The dwarves from the cave. Scientists have found the gnomes?

Five archaeologists have unearthed a mysterious labyrinth, die an agonizing death. Old residents believe that they killed the builders of the labyrinth - underground dwarfs. These creatures are notorious. After the war they were 14 years held in captivity Soviet pilot, making him a craniotomy.
In the Voronezh region by archaeologists during excavations of the mound found Vlasov underground labyrinth with wells, traps and dead ends. Scientists have found that passages in the maze could make only a dwarf, no taller than 80 cm and weighing no more than 25 kilograms.
According to "Meshcherskaya side", there were two theories to explain the origin of the labyrinth. Proponents of the first theory states that the children built a maze. Supporters of the second - in the maze of people lived dwarfs from the underworld.
In the center of the maze Vlasov was found a human skull with traces of trepanation. Smooth the edges wound triangular shape indicates that after the operation the man lived for a long time.
In addition, the entire area of the maze were also identified numerous places for sacrifices that housed the remains of animals, mostly - the head of horses. To illuminate the ancient diggers used torches, as indicated by numerous inclusions embers all over the moves.
A group of archaeologists from the University of Voronezh decided to solve this mystery and dig next to the maze of one mound. In the area of intended excavation explorers arrived in July 2001 and set up camp next to the mound. To hire laborers from nearby villages archaeologists failed. Local people believe in the existence of underground people and seriously believe that digging up the mounds is very dangerous. Invasion of life dwarfs, in their opinion, will lead to inevitable destruction.
Shortly after the exploration area in the camp began to occur the mysterious phenomenon. Parked archaeological discharge of the battery of cars, cell phones, electronics refused to work. In the tent at the bedside of the expedition leader Nikolai Prokhorov was found a horse's head.
After these events, scientists urgently returned to Voronezh. And at night, five of the seven members of the expedition were in the toxicological department of the hospital with symptoms of severe poisoning. Doctors managed to save only two archaeologists. Two other members of the expedition died at home, they simply were not able to cause "fast».
The official cause of death of people - mushroom poisoning. However, the expedition leader Nikolay Prokhorov argues that none of the group did not eat mushrooms and sees the cause of the incident in revenge underground inhabitants.
A similar thing happened in August 1945. Soviet fighter pilot Basil Egorova shot down over the territory of Inner Mongolia two hundred kilometers from the front line. However, the pilot managed to leave the burning fighter plane and parachuting down to a small grove.
In the words of Basil, he went to the bush to rest and fell asleep. Egorov woke up with a strange sensation - arms and legs would not obey. Lifting his head, he saw that his body wrapped in a translucent tape.
The sounds that he heard at the same time, reminded tweet. But their being published, which could be mistaken for a small monkeys, if not clothes and knives in their hands. According to the pilot, it was the people, but very little. Later, having become acquainted with hundreds of men hanyangi tribe, as they called themselves, Basil saw that their growth did not exceed 45 centimeters.
The pilot did not remember how many years he spent in an underground maze in people-dwarfs. Egorov appeared in people in the spring of 1959. One day after the storm he was outside, and he was found Mongol herders. It turned out that the Soviet Union pilot presumed dead.
The investigation produced no results - take seriously the stories about dwarfs Egorova nobody wanted. But X-rays of the skull in the back of the pilot found in tight formation. It turned out that Egorov exposed craniotomy about 15 years ago.