feet, fell under the wheels of cars almost without fail. It records all their troubles and misfortunes, of which in 53 years has passed for 160. Only one month Bernard collapsed heap of failures: his house was struck by lightning, knocking out television, refrigerator and a food processor; a day burst radiator central heating and flooded several rooms; then on the highway on his car fell several gas cylinders was riding in front of the truck. Asher barely repaired car as it crashed into the car, which drove drunk driver. On top of that some tramp killed himself in the cellar of his house. Asher wrote an autobiography, "Mr. accident", which states that does not consider himself an unhappy man.
16. Giancarlo Fisichella
Started in one hundred Grand Prix, but never won the race, earning the honorary title of the main loser "Formula 1". The only victory to date Fisichella got him the most humiliating way. The race of 2003 in Brazil was held in difficult weather conditions and because of the accident Fernando Alonso ("Renault"), crashed into the car of Mark Webber ("Jaguar"), was stopped on the 55th lap. By the end of 53 laps Raikkonen was declared the winner ("McLaren"). A few days later the FIA decided that the results still need to fix as of the 54th round, and the winner was appointed Fisichella. It is noteworthy that immediately after the race, when the pilots put their cars in the boxing team, "Jordan" Fisichella caught fire, so to continue the race another circle, Giancarlo would have gone the distance.
17. King Midas
When fertility god Dionysus came to the Cretan king Midas and invited him to fulfill any wish, the latter properly formulated TK and wished that everything he touches, turned to gold. Cookies and sandwich became in his hands gold. On the verge of starvation, mistakenly paying a valuable ingot own daughter, Midas begged Dionysus barely cancel magic. Then introduced an amendment - to be converted into gold, not all, but only what he would think about the concept of media - Midas himself. But here, too greedy monarch had no luck - flooded the country with gold, he caused a strong devaluation of the precious metals, gold has lost all charm, even for the poor. The restoration of economic stability of the island took years.
18. Beck Hansen
This prodigy alternative rock can not be sorry for the lack of luck, however it is a song about a loser brought him worldwide fame. In 1993, the single Beck «Loser» scored American airwaves: «I'm a loser, baby, so why do not you kill me?». He sang washed-losers-obkurke and hard-nosed Botany, golden youth and bohemians. Sam Beck Hansen, miracle child, childhood trained father, conductor and arranger, playing guitar, banjo, harmonica, was thus in no way a loser, and the young men without any problems. His father, David Campbell, worked with Aerosmith, Leonard Cohen and Elton John - so join the muzindustriyu was written on the Beck family. Mother, Bibby Hansen - the star of "Factory" by Andy Warhol. Although the roots of Beck in the alternative pop culture even further: his grandfather Al Hansen - famous avant-garde artist; Incidentally, he brought in people Yoko Ono. Beck supported the creative traditions of the family, but decided to express in music. In 1991, the club concert Beck visited the owners of a small Californian label Bong Load Records, they liked what they saw ... and two years later «Loser» Beck made one of the most successful alternative rock stars. Whom he is now - 10 years and seven albums later - and remains safely.
19. Eeyore
One of the most tragic characters of world literature. Hypochondriac, neurotic, melancholic and misanthropic. (However, with regard to the nature of the inhabitants of the book soon - mizzoon). Eeyore declared and nurtured his bad luck, resisting all attempts to establish a neighbor's life. For this, we love him.
20. Typhoid Mary
The strangest thing of all manifestations of evil fate is a "syndrome of John," that is such bad luck when a person becomes a cause of the tragic events, he remained unharmed.
However, the path worthy of the Samurai - is famous for centuries as a full and complete loser.
1. Antonio Salieri
Salieri fell victim to black PR for many years before the invention of the term. The world knows him as a mediocre composer who envy poisoned genius. Lawyers and psychiatrists even have the term "syndrome Salieri" - a crime committed on the basis of professional jealousy. Surely such a glory he would prefer to complete oblivion. In fact, Antonio Salieri was the conductor of Italian opera company in Vienna, one of the founders of the Vienna Conservatory. His works were staged in almost all opera houses in the world. Among his pupils - Beethoven, Liszt and Schubert.

