Three simple pictures from Japan, made in the same place but at different times. The first pictures - during the height of the tsunami when the water rose very high. Last after the water subsided. Tin.
Interesting facts about tsunamis
10 facts about tsunamis
The station "Fukushima" in Japan
Broken fate Fukushima
Tsunami Hawaiian or "Aloha Tsunami"
The three most powerful tsunami in history
The Japanese will protect from a tsunami of the court-"the ark"
Let's be scared together: what are natural disasters, predict scientists
The memorable 2011?
Earthquake in Japan
Tsunami in Japan affected areas today (17 photos)
Top 10 reasons why we are not as powerful or what our vulnerability [1]
Difficult situation in Japan
Olympia was destroyed by the tsunami?
Earthquake in Chile force 8, 8 on the Richter scale
American built rescue capsule in case of a tsunami
10 years later: the comparative pictures recovery Indonesia
Photo tsunami and earthquake in Japan (137 + 4 photos video)
Miracle pine (10 photos)
100 years of earthquakes (20 photos)
The strongest Photography 2011
Scientists have identified, from which more likely to die! 25 most common causes of death.
Photo by Reuters
Interesting facts about tsunamis
10 facts about tsunamis
The station "Fukushima" in Japan
Broken fate Fukushima
Tsunami Hawaiian or "Aloha Tsunami"
The three most powerful tsunami in history
The Japanese will protect from a tsunami of the court-"the ark"
Let's be scared together: what are natural disasters, predict scientists
The memorable 2011?
Earthquake in Japan
Tsunami in Japan affected areas today (17 photos)
Top 10 reasons why we are not as powerful or what our vulnerability [1]
Difficult situation in Japan
Olympia was destroyed by the tsunami?
Earthquake in Chile force 8, 8 on the Richter scale
American built rescue capsule in case of a tsunami
10 years later: the comparative pictures recovery Indonesia
Photo tsunami and earthquake in Japan (137 + 4 photos video)
Miracle pine (10 photos)
100 years of earthquakes (20 photos)
The strongest Photography 2011
Scientists have identified, from which more likely to die! 25 most common causes of death.
Photo by Reuters
Girls from the show WonderCon 2011
Cameron Davidson made a lot of pictures of American cities from the air.