Theatre strict regime (25 photos)
Student Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts Semen Vaulin as a thesis took and put Gogol's "The Inspector General" in the club penal colony, "I came to this colony to learn that British director Alex Dower's performances in prisons. At first I just thought thesis in the area - very interesting! .. And now for me to play, in fact, no longer plays a big role. Me is more important than what happens to people. "
"Theatre strict regime" in the penal colony №3 Barnaul organized in 2011.
Bust of Mikhail Evdokimov, the club colony
Coordinator of the project was the deputy chief of the colony for Personnel and educational work of Konstantin Kozintsev and director - chemistry teacher Vera Nyatina. The idea was supported convicted.
In June 2011, "Theatre strict regime" presented premiere of "The Tales of The Tale of Fedot the Strelets" Leonid Filatov. The premiere of the play was a great success, and inspired by the organizers and the actors decided to continue the work.
In April 2012, in the IR-3 FPS Russia's Altai Territory, the premiere of "The Inspector General».
Immortal comedy of Nikolai Gogol put students of the Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts Semen Vaulin. This is his thesis and the first big directorial experience. Even in the third year Simon learned about the English director Alex Dower, who staged performances in the British and Irish prisons. Had a great desire to repeat the experience, but do not fully believe that dream will come true. On the Internet, happened to read about the "Theatre of strict regime" in the Altai colony. To stage Russian classics prompted classmate. Simon proposed his idea of management institutions, they agreed to the experiment.
As part of the troupe - convicted of several units. All the actors - convicted of serious crimes: theft, robbery, murder. They immediately found a lot to do with Gogol's heroes. As told by the actors themselves, in the life of Gogol's characters and situations encountered today. Thus, for example, and now comes to the colony many reviewers, so the hype about their arrival raised no less than that described by Gogol.
Three times a week a little more than an hour rehearsals with the director, the rest of the prisoners were preparing themselves. Self-made scenery, sewed costumes. Musical accompaniment provided Colonia group "Square". The play only live sound, because the stick, laptops, phones, where there may be records in the colony carry prohibited. Music plays the role of a conductor in modern times.
From the stage in the production of sounds Vysotsky:
What the house fell silent,
Immersed in darkness,
Seven dashing
Crafty winds ...
In many ways the actors instructed Vera Nyatina, chemistry and biology teacher at the school of the colony.
On the day of the premiere to support young director came to parents, teachers academy classmates. After the exposure of St.-Petersburg Auditor Hall standing ovation.
- Feel the impact of the actors - it was the most pleasant to work - smiles Semen Vaulin. - Besides, I lost my stamps for convicted people. Very pleased with what happened, and I want to continue to cooperate with the colony!
The prison Evgeny Popov believes that the purpose of administration and director - to help prisoners to reveal a new quality to unite and show them the other, non-criminal way of life - in this production coincided that brought success.
Alex Dower, English actor and director of "Theatre in Prison", worked in 50 prisons strict and common regime in England and Ireland. He believes in the therapeutic power of the theater, in that creative activity develops practical, psychological and social skills that are very important to the restoration and rehabilitation.
Role in "The Inspector General" Performed by the mayor, the assistant director - Vladislav Larin (Vadim), the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin - Peter Yudakov (Petro), Postmaster - Alexey Agapov (Lenya) Bobchinsky - Dmitry Bug (Bug), Dobchinsky - Andrew Dudetskaya, Khlestakov - Roman Lazavoy servant - Eugene Novgorodtsev gendarme - Vladimir Polyakov. Three convicted of actors - Peter Yudakov Roman Lazavoy and Andrew Dudetskaya - in 2012 freed conditionally early
Musicians, a group of "Square": Alexander Korabanov, Eugene Kotliarov, Anatoly Stepanov.
Costume - Roman Matveenkov. (Costumes sewed himself on the drawings sketches of XIX century).
Monument to Vasily Shukshin in the colony
Currently, in the penal colony №3 convicts serving sentences in 2078. All - convicted again. Terms of 5 years and above.

"Theatre strict regime" in the penal colony №3 Barnaul organized in 2011.

Bust of Mikhail Evdokimov, the club colony
Coordinator of the project was the deputy chief of the colony for Personnel and educational work of Konstantin Kozintsev and director - chemistry teacher Vera Nyatina. The idea was supported convicted.

In June 2011, "Theatre strict regime" presented premiere of "The Tales of The Tale of Fedot the Strelets" Leonid Filatov. The premiere of the play was a great success, and inspired by the organizers and the actors decided to continue the work.
In April 2012, in the IR-3 FPS Russia's Altai Territory, the premiere of "The Inspector General».

Immortal comedy of Nikolai Gogol put students of the Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts Semen Vaulin. This is his thesis and the first big directorial experience. Even in the third year Simon learned about the English director Alex Dower, who staged performances in the British and Irish prisons. Had a great desire to repeat the experience, but do not fully believe that dream will come true. On the Internet, happened to read about the "Theatre of strict regime" in the Altai colony. To stage Russian classics prompted classmate. Simon proposed his idea of management institutions, they agreed to the experiment.

As part of the troupe - convicted of several units. All the actors - convicted of serious crimes: theft, robbery, murder. They immediately found a lot to do with Gogol's heroes. As told by the actors themselves, in the life of Gogol's characters and situations encountered today. Thus, for example, and now comes to the colony many reviewers, so the hype about their arrival raised no less than that described by Gogol.
Three times a week a little more than an hour rehearsals with the director, the rest of the prisoners were preparing themselves. Self-made scenery, sewed costumes. Musical accompaniment provided Colonia group "Square". The play only live sound, because the stick, laptops, phones, where there may be records in the colony carry prohibited. Music plays the role of a conductor in modern times.

From the stage in the production of sounds Vysotsky:
What the house fell silent,
Immersed in darkness,
Seven dashing
Crafty winds ...

In many ways the actors instructed Vera Nyatina, chemistry and biology teacher at the school of the colony.
On the day of the premiere to support young director came to parents, teachers academy classmates. After the exposure of St.-Petersburg Auditor Hall standing ovation.

- Feel the impact of the actors - it was the most pleasant to work - smiles Semen Vaulin. - Besides, I lost my stamps for convicted people. Very pleased with what happened, and I want to continue to cooperate with the colony!

The prison Evgeny Popov believes that the purpose of administration and director - to help prisoners to reveal a new quality to unite and show them the other, non-criminal way of life - in this production coincided that brought success.

Alex Dower, English actor and director of "Theatre in Prison", worked in 50 prisons strict and common regime in England and Ireland. He believes in the therapeutic power of the theater, in that creative activity develops practical, psychological and social skills that are very important to the restoration and rehabilitation.

Role in "The Inspector General" Performed by the mayor, the assistant director - Vladislav Larin (Vadim), the judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin - Peter Yudakov (Petro), Postmaster - Alexey Agapov (Lenya) Bobchinsky - Dmitry Bug (Bug), Dobchinsky - Andrew Dudetskaya, Khlestakov - Roman Lazavoy servant - Eugene Novgorodtsev gendarme - Vladimir Polyakov. Three convicted of actors - Peter Yudakov Roman Lazavoy and Andrew Dudetskaya - in 2012 freed conditionally early

Musicians, a group of "Square": Alexander Korabanov, Eugene Kotliarov, Anatoly Stepanov.
Costume - Roman Matveenkov. (Costumes sewed himself on the drawings sketches of XIX century).

Monument to Vasily Shukshin in the colony

Currently, in the penal colony №3 convicts serving sentences in 2078. All - convicted again. Terms of 5 years and above.