Wasserman in the train
Wasserman traveled by train? Kak is amazing - be in the public transport random passengers such extraordinary personality!
Continued under the cut
- Mom, I asked my grandmother did not push me in a bag pack with sauerkraut. Cabbage brine leaked and dripped on my head. - Girl-student in glasses chastises mother on the phone. - No, I can not move the bag in the corner. Then the brine will drip Wasserman on his bald head. Which Wasserman? Himself usual, from the TV! There he sits in a corner, reading a book about Stalin.
After a minute the girl voice phone calls Levitan. - Yes, mother, grandmother understood correctly, my favorite place is going Wasserman. - He meets the girl whispered. - Come to my facebook, I had already photographed and flooded picture. And why are you surprised? What normal person can not get to Moscow to train? Well, I'm going ......
I already wrote something on our site, I love science cities around Moscow for their special atmospherics and at the first opportunity I try to go there.
Until such towns run a special kind of train-satellites. On Sunday night, they are usually crammed umnichka students. So it was this time.
Only the normal eye is a cute picture of diluted ambiguous character. I went to his legendary Anatoly zhiletochke. In zhiletochke I counted thirteen pockets. Each pocket lay some valuable value. Around his neck hung a plastic meter medal.
He was holding a book about Stalin, but it was impossible to read.
- E ...... mother Wasserman! - A fellow traveler unbanal passengers alerted the detainee supervisors and forward to the release of "hare." - Wait, Grandma! Ain moment!
"Grandma," which on the strength of fifty, this assessment is dissatisfied with his age. "Hare", rocking whether beer, whether from the road shaking, get the phone, take pictures.
Wasserman sighed.
They say that to you, blessed Neanderthals rude, do ......
At this time, the neighborhood drunk patlatogo young man stretched out on a bench, holding in their dirty berttsy pass. Unwashed socks stink.
Wasserman sighed again.
- Heil Hitler! - He said the youngster, raised in a typical gesture of the hand and began to snore.
Wasserman twice sighed.
And then it began ... For the scientist, as a monkey on the seafront in Sochi, pulled passengers - photographed. Someone politely asked for an autograph. Someone just came without asking permission, photographed on the phone, leave. Anatoly took it with some kind of all-out is inevitable and no one refused.
With some of the festival went a bunch of drunken whether punk, or just Gopnik. Those in my own way strove to embrace Wasserman, folding the fingers of his free hand in the typical "goat».
Every quarter of an hour ran herds of supervisors. Wasserman obediently held out a ticket, but they are blushing and embarrassed, as the Bok front Carlson, flirting, "Oh, well, that you are the right word ...»
- Beer Nuts, chips, beer nuts, potato chips! - On the verge of pushing two trolleys on wheels appeared vendor straightforward fare.
Hung over Wasserman, recognized him as "uncle of the TV," added volume:
- Beer Nuts, crisps!
Wasserman understood not wriggle.
- A mineralochki no? - With the hope of the ladies I asked.
- Beer Nuts, chips! - Vendor repeated his mantra tone psychiatrist, talk with an imbecile.
He paused and added: "For you find Gin and tonic».
- Here, gin and tonic - it's good! - I agreed to Wasserman. - Yes, let the big, because I'm not a little! No, let me give up on chips. I have serious reason to believe that they are made from genetically-modified potatoes.
Trader expectantly silent.
Wasserman opened jar. "IPN-and-a" - spread throughout the neighborhood.
- Very tasty, thank you! - Wasserman politely thanked the lady with the trolley.
- Scrooge you're Jewish, and I have not modified potatoes - zabubnil himself vendor pushing a cart.
Apparently, it is expected that the "guy from the TV" to buy up all the stock, and its simple suit in the car party. These same "from the TV", according to the people, "money to burn».
Then he paused, smiled slyly, returned to Wasserman and left his shoes beside a second empty cart, the contents of which she rastorgovalsya even in neighboring cars.
- You - well, you do not upreshsya! And I was arthritis tortured gravity pull - Aunt explained the motive of his act.
Wasserman just sighed resignedly.
