Pets alcoholics

The addiction to strong drinks, it turns out, is not unique to humans. Of course, it's hard to believe, but have been seen drinking a variety of fauna and flora, even. In this ten - Animals alcoholics.
The most noticeable for people an alcoholic - it is a dog. Tells the story of a dog that ran into a pub in your street and begged that she splashed something in a bowl. However, she had to give up the hunt: the scent and coordination pretty dim.
10th: Much more unusual in this respect, it looks drunk penguin. He drove with him to the zoo bar worker from Britain. When the story opens - the guard was dismissed, and a penguin had to be treated.
9th place: On drinking pigs, cows, domestic geese and ducks can not tell - they are all very willing to consume waste from the wine farm. Sometimes the consequences. One flock of geese plucked hostess, because I thought that the birds attacked obsolescence. Then there were the geese and bald slept for almost two months.
8th place: Birds are fond enough excess. Indian owls, robins and blackbirds occasionally peck ripe apples and berries and then fall asleep right on the dead branches. In this state, they can be caught by hand. However, the birds quickly trezveyut maximum of 2 hours.
7th place: Just enter a monkey. Eat fermented fruits that fall from the trees. The only difference from the birds - monkeys after drinking at some time become violent: jumping on the branches and shout loudly.
6th place: Giraffes. It is known that the leaves of trees, which they feed, contains alkaloids. Usually giraffes such leaves do not touch, but at certain periods with them that something is happening, they just snatch it on poisonous leaves and drunk to the position of Reese.
5th place: Fans safari in Africa, argue that there is nothing worse than an elephant screwy. They generally cook their own drinks: Right in the pit all kinds of fruit and throw their leaves and grass. Use it when it all starts to wander. Drunken elephants usually without a goal roam the forest, trumpeting loudly and rowdy.
4th place: Flies, cockroaches and butterflies, who prefer stronger drinks such as port wine. Try to leave at night saucer with port wine, and you will see for yourself. Butterflies drink the fermented juice of the berries.
3rd place: Snails. If you collect them in place and pour a number of beer - the cochlea is not exactly come off until you drink it. Usually snails are so drunk that drown in beer, and take advantage of this, for example, the French gardeners.
2nd place: Bees, is also alcoholics. Entomologists who observed the behavior of drunken bees, note that they completely lose their "sense of responsibility for their actions" and instead to collect pollen, fly "freshen the nip." Drink bees are in bloom: under the influence of various factors nectar in the flowers perebrazhival into alcohol. And when the researchers gave bees a choice of sugar solution and 80% alcohol drink, bees, do not hesitate to choose alcohol.
Rank 1: This is a common ivy - a plant that beautiful twist around the walls and stairs. It is said that the branch ivy on a wall of one of the buildings of Oxford University sprouted across the plinth box in the basement and sucked to the bottom of the whole cask of wine. Alcohol did not hurt the plant, and it is said that a small amount of hard liquor such as cognac can "resurrect" the flowers that have wilted. By the way, drunkenness animals at different times tried to fight at the highest level: the knowledge of the existence of the king decree strictly forbids drinking and smoking in the presence of hunting falcons - the birds are not adopted from people bad habits.