Safety - our everything
In front of me the book "Human Security in the living environment and in emergency situations." Textbook for university students. Released by Zhytomyr State (!) Technological University in 2004. One of the two authors - PhD, Professor (surname not call for ethical reasons).
"The manual is presented as the material of the rules protecting people from criminal attacks, behavior at meetings with representatives of other civilizations, the impact of bio-energy, anomalous phenomena and phenomena on the life of a man ..." (p.4) "Often energy aggression directed at a person's privacy "(s.366). "There are many forms of energy of aggression (psychological attacks): direct energy aggression, bioenergetic vampirism, sexual energy vampirism, murder ... bioenergy, kickback and other" (s.367)
"The manual is presented as the material of the rules protecting people from criminal attacks, behavior at meetings with representatives of other civilizations, the impact of bio-energy, anomalous phenomena and phenomena on the life of a man ..." (p.4) "Often energy aggression directed at a person's privacy "(s.366). "There are many forms of energy of aggression (psychological attacks): direct energy aggression, bioenergetic vampirism, sexual energy vampirism, murder ... bioenergy, kickback and other" (s.367)