Sip gin and tonic, Anatoly talking with young people. Ironically, we are talking about cars. It is in them, surprisingly, well versed. Especially in non-standard. And as in mini-skirts.
- Here we take car brand Mini Cooper - sipping ambrosia of tin cans, he continued to television gurus - Car of the brand inspired by the latest fashion designer Mary Quant to create a mini-skirt.
Then we are talking about "Citroen". And the "Porsche." Tele-enlightened connoisseur, feathered bonnets that their developers have come up to the car was stable in crosswinds.
And before the war, many cars were in front cowlings, and the engine in place of the current trunk. Well, what speed in the pre-war city allows such mischief.
- Now, of course, the pleasure of a sports car in the city do not get - the tone of the expert concluded Wasserman. - This is a car for suburban driving, and Europe is well aware.
To ask the question "what actually makes a connoisseur of the automobile industry in the train," Anatoly sighed:
- I am very scattered, so often I leave in their thoughts that have lost contact with the world. This can result in the fact that I can then five years be alone with yourself and your thoughts. I was not happy about the prospect. Here again Gopnik tightened.
Realizing that Wasserman good, like a sofa Pei, and it literally can wag of Bryl, they began to offer him outright nonsense.
One example brought his shirt rock band and tried to give her, wearing a waistcoat over legendary. On the t-shirt of some possessed in the form of a striped prisoner tried to squeeze through the bars of a prison cell. Puddles of blood and obscene inscriptions were applied.
- No, thanks! - I said Wasserman.
Drunk musician offended and Poper with redoubled energy, "Well, as a gift!»
- No, thanks! - His voice sounded Wasserman metal.
From conflict to save a voice came from the speaker, "Moscow!».
Wasserman closed the book, put it in a suitcase big chocolate bar.
I came for an empty truck vendor, without saying "thank you", elegantly moved his frail shoulders TV guru aside, jumped onto the platform and the empty truck rumbling again zabubnil.
- Alcoholics terms of some alcoholics. And only this, a waistcoat of the TV - meanie!
Well, there is no harmony in the world, what could be done here .......
Continued under the cut

- Mom, I asked my grandmother did not push me in a bag pack with sauerkraut. Cabbage brine leaked and dripped on my head. - Girl-student in glasses chastises mother on the phone. - No, I can not move the bag in the corner. Then the brine will drip Wasserman on his bald head. Which Wasserman? Himself usual, from the TV! There he sits in a corner, reading a book about Stalin.
After a minute the girl voice phone calls Levitan. - Yes, mother, grandmother understood correctly, my favorite place is going Wasserman. - He meets the girl whispered. - Come to my facebook, I had already photographed and flooded picture. And why are you surprised? What normal person can not get to Moscow to train? Well, I'm going ......
I already wrote something on our site, I love science cities around Moscow for their special atmospherics and at the first opportunity I try to go there.
Until such towns run a special kind of train-satellites. On Sunday night, they are usually crammed umnichka students. So it was this time.
Only the normal eye is a cute picture of diluted ambiguous character. I went to his legendary Anatoly zhiletochke. In zhiletochke I counted thirteen pockets. Each pocket lay some valuable value. Around his neck hung a plastic meter medal.
He was holding a book about Stalin, but it was impossible to read.
- E ...... mother Wasserman! - A fellow traveler unbanal passengers alerted the detainee supervisors and forward to the release of "hare." - Wait, Grandma! Ain moment!
"Grandma," which on the strength of fifty, this assessment is dissatisfied with his age. "Hare", rocking whether beer, whether from the road shaking, get the phone, take pictures.
Wasserman sighed.
They say that to you, blessed Neanderthals rude, do ......
At this time, the neighborhood drunk patlatogo young man stretched out on a bench, holding in their dirty berttsy pass. Unwashed socks stink.
Wasserman sighed again.
- Heil Hitler! - He said the youngster, raised in a typical gesture of the hand and began to snore.
Wasserman twice sighed.
