Goats in a swoon: 25 facts about the animals that are capable of
Animals are not as predictable as you might think! Sometimes they are able to throw something totally unexpected ... 1. Goats in obmoroke
This domestic goat, known as myotonic who have panic attacks as a result of the muscles are paralyzed for about ten seconds. Usually it ends with the goat falls on its side.
2. Cows eat, lined up in one napravlenii
More precisely, they take one of two directions: either the north or south, but never - east or west. Scientists have not yet found out the reason.
3. Smoking
Yes, even animals can become dependent on this habit, which demonstrated the case of the Tories, the Indonesian orangutan. Zoo workers are dealing with tantrums Tori if she does not get her daily cigarette.
4. Fighting shimpanze
Most animals fighting, but chimps do it, "a human being". They know how to use the element of surprise, apply different combat tactics, seize territory.
5. Daring elephants podrostki
Over the past few decades, it became known that the young elephants in Africa found and killed several rhinos for no apparent reason. Park rangers decided to establish a program of "big brother" - to connect to a pair of younger and older elephants, who were able to teach younger colleagues wits and prevent attacks. It sounds unlikely, but the program acted and the level of destruction of rhinos fell.
6. Blood slёzy
Maybe flowing blood is not the best defense mechanism, but zhabovidnaya lizard has adapted to use it, blowing a jet of blood from his eyes.
7. Grief and pogrebenie
Elephants observe some human rituals related to death. It is known that they regularly visit the graves, interred the dead, and even "mourn" spending time around the body of a dead kinsman.
8. Rear hod
Bald mole rats live their lives in total darkness and therefore are born completely blind. But they can run back with the same speed as the forward.
9. its hidden obidy
The Ravens have the ability to remember people's faces, and if they really dislike you, they just do not forget. Scientists fished crows for research, made the discovery when they noticed that the birds croak them wherever researchers headed. Using masks, they realized that the Ravens actually harbor a grudge against people who they once caught. It is noteworthy that their chicks later continued to pursue offenders parents.
10. Fecal privlekatelnost
Hippos attract mating partners via urination and defecation occurring simultaneously.
11. Monkey alkogoliki
Vervet monkey, or a dwarf green monkey living in St. Kirsi, over the past few hundred years addicted to alcohol because of the regular use of fermented sugar cane. Recently, the monkey began to steal alcohol from the local resorts.
12. Stand on rukah
Spotted skunk doing a handstand to scare off a predator.
13. Cows with suicidal naklonnostyami
Although scientists have always been difficult to establish that the animals could go on suicide recently in Switzerland a lot of cows mysteriously dropped from a cliff to his death.
14. Ring smerti
Army ant blind and therefore follow the smell of their brethren to get to the nest. Sometimes a chemical trace of a large group of ants can form a loop. In this case, army ant will follow in a circle endlessly as long as tightly fall from exhaustion.
15. Superhvatka
Shrimp-chuck, it is considered the loudest animal in the sea. To stun its prey, it beats claws at supersonic speed. The loud sound of an acoustic wave created by clicking - so powerful that it is able to stun their prey. Particularly striking that the temperature of the water for a moment, close to the temperature on the surface of the sun.
via mixstuff.ru/archives/87653

This domestic goat, known as myotonic who have panic attacks as a result of the muscles are paralyzed for about ten seconds. Usually it ends with the goat falls on its side.
2. Cows eat, lined up in one napravlenii

More precisely, they take one of two directions: either the north or south, but never - east or west. Scientists have not yet found out the reason.
3. Smoking
Yes, even animals can become dependent on this habit, which demonstrated the case of the Tories, the Indonesian orangutan. Zoo workers are dealing with tantrums Tori if she does not get her daily cigarette.
4. Fighting shimpanze

Most animals fighting, but chimps do it, "a human being". They know how to use the element of surprise, apply different combat tactics, seize territory.
5. Daring elephants podrostki

Over the past few decades, it became known that the young elephants in Africa found and killed several rhinos for no apparent reason. Park rangers decided to establish a program of "big brother" - to connect to a pair of younger and older elephants, who were able to teach younger colleagues wits and prevent attacks. It sounds unlikely, but the program acted and the level of destruction of rhinos fell.
6. Blood slёzy

Maybe flowing blood is not the best defense mechanism, but zhabovidnaya lizard has adapted to use it, blowing a jet of blood from his eyes.
7. Grief and pogrebenie

Elephants observe some human rituals related to death. It is known that they regularly visit the graves, interred the dead, and even "mourn" spending time around the body of a dead kinsman.
8. Rear hod

Bald mole rats live their lives in total darkness and therefore are born completely blind. But they can run back with the same speed as the forward.
9. its hidden obidy

The Ravens have the ability to remember people's faces, and if they really dislike you, they just do not forget. Scientists fished crows for research, made the discovery when they noticed that the birds croak them wherever researchers headed. Using masks, they realized that the Ravens actually harbor a grudge against people who they once caught. It is noteworthy that their chicks later continued to pursue offenders parents.
10. Fecal privlekatelnost

Hippos attract mating partners via urination and defecation occurring simultaneously.
11. Monkey alkogoliki

Vervet monkey, or a dwarf green monkey living in St. Kirsi, over the past few hundred years addicted to alcohol because of the regular use of fermented sugar cane. Recently, the monkey began to steal alcohol from the local resorts.
12. Stand on rukah

Spotted skunk doing a handstand to scare off a predator.
13. Cows with suicidal naklonnostyami

Although scientists have always been difficult to establish that the animals could go on suicide recently in Switzerland a lot of cows mysteriously dropped from a cliff to his death.
14. Ring smerti

Army ant blind and therefore follow the smell of their brethren to get to the nest. Sometimes a chemical trace of a large group of ants can form a loop. In this case, army ant will follow in a circle endlessly as long as tightly fall from exhaustion.
15. Superhvatka

Shrimp-chuck, it is considered the loudest animal in the sea. To stun its prey, it beats claws at supersonic speed. The loud sound of an acoustic wave created by clicking - so powerful that it is able to stun their prey. Particularly striking that the temperature of the water for a moment, close to the temperature on the surface of the sun.
via mixstuff.ru/archives/87653
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