contemporaries claimed that Salieri was a good man. When he died, his teacher Gluck, he took care of his children. Shortly before his death he became ill from a mental disorder. In one of the attacks he said that poisoned Mozart. When regaining consciousness, Salieri learned of his "confession", it was terribly frightened and began to abandon the foregoing. At the trial in Milan defense was able to prove his innocence. Until his death in rare moments of enlightenment Salieri repeated: "In everything I confess, but I did not kill Mozart." In vain, in the history of this dear man entered as jealous loser.
2. Robert Scott

English explorer of Antarctica, Scott had no polar experience, when in 1901-1904 years went on an expedition which discovered Peninsula Edward VII, TRANSARCTIC mountains and explore the land of Victoria. The first expedition was successful, not counting the fact that Scott did not know how to handle the sled dogs, bought in Russia, and on the way back the dog decided to die from severe life. When he returned, Scott received the gold medal of the Geographical Societies of England, America, Denmark, Sweden, and in 1911-1912 went to conquer the South Pole. January 18, 1912, breaking the hundreds of kilometers of the ice shell, the British reached his goal. Already on the way they saw the pole with the Norwegian flag: three weeks before them at the southernmost point of the planet had visited Amundsen.
Disappointed Scott turned back, but from the icy wilderness, no member of the expedition never returned. Eight months later, the rescue party found their bodies. Scott did not reach the warehouse with the provisions of 11 miles. In the suicide note "Message to society", he writes: "The cause of the accident not caused by shortcomings in the organization, but bad luck in those risky enterprises, which we dare." According to legend, Scott belongs motto imposed Kaverin in the epigraph "Two Captains", but pronounced it the researcher in a somewhat modified form: "To strive, to seek, to find and not not give up».
3. Kerry Packer

The richest Australian Packer is considered one of the most unlucky player in the world. Along with Arab sheiks and arms dealers he is on the list of 150 gambling whales, which every major casino is happy to provide a credit line up to $ 5 million. The media tycoon, whose fortune is estimated at $ 3, 73 billion., Can afford to be a player-loser. On average, 4 times a year Packer arrives in Las Vegas, where he plays for high stakes betting on $ 100-150 thousand. At first, he was lucky. In May 1995, he won the blackjack almost $ 19, 5 million. After one of the big wins tycoon gave 500 employees casino tips worth about $ 1, 3 million. On another occasion, he gave $ 120,000 to the tea waitress, tray of cocktails. But soon the tide has turned against him, he began to play, and was known as one of the most famous "players" of the world. A kind of anti Packer established in 2000, when a few visits to Las Vegas has lost about $ 40 million. About half of this amount, he squandered baccarat for three days.
4. Sisyphus

Sisyphus, the son of the god-ruler of the winds and storms of Aeolus, the god of death managed to inflate Thanatos and it was severely punished. In the afterlife Sisyphus - the eternal loser, he is convicted racking the high steep hill a huge stone that every time with this top of rolls. This he Sisyphean task - useless and not bringing joy job that has to do every day. Well, not for us to tell you ...
5. Pierre Richard

Pierre Richard Maurice Charles Leopold Defey, a descendant of the ancient feudal family, glorified image of the unlucky Frenchman Francois Perrin, who cleans teeth and shaving cream wears different shoes. In the life of Richard rather the exact opposite of his character. The more failures fell on his head unlucky Perrin, the better things went from Richard. Although the peak of his fame came in the 80s, the actor can not complain - earned fees allow him to indulge in carefree winemaking in his own castle Chateau Bel Eveque in southern France.
6. Pete Best

Managed to fly out of the Beatles for the six months prior to their triumph. In 1960, before the Beatles was a question of finding a drummer. The choice fell on Best, who had two advantages - mom (the mistress of one of the most popular clubs in Liverpool) and its own drum kit. In 1962, the famous producer George Martin listened to the guys, but he categorically Pete liked. John and Paul got rid of Pete, replacing him with Ringo Starr. Recorded in the new part of the single Love Me Do occupied the 17th place in the British charts. Ahead were the decade of worldwide Beatlemania. Pete Best mortally offended and became ... a baker. He tried unsuccessfully to make a career in music and comforted five-minute glory, giving numerous interviews about the early years of the Beatles and abusive releasing the book "The Beatles: The True beginning." His group still performs cover versions of Beatles.
7. The Eternal Jew (Ahasuerus)

The hero of the Christian Apocrypha, Jewish wanderer, condemned by God to eternal life and wanderings of what Christ did not give a rest (in another version, hit it) on the way to Calvary. This was clearly not his day, because since the Wandering Jew was doomed to wander up to the Second Coming of Christ. Each time, reaching a century of age, he is sick strange disease, then recovers and returns to the same age, which was the day of the death of Christ.
8. Christopher Columbus

