8 signs inveterate losers

1. Self-deception. Losers constantly deceived into your account. You can succeed by being completely dishonest in relation to others, but you can not always lie to myself about rank in life, about how things are, and at the same time to move forward.
2. unproductive. In this life growing interest on invested capital, money or human. Success is purchased at the cost of perseverance and as a result of everyday work. Losers can live and not having learned this truth. "Nothing in the world can replace persistence. It can not replace talent - nobody will meet as often as talented loser. It can not replace a genius - unrecognized genius is almost a proverb entered. Education, too, one is not enough - the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. " Calvin Coolidge
3. Injustice friends. Losers friendly and grateful to those who have them useless, but do not neglect and grateful to those who are kind to them. They do not know how to make friends and not being able to build relationships.
4. The bad manners. Losers pathologically raised. They ignore the rules, late for a meeting, neglected agreements forget to thank you for the gifts. They can not admit they were wrong and error. "Success - is no more than a few simple rules to be observed daily, and failure - it is simply a few errors that are repeated on a daily basis." Jim Rohn
5. Inability to dress. Losers distinguishes lack of taste. They have to hire to work without a tie and sneakers. They appear at a reception in jeans, considering that so evince disregard for fashion. In fact, these are just convinced that they do not belong here.
6. grumpy. Losers almost always produces a gloomy and discontented look. They do not like their job, they do not like their lives. They believe all for fools or crooks and see around trick or conspiracy. They do not realize that its desolation issued a loser. "Losers, too, have goals, but they spend more time planning a party than their own lives." Denise Vaytler
7. unnecessary dispute. Losers like to argue for the sake of argument. They do not respect the time. Sets out arguments, they want to show off, hoping that others will appreciate their eloquence. This is a serious misconception. In case people do not have time to empty disputes.
8. Setting aside for later. Losers do not know how to prioritize. They do not want to understand that the priorities - it is a necessity. Time is never enough for all, but enough for the most important, and least postpone for more important - it's not a victim, and a bargain. "The poor, unfortunate, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word" tomorrow »& quot ;. Robert Kiyosaki