10 of the most enchanting losers in history
Sometimes everything goes as something not so: no luck, and that's all. Chef at work yelled cat shat in the shoes passing car doused with water from a puddle ... And when it seems that more people are unfortunate and can not be, certainly there will be any special muck naposledok.No all this is nothing compared to how unlucky heroes of our collection. Not knowing how everything goes, they missed the opportunity, make a mistake, but you never know what could go wrong! The consequences of these failures history has shown.
Website is enchanting you ten losers who really unlucky not so lucky!
Scrapped folder securities Bitcoin h2> James Hauels 7500 Bitcoin bought in 2009, when their value was nearly equal to zero. And by 2013, one Bitcoin was estimated at 613 pounds. Thus, securities Hauelsa were worth 4, 5 million pounds.
Loss buy Google for $ 1 million h2> The owners of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin have entered into negotiations with the founder of Excite George Bell in 1999, asking him to buy them search engine for $ 1 million Bell was ready to pay no more than $ 750,000, and the parties have not reached an agreement. Well, today Google has estimated 365 billion dollars. Oops.
profukali Kill Hitler h2> In 1914, a British soldier Henry Tandy, who was awarded the highest number of medals during the First World War among ordinary soldiers passed an unarmed and wounded Adolf Hitler lying in the gutter, but regretted the young fighter and I decided not to pursue it. Who could know what will turn this kindness ...
Selling 610,000 shares instead of one h2> In 2005, a Japanese worker exchanges appreciated their company 190 million pounds as a result of an error made in the course of trading. Man sold 610,000 shares at a price of 1 yen instead to sell one share for 610,000 yen, as he was told. The Exchange has rejected a request to cancel the sale of the company, so they had to buy back its own shares, losing millions.
Angry Genghis Khan h2> The first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan attempted to establish diplomatic and trade relations with Ala ad-Din Muhammad Shah Harezmshahov neighboring states (the territory of modern Iraq and Iran) in the XIII century. However, after all the proposals were rejected by Genghis Khan and the Mongolian diplomat beheaded Khan sent to the intractable Shah 200,000 soldiers and destroy the state.
The failure to Brian Acton and Jan Kumu h2> Facebook's developers rejected the candidacy of Brian Acton and Jan Kuma, when they were interviewed in 2009. A few years later Facebook has bought programmers rejected their project WhatsApp for $ 19 billion. Yes, nineteen billion.
The order is too broad trains h2> The French State Railways has spent 16 billion dollars on new trains. Unfortunately, they were too broad for 1300 platforms at stations across the country. The solution was worth 50 million. And it is only because someone was too lazy to look in technical documentation.
The contract with Brian Pulem and The Tremeloes h2> In 1962 Decca recording studio was looking for new groups and new artists for his label. They listened to the two groups in London and signed a contract with Brian Pulem group and The Tremeloes. Do you know which group they refused? Quartet from Liverpool, who would later become known as The Beatles.
The error in the name of the company h2> Taylor and Son lost $ 9 million as a result of a bureaucratic error: at the time of one of the annual returns of some bureaucrat attributed bukovku «s» to the company name. As Taylor and Sons went bankrupt in 2009, rumors about the collapse of Taylor and Son led to a drop in the value of the company's shares on the stock exchange. Angry shareholders sued the State for reimbursement of lost millions, but only revive the company has failed.
Website is enchanting you ten losers who really unlucky not so lucky!