On the one hand, the great navigator managed to make the greatest geographical discovery, on the other - it is about him never learned, and he discovered the continent was named after Amerigo Vespucci. Isabella, queen of Castile, Columbus had promised that he would become governor of any of the lands that will open. However, the role of the administrator of the newly discovered lands he failed so that in the end he was suspended from his duties and sent back to Spain in chains. However, among the Spaniards appearance of the famous traveler, in chains, caused such outrage that the government was forced to release him immediately. Shackles were removed, but mortally offended admiral until his death they were not parted and ordered them to put in a coffin.
9. David Buick

David Buick Danbor with youth showed remarkable inventive ability: he received thirteen patent certificates for all sorts of things tap, including watering device c rotating head for spraying water verhneraspolozhenny cistern toilet and a new technology enameling cast iron bathtubs, which is used to this day. He could become a multi-millionaire, but it occurred to him to sell the plumbing business for some $ 100,000 and do internal combustion engines. Project car turned out good, but inexperienced in business Buick was unable to use it. His partner Whiting met with the founder of "General Motors" W. Durant and agreed with the merger. From the David in the "General Motors" escaped. Later he confirmed his reputation as a bad businessman, went bankrupt trying to create other car companies, worked as a clerk in the province. In 1929, the forgotten, the beggar, he died of cancer, and cars, wore his name, were sold in the meantime thousands and were known to every American. After the death of David Buick robbed again, using as its factory emblem family crest.
10. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

The future fate of the classics of world literature is not spoiled. In 1570 he landed on the war with the Turks in the naval battle of Lepanto (1571) lost his left arm, was given the nickname The Cripple of the Levant. On the way home Cervantes was captured by pirates and sold into slavery Algerian Pasha, where he stayed for 5 years. Four tried to escape, but all the time unsuccessfully. In 1580th Cervantes was ransomed and returned missionaries in Madrid, where he engaged in literary work. Literature brought meager income, forcing Cervantes to move to Seville and become an agent for the purchase of supplies for the fleet. Later, he entered the service as a collector of debts. 6 years devoted civil service, Cervantes found himself three times in prison. In 1602-m, during a routine imprisonment in the Seville prison, Cervantes wrote the novel "The Ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha." He created a crazy loser Don Quixote brought fame to its creator.
11. Maid Mobius

According to legend, the famous Möbius strip is not himself invented August Ferdinand Mobius, German astronomer and mathematician, and his maid, who due to bad luck properly stitched collar shirt scientist, thus entering into the story. Subsequently, many scientists have used the principle of the Möbius strip, for example, tapes, so combined record sound on both sides.
12. Hans Christian Andersen

In the privacy of Andersen (1805-1875) had no luck. Storyteller treated women as something unattainable and died a virgin. He was often seen in the setting brothels - he met with prostitutes, but was limited to conversations. Tall, thin, with small eyes, a huge nose and long arms - so looked the man who wrote "The Ugly Duckling". Friends teased him orangutan. Andersen loved children, believing that only these pure creation understand it. However, children with a storyteller often frightened and began to cry. The last years of his life Andersen almost never left the house, staying in a deep depression. 156 fairy tales written by Andersen, 56 ends with the death of the hero. In 1872 came to light last tale "Auntie Toothache." Andersen seriously believed that the number of teeth in the mouth influences on his work. In January 1873 Hans Christian lost his last tooth and immediately stopped writing.
13. Ed Wood

Ed Wood - one of the most notorious figures in Hollywood. Two years after his death, he was officially recognized as the worst director in the history of cinema. The paradox is that Edward loved movies more than life itself. Become a genius prevented him only the absolute mediocrity. Starting his career in the 50s, Wood shot low-budget horror movies and cheap pornolenty. He had original views on the director. Any man in the street he saw a brilliant actor. He has always been enough of a single take, and even if the actor in the frame foot touched the green carpet, personifying the grass, Ed said that the movie is still in itself - a convention. Not to spend money on costly nature, he took a friend's editor location filming pieces which were not included in the other picture, and mount them in their films. Ed Wood died in 1978 in abject poverty. After the death of the director became a cult figure, his work is studied in American film schools, and the famous "Plan 9 from Outer Space", awarded the title of "the worst movie of all time," appears in the "X-Files" as a favorite movie Agent Mulder. In 1996, Wood's fans created a virtual "heavenly Church of Ed Wood» (www.edwood.org) under the motto "Ed died for his art, we live through him." In the same year there was devoted to "the worst director of the world" film Tim Burton.
14. Woody Allen

