The signs of a person found in animals

Although man is the most intelligent creature in nature, it is not the most strong and fast. Many animals are endowed with feelings which can not know the person. For example, the vision of birds much better than humans, turtles are able to sense electricity, and sharks are able to detect a magnetic field. What is so special endowed people? We present the characteristics that make us special.
We use language to Express their needs, ideas, thoughts and desires. Many groups have developed their own languages. They, like everything else, change over time. Many species of animals also have their own languages to communicate with each other. For example, squid, whales, birds and primates use specific words to represent specific objects or actions. But in the language of chimpanzees, there is not only syntax, but also grammar.
The use of tools.
Man and other living beings are distinguished by the ability to use different tools. The man was able to build not only housing, but also the city. People use tools to work the land. Invented not just writing, but also managed to make a flight into space. For many centuries mistakenly believed that man is the only creature who is able to use various tools. Today we know that this opinion is not correct. To use tools capable of not only primates, but also elephants, crows and dolphins. And octopus join the list.

For many centuries it was thought that only man is endowed with consciousness. It is not difficult to believe that, for example, a jellyfish is not able to realize himself as an individual living organism. She's not capable of any thoughts. Jellyfish have only primitive instincts. To prove that not only man is endowed with self-awareness, managed with the help of the test mirror. Those animals which are endowed with consciousness, are able to understand that the movements that are reflected in the mirror, are their own. As shown by the test, consciousness is endowed with all the great apes, magpies, some species of whales, elephants, and some members of the Gibbons. Interesting fact: infants are not able to pass this test until they turn 18 months.

At all people, there is culture. It includes not only activities, but also behavior that is not genetically transmitted. Agree, many human cultures are of great interest to us. To a certain activity had the right to be called a culture, it is necessary to pass from individual to individual. It should not be forgotten. It is also necessary to carry her along through the generations. Primates, many of them have not only their culture, but also a certain tradition. Chimpanzees, for example, rain dance, and Japanese macaque discovered the tub of hot water springs in 1963.

No wonder we are called Homo sapiens. One can think of. Intelligence – the ability to learn, to reason, to think, to plan and evaluate. As proved by scientists, not a single person endowed with intelligence. For example, elephants are able to use arithmetic, and the pigeons are many times better than a man versed not only in the recognition of geometric objects, but in visual search. But the ants with amazing accuracy able to determine the number of their enemies.

For anybody not a secret that people – highly skilled construction workers. After all, no animal can, for example to build a skyscraper. But many of them also know how to build, and not bad at all. Rabbits and foxes, for example, road hole. Build sturdy nests not just birds but also primates. But ants are able to subdue and cultivate the trees as they need. Nigerian termites are – the most skilled builders among animals. Their termite mounds include not only heating and cooling but also ventilation. They build sewers, gardens, basements and highways. To give you an idea: termite about the size of half a centimeter, and the size of their termite mounds can exceed 4 meters. Imagine: people would build a building the size of which exceeds 1.5 kilometers.

Mental ability of a person is that he is able to capture coming from all the sense organs information at the right time to use it. This suggests that man is endowed with the ability to remember. However, this ability to have animals. Here is a good example: the dog is able to memorize a lot of commands. The ravens easily remembered form. How much better students to remember numbers and pictures. Proteins endowed with incredible spatial memory: they are worth nothing to remember where they were a month ago hid their seeds or food.
Humor can be considered the main entertainment of many people. Humor creates laughter. That chimp has a very similar concept. They decided to tickle each other, thus producing an incomparable sounds of laughter. They can also find fun and particular situation.

Emotion is an integral part of human life. We are able to experience a variety of emotions: grief, frustration, joy, confusion, panic and other. People who have Pets will not deny that often observed for the expression of love, fear, desire and many other emotions of animals. For example, the octopus, not infrequently depressed, and Dolphin, when killed young, shows a bright grown emotions of grief. Monkeys have a very strong jealousy, and reptiles could compete with the man in curiosity.

Source: mif-facts.com.ua
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