And then it began ... For the scientist, as a monkey on the seafront in Sochi, pulled passengers - photographed. Someone politely asked for an autograph. Someone just came without asking permission, photographed on the phone, leave. Anatoly took it with some kind of all-out is inevitable and no one refused.
With some of the festival went a bunch of drunken whether punk, or just Gopnik. Those in my own way strove to embrace Wasserman, folding the fingers of his free hand in the typical "goat».
Every quarter of an hour ran herds of supervisors. Wasserman obediently held out a ticket, but they are blushing and embarrassed, as the Bok front Carlson, flirting, "Oh, well, that you are the right word ...»
- Beer Nuts, chips, beer nuts, potato chips! - On the verge of pushing two trolleys on wheels appeared vendor straightforward fare.
Hung over Wasserman, recognized him as "uncle of the TV," added volume:
- Beer Nuts, crisps!
Wasserman understood not wriggle.
- A mineralochki no? - With the hope of the ladies I asked.
- Beer Nuts, chips! - Vendor repeated his mantra tone psychiatrist, talk with an imbecile.
He paused and added: "For you find Gin and tonic».
- Here, gin and tonic - it's good! - I agreed to Wasserman. - Yes, let the big, because I'm not a little! No, let me give up on chips. I have serious reason to believe that they are made from genetically-modified potatoes.
Trader expectantly silent.
Wasserman opened jar. "IPN-and-a" - spread throughout the neighborhood.
- Very tasty, thank you! - Wasserman politely thanked the lady with the trolley.
- Scrooge you're Jewish, and I have not modified potatoes - zabubnil himself vendor pushing a cart.
Apparently, it is expected that the "guy from the TV" to buy up all the stock, and its simple suit in the car party. These same "from the TV", according to the people, "money to burn».
Then he paused, smiled slyly, returned to Wasserman and left his shoes beside a second empty cart, the contents of which she rastorgovalsya even in neighboring cars.
- You - well, you do not upreshsya! And I was arthritis tortured gravity pull - Aunt explained the motive of his act.
Wasserman just sighed resignedly.
Sip gin and tonic, Anatoly talking with young people. Ironically, we are talking about cars. It is in them, surprisingly, well versed. Especially in non-standard. And as in mini-skirts.
- Here we take car brand Mini Cooper - sipping ambrosia of tin cans, he continued to television gurus - Car of the brand inspired by the latest fashion designer Mary Quant to create a mini-skirt.
Then we are talking about "Citroen". And the "Porsche." Tele-enlightened connoisseur, feathered bonnets that their developers have come up to the car was stable in crosswinds.
And before the war, many cars were in front cowlings, and the engine in place of the current trunk. Well, what speed in the pre-war city allows such mischief.
- Now, of course, the pleasure of a sports car in the city do not get - the tone of the expert concluded Wasserman. - This is a car for suburban driving, and Europe is well aware.
To ask the question "what actually makes a connoisseur of the automobile industry in the train," Anatoly sighed:
- I am very scattered, so often I leave in their thoughts that have lost contact with the world. This can result in the fact that I can then five years be alone with yourself and your thoughts. I was not happy about the prospect. Here again Gopnik tightened.
Realizing that Wasserman good, like a sofa Pei, and it literally can wag of Bryl, they began to offer him outright nonsense.
One example brought his shirt rock band and tried to give her, wearing a waistcoat over legendary. On the t-shirt of some possessed in the form of a striped prisoner tried to squeeze through the bars of a prison cell. Puddles of blood and obscene inscriptions were applied.
- No, thanks! - I said Wasserman.
Drunk musician offended and Poper with redoubled energy, "Well, as a gift!»
- No, thanks! - His voice sounded Wasserman metal.
From conflict to save a voice came from the speaker, "Moscow!».
Wasserman closed the book, put it in a suitcase big chocolate bar.
I came for an empty truck vendor, without saying "thank you", elegantly moved his frail shoulders TV guru aside, jumped onto the platform and the empty truck rumbling again zabubnil.
- Alcoholics terms of some alcoholics. And only this, a waistcoat of the TV - meanie!
Well, there is no harmony in the world, what could be done here .......