Woody Allen, brought together an incredible crop "Oscars", the "Golden Globe" prize IFF, sometimes calls himself an ordinary loser and recalls how he was expelled from the first year kinofakultet NYU as incompetent. This coquetry. Exploiting the image of a chronic loser, reflective and intellectual Jewish-bespectacled nerds, Allen has achieved great commercial success.
15. Bernard Asher
Frenchman Bernard Asher (r.1951) hit the Guinness Book of Records as the unluckiest man in the world. In the year and a half he fell and broke his hip. A little later - a fall from a bicycle and head trauma. Since then, Asher wrung his hands and feet, fell under the wheels of cars almost without fail. It records all their troubles and misfortunes, of which in 53 years has passed for 160. Only one month Bernard collapsed heap of failures: his house was struck by lightning, knocking out television, refrigerator and a food processor; a day burst radiator central heating and flooded several rooms; then on the highway on his car fell several gas cylinders was riding in front of the truck. Asher barely repaired car as it crashed into the car, which drove drunk driver. On top of that some tramp killed himself in the cellar of his house. Asher wrote an autobiography, "Mr. accident", which states that does not consider himself an unhappy man.
16. Giancarlo Fisichella

Started in one hundred Grand Prix, but never won the race, earning the honorary title of the main loser "Formula 1". The only victory to date Fisichella got him the most humiliating way. The race of 2003 in Brazil was held in difficult weather conditions and because of the accident Fernando Alonso ("Renault"), crashed into the car of Mark Webber ("Jaguar"), was stopped on the 55th lap. By the end of 53 laps Raikkonen was declared the winner ("McLaren"). A few days later the FIA decided that the results still need to fix as of the 54th round, and the winner was appointed Fisichella. It is noteworthy that immediately after the race, when the pilots put their cars in the boxing team, "Jordan" Fisichella caught fire, so to continue the race another circle, Giancarlo would have gone the distance.
17. King Midas

When fertility god Dionysus came to the Cretan king Midas and invited him to fulfill any wish, the latter properly formulated TK and wished that everything he touches, turned to gold. Cookies and sandwich became in his hands gold. On the verge of starvation, mistakenly paying a valuable ingot own daughter, Midas begged Dionysus barely cancel magic. Then introduced an amendment - to be converted into gold, not all, but only what he would think about the concept of media - Midas himself. But here, too greedy monarch had no luck - flooded the country with gold, he caused a strong devaluation of the precious metals, gold has lost all charm, even for the poor. The restoration of economic stability of the island took years.
18. Beck Hansen

This prodigy alternative rock can not be sorry for the lack of luck, however it is a song about a loser brought him worldwide fame. In 1993, the single Beck «Loser» scored American airwaves: «I'm a loser, baby, so why do not you kill me?». He sang washed-losers-obkurke and hard-nosed Botany, golden youth and bohemians. Sam Beck Hansen, miracle child, childhood trained father, conductor and arranger, playing guitar, banjo, harmonica, was thus in no way a loser, and the young men without any problems. His father, David Campbell, worked with Aerosmith, Leonard Cohen and Elton John - so join the muzindustriyu was written on the Beck family. Mother, Bibby Hansen - the star of "Factory" by Andy Warhol. Although the roots of Beck in the alternative pop culture even further: his grandfather Al Hansen - famous avant-garde artist; Incidentally, he brought in people Yoko Ono. Beck supported the creative traditions of the family, but decided to express in music. In 1991, the club concert Beck visited the owners of a small Californian label Bong Load Records, they liked what they saw ... and two years later «Loser» Beck made one of the most successful alternative rock stars. Whom he is now - 10 years and seven albums later - and remains safely.
19. Eeyore

One of the most tragic characters of world literature. Hypochondriac, neurotic, melancholic and misanthropic. (However, with regard to the nature of the inhabitants of the book soon - mizzoon). Eeyore declared and nurtured his bad luck, resisting all attempts to establish a neighbor's life. For this, we love him.
20. Typhoid Mary

The strangest thing of all manifestations of evil fate is a "syndrome of John," that is such bad luck when a person becomes a cause of the tragic events, he remained unharmed.