The history of Soviet pilot
The picture shows the Hero of the Soviet Union, Major Yakov Antonov 25 of the IAP in German captivity, surrounded by German pilots who listen with interest his counterpart:
August 25, 1942 Antonov, carrying out the task of covering of attack a German airfield near Mozdok, was shot down. According to Soviet records - was killed. In fact, the commander shot down the 77th Fighter Squadron of the German (JG 77), Major Gordon Gollob, Antonov bailed out, landed safely and was captured. The famous German ace Günther Rall in his book "My logbook" describes the capture of Antonov (an interesting story inside)
"September 21, 1942 during the second flight I was lucky - I have about half of the fifth MiG-3 shot down not far from our airport. His driver managed to jump out with a parachute and be saved. Unter Staffel my officers immediately went to the car to the place of landing to capture ego.Russky landed on a vast sunflower fields, which in these places have been set. He was quickly surrounded, but he managed to take only when he has shot all of our bullets out of his gun, fortunately harmlessly.
After he was treated Reza wound on his forehead, which he won, jumping out of the plane, he was brought to me. I just was at radiomashiny listening to talks pilots.
Russian damn young, just like most of us - he was barely twenty. His straight blond hair with a high forehead, he leaned back to make room for two large packs, covering his cuts. The smart brown eyes equally reflected the pride and frustration. He is playing on his lips light smile. His chest is decorated with three medals, of which I know only one - it is called the "Hero of the Soviet Union».
So that's how they look in reality - the representatives of the Mongolian steppe hordes as is their propaganda, those subhuman, which is unacceptable to the humane treatment! Before us warrior, who immediately commands respect from anyone who is himself a warrior. I then thought sarcastically that sometimes the enemy you may Native greater than with some people from your environment.
Captain Antonov afraid. The proposed cigarette he immediately put aside untouched aside, but when I lit one himself, he relaxed a bit. Our tea, cold and fresh, but poured out of pure gasoline cans, makes him distrust, as I in his eyes did not drink the cup.
We found a sergeant-interpreter and sat together, talking about this dogfight, an ongoing war.
My opponent perfectly kept and full of dignity. It does not make the slightest attempt to curry favor or rubbed into the trust. According to him, one can understand that the Air Force politofitsery tell us the same thing, and in the Red Army. Propaganda breeds hatred, hatred gives birth to violence, cruelty begets a new propaganda. Devil's vicious circle.
Soviet pilot remains with us a few days, as there is no way to send it. We have neither the desire nor the ability to keep it under lock and key. Under the responsibility of our Staffel, he receives allowances as any other pilot, and can move freely on the airfield [the village] Soldiers without constant supervision. Under these conditions, he did not try to flee, appreciating this attitude from our side, against all regulations. His escape it will cause us trouble and gets it. Later, we send it to the Ju-52, carrying the wounded to the hospital. And then he uses the opportunity. How - we do not know for sure. But Captain Antonov certainly not arrived at their destination. Rather, he used the German greatcoat of those transported on the Ju-52, to get lost and run. But what Antonov survived the war - I do know from official Russian sources. »
While Gunther Raal refers to some "official Russian sources," but about the postwar fate of the Antonov is still not known.

August 25, 1942 Antonov, carrying out the task of covering of attack a German airfield near Mozdok, was shot down. According to Soviet records - was killed. In fact, the commander shot down the 77th Fighter Squadron of the German (JG 77), Major Gordon Gollob, Antonov bailed out, landed safely and was captured. The famous German ace Günther Rall in his book "My logbook" describes the capture of Antonov (an interesting story inside)
"September 21, 1942 during the second flight I was lucky - I have about half of the fifth MiG-3 shot down not far from our airport. His driver managed to jump out with a parachute and be saved. Unter Staffel my officers immediately went to the car to the place of landing to capture ego.Russky landed on a vast sunflower fields, which in these places have been set. He was quickly surrounded, but he managed to take only when he has shot all of our bullets out of his gun, fortunately harmlessly.
After he was treated Reza wound on his forehead, which he won, jumping out of the plane, he was brought to me. I just was at radiomashiny listening to talks pilots.
Russian damn young, just like most of us - he was barely twenty. His straight blond hair with a high forehead, he leaned back to make room for two large packs, covering his cuts. The smart brown eyes equally reflected the pride and frustration. He is playing on his lips light smile. His chest is decorated with three medals, of which I know only one - it is called the "Hero of the Soviet Union».
So that's how they look in reality - the representatives of the Mongolian steppe hordes as is their propaganda, those subhuman, which is unacceptable to the humane treatment! Before us warrior, who immediately commands respect from anyone who is himself a warrior. I then thought sarcastically that sometimes the enemy you may Native greater than with some people from your environment.
Captain Antonov afraid. The proposed cigarette he immediately put aside untouched aside, but when I lit one himself, he relaxed a bit. Our tea, cold and fresh, but poured out of pure gasoline cans, makes him distrust, as I in his eyes did not drink the cup.
We found a sergeant-interpreter and sat together, talking about this dogfight, an ongoing war.
My opponent perfectly kept and full of dignity. It does not make the slightest attempt to curry favor or rubbed into the trust. According to him, one can understand that the Air Force politofitsery tell us the same thing, and in the Red Army. Propaganda breeds hatred, hatred gives birth to violence, cruelty begets a new propaganda. Devil's vicious circle.
Soviet pilot remains with us a few days, as there is no way to send it. We have neither the desire nor the ability to keep it under lock and key. Under the responsibility of our Staffel, he receives allowances as any other pilot, and can move freely on the airfield [the village] Soldiers without constant supervision. Under these conditions, he did not try to flee, appreciating this attitude from our side, against all regulations. His escape it will cause us trouble and gets it. Later, we send it to the Ju-52, carrying the wounded to the hospital. And then he uses the opportunity. How - we do not know for sure. But Captain Antonov certainly not arrived at their destination. Rather, he used the German greatcoat of those transported on the Ju-52, to get lost and run. But what Antonov survived the war - I do know from official Russian sources. »
While Gunther Raal refers to some "official Russian sources," but about the postwar fate of the Antonov is still not known.