Planting spy plane U-2 (9 photos + video)
Many have heard about an American spy plane U-2. But not everyone knows - how to sit down this plane. And by the way, it takes a lot of effort and ...
The video captures the nominal landing spy plane US Air Force U-2, the successful conduct of which requires the coordinated interaction of nearly 100 people and ... the participation of two sports cars, in which role, since 1993 , act Chervolet Camaro Z28. We will understand why this is necessary.
U-2 plane, designed in the fifties, is used for intelligence operations, so that should fly at prohibitively high altitudes - above the level of 20 kilometers. This requirement led to the Dumb design features. Firstly, the aircraft airframe has enormous size, which provides more lift, which is necessary for flight in rarefied atmosphere. Second, the aircraft is very long nose. Third, the pilot is flying in exactly the same space suit, a dress when flying American astronauts on the space shuttle. These facts led to three unpleasant consequences: firstly, the aircraft landing "does not want to" sit down because of the high lift airframe; secondly, because of the long nose pilot did not see the runway; Third, the movement of the pilot essentially binds bulky spacesuit.
As a result, even during test flights, it became clear that we needed someone who could from the outside, but from close range to monitor the process of takeoff and landing and transmit information to the pilot. It was decided to use a special escort vehicles, which could accelerate nearly as intense as the plane itself. First, as these vehicles have used the Ford Mercury wagons with the largest available at the time the engines. But even after their purchase was tuning to improve the acceleration characteristics.
Why rounders? The fact is that in addition to aid the pilot car is also delivered to the base ... have fallen after take-off chassis. In U-2 only two stationary chassis and both the fuselage, one in front and the second rear.
Wings same time supported the chassis, which are separated from the aircraft to take off. All this in some detail shown in the video:
When the tests were completed, and the aircraft began to arrive in the Air Force, Mercury were replaced Chevrolet El Camino with engines, bored to 7, 4 liters.
Cars were selected approximately the same reasons as the Mercury: went quickly to the chassis prevozki place was enough. At the same time there was a practice in which the driver of the vehicle maintenance itself is always current pilot U-2 - Air Force did not depart from this rule until now.
El Camino even uchastovavli in hostilities - U-2 were widely used during the Korean War. By the way, the base with the U-2 exists in Korea so far - three-minute video that you've just seen, filmed right there.
In 1983 he replaced the El Camino came Mustang SSP (Special Service Package) - a special modification of the 5-liter Mustang GT, Ford produced by the company with an eye on the police, army and other state agencies.
Mustangs helped take off and land the U-2 until 1993, when the company began producing Chevrolet Camaro fourth generation, including the Z28 version with 5, 7-liter engine LT-1 is supplied with the vehicle, which weighs less than one and a half tons, 275 horsepower and 325 newton-meters of torque from 1000 rpm. Nevertheless, until 1998 after buying the car engine anyway bore.
Camara as well as the El Camino participated in hostilities - this time in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Since 1998, Z28 instead of LT-1 engine was put LS-1, buyout already issued just over 300 horsepower. These machines were used by US Air Force. What used, some still are.
But as we all know, in 2002 the production of Chevrolet Camaro was discontinued, and the Air Force chose a successor ...
... For a couple of years of intelligence activities contributes Pontiac GTO.

The video captures the nominal landing spy plane US Air Force U-2, the successful conduct of which requires the coordinated interaction of nearly 100 people and ... the participation of two sports cars, in which role, since 1993 , act Chervolet Camaro Z28. We will understand why this is necessary.

U-2 plane, designed in the fifties, is used for intelligence operations, so that should fly at prohibitively high altitudes - above the level of 20 kilometers. This requirement led to the Dumb design features. Firstly, the aircraft airframe has enormous size, which provides more lift, which is necessary for flight in rarefied atmosphere. Second, the aircraft is very long nose. Third, the pilot is flying in exactly the same space suit, a dress when flying American astronauts on the space shuttle. These facts led to three unpleasant consequences: firstly, the aircraft landing "does not want to" sit down because of the high lift airframe; secondly, because of the long nose pilot did not see the runway; Third, the movement of the pilot essentially binds bulky spacesuit.
As a result, even during test flights, it became clear that we needed someone who could from the outside, but from close range to monitor the process of takeoff and landing and transmit information to the pilot. It was decided to use a special escort vehicles, which could accelerate nearly as intense as the plane itself. First, as these vehicles have used the Ford Mercury wagons with the largest available at the time the engines. But even after their purchase was tuning to improve the acceleration characteristics.
Why rounders? The fact is that in addition to aid the pilot car is also delivered to the base ... have fallen after take-off chassis. In U-2 only two stationary chassis and both the fuselage, one in front and the second rear.

Wings same time supported the chassis, which are separated from the aircraft to take off. All this in some detail shown in the video:
When the tests were completed, and the aircraft began to arrive in the Air Force, Mercury were replaced Chevrolet El Camino with engines, bored to 7, 4 liters.

Cars were selected approximately the same reasons as the Mercury: went quickly to the chassis prevozki place was enough. At the same time there was a practice in which the driver of the vehicle maintenance itself is always current pilot U-2 - Air Force did not depart from this rule until now.

El Camino even uchastovavli in hostilities - U-2 were widely used during the Korean War. By the way, the base with the U-2 exists in Korea so far - three-minute video that you've just seen, filmed right there.
In 1983 he replaced the El Camino came Mustang SSP (Special Service Package) - a special modification of the 5-liter Mustang GT, Ford produced by the company with an eye on the police, army and other state agencies.

Mustangs helped take off and land the U-2 until 1993, when the company began producing Chevrolet Camaro fourth generation, including the Z28 version with 5, 7-liter engine LT-1 is supplied with the vehicle, which weighs less than one and a half tons, 275 horsepower and 325 newton-meters of torque from 1000 rpm. Nevertheless, until 1998 after buying the car engine anyway bore.
Camara as well as the El Camino participated in hostilities - this time in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Since 1998, Z28 instead of LT-1 engine was put LS-1, buyout already issued just over 300 horsepower. These machines were used by US Air Force. What used, some still are.
But as we all know, in 2002 the production of Chevrolet Camaro was discontinued, and the Air Force chose a successor ...

... For a couple of years of intelligence activities contributes Pontiac GTO.